on my own part 38

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Chapter 37 separation anxiety for both father and son part 1

Ricky's POV

"Alright John we have everything we need. For Daddy I have my homework , sheet music , drumsticks , gym clothes , deodorant , fully charged cell phone , wallet , portable cellphone charger, water bottle , USB stick and my lunch packed in my bag. For you, John I have a change of clothes , a blanket , a change pad , diapers , your favorite teddy bear blanket toy , another change of clothes , your extra diapers , baby wipes , plastic diaper bags, pacifier wipes , your food for the day ,more toys , hand sanitizer , extra blanket, your pacifier , burp cloths , a wet bag , plastic gloves for the daycare teachers to use for when they are changing your clothing or your diaper . oh and emergency contact information. Yes I think that should be everything we need." I Tell John reading the the master list out loud once more just to make sure there's nothing missing. I look over at him he sitting on my hip playing with the zipper of the diaper bag. " Hey Buddy no no be careful with that , we don't want any of your stuff to fall out and get lost." I tell him as I gently remove his hands from the bag and zip it up again. "Whaaaaaaaaa waaa whaaaaaaa" John starts to cry. Over the last few weeks I have been trying to teach John the word and concept of NO. Well let's just say he is not been too happy during the lessons. "Shh shhh listen John I know it's tough but you need to learn that when Daddy says the word NO and tells you not to do something it means that you are not allowed to do it." I say trying to explain to John , of course I know he doesn't really understand what I am trying to teach him but I also know that in time he will learn , at least I hope so. " come on John it's time to go , if we don't leave now you are going to be late for for the nursery and Daddy is going to be late for his first class of the day at school." I say to him as I carefully adjust the position I am holding him in so is that he is on the other side of me and lock the door. when we get to the car I pull up my keys and unlock it. I dropped my School backpack and John's diaper bag on the floor below the back seats. Then I quickly but carefully place John in his car seat. after that I make sure that John is safely strapped in before I close the door behind me. then I quickly make my way to the driver seat and open the door once I am in and I put my seatbelt on we are on our way to the church nursery.  "Okay John , just relax we will be there soon." I say to him as I turn into a street. The red stop light we are sitting in front of seems to be taking forever to turn green. Lucky for us once I make the turn we will only be about ten minutes away from the church nursery and  then another 25 minute drive to my highschool. I drove into the parking lot of the church Nursery and searched for a parking space. Once I found one I carefully and safely parked my car. When I got out I quickly went around to the back and opened the sliding door. Then I unbuckled John from his car seat. After he was safely and my arms I quickly leaned down to grab his diaper bag. " Whaaaa Whaaaa Whaaaa" John began to cry out . "Okay bud come on let's go." I told him as I quickly locked the car and slung the diaper bag over my free shoulder. Once I lifted John up out of his carseat I realized that he needed to be changed. "Whaaaa Whaaaa Whaaaa Whaaaa" John continued to cry out. "Shh Shh Shh Shh Shh it's allright , don't worry little man , just relax when we go inside daddy will make sure to get you a new diaper." I said trying to reassure him. I pushed the accessibility button so the door what open automatically and then we proceeded to the  entrance of the nursery. " hello Mr. Underwood, and how are you and John doing today?" The receptionist asked us.  " well, I guess you could say that we have been better. I'm sorry, excuse us for a moment please. Somebody needs a diaper change."  I told her turning to face a fussy John.  "Oh, alright if you like I can call someone down here look after him for you so you can get going?" He offered me. John continued to cry. He had buried his face into my shoulder and had grabbed on to me very tightly with his little hands. I could tell that today was going to be a very difficult morning for him to say " goodbye" to me. I quickly glanced up at the clock while I gently swayed him side to side in hopes that it would help calm him at least a little bit.  " no, no it's alright I've got it." I told her. We made our way to one of the many secluded changing stations on the first floor of the building. I had closed the door behind us as to give us some privacy. "Whaaaa whaa whahha Whaaaa Whaaaa Whaaaa whaaa whaaa whaa" John continued crying out. "Shhh shhhhh it's alright buddy." I put John's bag down and then I carefully laid him down on the changing table always being careful to keep a steady hand on him so he wouldn't roll over and fall.

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