On my own part 21

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Chapter 20 confessing secrets

Ricky pov

You know what ? Nevermind Amy what are you doing here at all ? What the hell's going on ? I asked her both surprised and heartbroken . Ricky please just let us come in ? I will explain everything I promise she told me . fine ! You can come in I said. Let me just go put John down in his crib I told them . No Ricky please let me see him ? She begged me. Not a chance I said and then brought John to the nursery.

Amy pov

I'm not surprised that Ricky won't let me see John I whispered to Ashley . Neither am I she whispered back. Come on amy get real . What did you think was going to happen ? Did you think that you were just going to show up on his doorstep in the middle of the night and then to have a relationship with your son that you abandoned no more than a few months ago ? Hello wake up ! I don't see any Mother of the Year awards coming your way! she yelled at me . You have to be honest with him about what happened she said. You have to do everything on his terms . You are the one that left John with him ashley said. Okay, okay I know, I know just please stop lecturing me I demanded . She took a deep breath and then rolled her eyes at me . Alright whatever you say she said in her usual sarcastic tone . Just then we were interrupted by both the sound of John crying loudly and Ricky singing to him . shsh its okay , it's alright I heard him say. Little man that's alright daddy's here . It's bedtime I heard him say . No more than a few minutes later John stopped crying . I'm assuming he fell asleep . I guess he put him down in the crib . In that moment I knew that I did the right thing . In that moment I knew that John had been taken care of well over the past 2 months and I knew that he would it be alright for the rest of his life . I knew all this because he had Ricky . Just then Ricky came in and sat on the couch across from me and Ashley .

Ricky pov

I went out to go and see Amy and Ashley . Being the overprotective parent that I am I made  sure never to Be too far away from the nursery door where John was sleeping . i sat down, always keeping my eye on the door. so are you going to make these late night vits a habit ? I asked her. why is your sister here this time ? she took a deep breath and oppened her mouth but no words came out. Oh that's what I thought I said with a smirk . She wiped the tears out of her eyes . Ashley turned to her and rolled her eyes . Oh come on amy she said. Just tell him already and then we can go home she complained . Tell me ? Tell me what ? What the hell do you want to tell me amy ? I asked getting more irritated by the minute . Fine I'll tell him ! She yelled at Ashley . Amy shut the hell up . I just got John down I hissed . Everyone was silent for a moment. We were interrupted by John crying . Oh great now he's awake I said. It's going to take me forever to get him down again I vented. I'll be back I said. Thanks a lot amy I sarcastically muttered under my breath loud enough so she can me . We heard that Ashley yelled back . Oh I'm sure you did I chuckled . I quickly walked to the nursery door . when I entered the room I lifted him up out of his crib. Shsh it's alright little man I said. Daddy's here , daddy's here I tried to comfort him . Daddy is very sorry that we woke you up I told him as I glanced up at amy from the door . Eventually it became quite clear to me that John wasn't planning on falling asleep anytime soon . That meant I would have to take him out into the living room and satisfy amy pleads . The only reason and I was going to do this is because there's no way that I felt comfortable leaving him alone in the nursery while he was awake and while the girls were here . After I quickly changed to his diaper I lifted him up and wrapped my protective arms around him . Aright come on buddy it's time to go and see what your mommy wants I told him. To my surprise he had no reaction to the sound of amy's name. I guess after all it has been more than two months since he's seen her . I would be shocked if he actually remembered her . Amy hasn't been in John's life for more than half of his life .  Alright you have my full attention I said sitting down across from them with john cradled tightly in my arms . I'm sorry I mean you have our full attention I corrected myself looking down at John .  oh hi John mommy missed you so much amy beamed . John started crying . What's wrong ? Amy asked. He gets fussy when people that he doesn't know very well are around I explained to her. What do you mean ? He knows me she said . Seriously? Amy he doesn't remember you I said. You haven't been around in two months . That's a long time for a 3 month old I told her. Anyway can someone please tell me what's going on ? I asked agitated . I stood up and started gently swaying John side to side to keep him as calm as possible . Amy took another deep breath as I Sat down .

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