on my own part 37

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Chapter 35 a long night for John

Later that night

Ricky's POV

When our date ends I drop Bella off at her house and then go and pick up John from Amy's place.  When I pull up in her driveway I got out of the car and walk up the front steps. Upon arriving I ring the doorbell. When the door opens I am greeted not only by Ashley but also by the sound of my crying son , who unfortunately also happens to be nowhere in sight. "Hi Ricky , come on In" Ashley greets and then gestures for me to step inside the house.  "Hey Ashley" I say to her and then do so.  "So what's going on? Why is John so upset?" I asked her.  She clears her throat and then begins to speak as we walk into their living room. " actually , I'm not too sure myself" she begins to say and then I cut her off by asking " what do you mean you're not sure?" She glares at me as we walk down the hallway and then she continues to speak again.    "When I left  them alone together ,  no more than 20 minutes ago I might add. Everything is fine , John was sound asleep in his swing and Amy what is sitting on the couch contently watching a marathon of that stupid reality TV show that she loves so much America's Got Talent." She tells me. I give give her a sympathetic Smile as we turn the corner into the living room.  " John come on please stop it , Mommy doesn't like when you play with her oxygen tubes sweetie."  we hear Amy telling John who is contently sitting in her lap as he repeatedly reaches up and pulls the tubes connected to the oxygen tank out of Amy's nose. At this point it is abundantly clear to me why John is crying so loudly. He wants to do something and Amy it's not allowing him the option of doing it. " Hey there." I I wave and give a small smile.  " Amy as you can see Ricky is here to pick John up and take him home." Ashley Tells her.  " I am so sorry!! I'm afraid he's a little too young do you understand the word no yet. it looks like you could use a break , here let me take him."  I offer a tired looking Amy.      She sighs and gives me a small smile. " that's okay and thanks Ricky , I guess you're right." She tells me. I walk closer to her and gently lift a very fussy John out of her lap and into my arms.  As soon as I lift up John and hug him tightly so with that he is snuggled in close to my body , I immediately begin to sway side to side without even giving it a second thought.  "Shh , Shh you're alright little man. Daddy's here , Daddy's here." I whisper to John as I continue to sway side to side. Thankfully the combination of both the swaying side to side and the sound of my voice helps to soothe him into a much more calm however not fully calm state. Luckily as long as I continue to sway side to side and periodically talk to him , He remains relatively speaking happy with all things considered that is. " So how was he? Did he give you guys any trouble after I left?" I asked Amy and Ashley after I settled him.  "well as soon as you left him with us he was quite fussy but after we got everything sorted out John began to relax." Amy told me. "I see." I said. After a while of engaging in some small talk with the girls it was becoming more and more evident by the second that John was both completely disinterested and growing increasingly overtired.  " Shh I know , I know." I say to John in the hope that hearing the sound of my voice will soothe him. Unfortunately that's not what ended up happening. No, instead the sounds of John's cries just grew louder and louder. " alright guys, look it's getting late and we better get going."  I told Amy and Ashley. They both smiled in understanding. Ashley got up and handed me the diaper bag.  " alright, alright we are going to go home now." I told John who didn't seem any happier than he was before about the news.  " yes that's right we're going home , but little man first before we do could you be a good boy for Daddy and wave bye bye to Mommy and Auntie Ashley?" I asked him. there was a pause and then all of a sudden he became very shy and hit his face in my shirt. "I guess that's a no then." I say and then chuckle. John lays his head on my one shoulder , his face still buried in my shirt and I swing the diaper bag over on the other shoulder. Ashley gets up and walks us back to the front door. The whole way there John continues crying.  " thanks again for taking care of him tonight. I really appreciate you staying with Amy to help her out." I tell Ashley.  "No problem , it was my pleasure. I also really enjoyed spending the evening with my nephew." She says as we approach the front door. I smile at John and suddenly. I remember how cold it is outside. He is only wearing a onesie and very light pajama bottoms. I switch his position on my shoulder slightly so with that I can access the open diaper bag more easily.  Without looking I use my free hand to search inside the bag. Diapers? No bottle? No I silently say to myself. " there it is." I say aloud. Ashley has a confused look on her face. Just then  I pull out a rather large fuzzy blanket covered in the Superman emblem. The extremely soft materiale blanket was a gift from my parents to John. They told me the reason why it was Superman themed was because when I was first placed with them I was  10 years old and totally obsessed with the Superman movies and comic books. they told me that they thought John might like Superman as well when he gets older of course. I unfold the blanket and carefully wrapped. It around him.  "There you go little man. Hopefully this should keep you nice and warm at least until we get you in the car." I tell him. When we get outside John continues to cry even louder then before.  "Shh buddy I know it's cold out here but don't worry  you will be in the car before you know it." I tell him as I quickly but carefully walk down the steps to Amy's driveway where my car is parked. Once I get down the stairs I quickly readjust the strap of the diaper bag which is sitting on my shoulder so it doesn't fall. John is still comfortably clinging onto me as both my body heat and the blanket he is wrapped in protect him from the cold wind. I quickly unlock the car and open the door to the back seat. Immediately I dropped the diaper bag on the floor in front of John's car seat. Then I carefully but quickly unwrap John from the Superman blanket. "Shh Shh ohh I know , I'm so sorry little man but Daddy  will do this just as fast as he is able to." I tell him as the cold air hits his small body all at once. I temporarily throw the Superman blanket on to the other seat so that I can safely buckle John into his car seat. As soon as I know he is safely strapped in I grab the Superman blanket and then I place it over him to keep him warm. then I place a kiss on his forehead before closing the car door. I quickly open the door to the driver side and get in. Once I put on my seatbelt I back out of the driveway and we are on our way home. Unfortunately John is still quite fussy , although I am hopeful that the combination of him being warm and the motion of a car moving will help to soothe him. The drive from Amy's house to my apartment is by no means long but it feels like it's taking forever to get there. Maybe it's because I'm tired? maybe it's because John is obviously tired and he's not afraid of telling me about how he is feeling. from the moment I strapped him into the car seat until the moment I pull into the apartment complex parking lot the crying never stopped. Once I park the car I get out of the driver's seat and open up the door to the back seat.  "Okay , okay little man you're alright. Daddy's here, Daddy's here." I tell him as I first grab the diaper bag and swing it over my shoulder and then carefully adjust the Superman blanket so that it is around him again. Once I finish I gently lift him up out of vhis car seat and once again back into my arms.  "Alright then , is that better now?" I asked him and then kiss the top of his head before locking the car.  " yeah you love it when daddy carries you in his arms don't you?" I asked him obviously not expecting an answer. He leans into my body so that he is virtually in the same position as he was before. I carefully yet quickly walk with him Security in my arms up to the apartment. "I think that somebody needs a diaper change." I tell John when I am about halfway up the stairs to the apartment. When we finally reach the top up the stairs I quickly pull my keys out of my pocket so with that I can unlock the door. Once we are inside I lay John down in his swing. Instantly I can tell that he is not thrilled buy this at all.  " Daddy just needs a few minutes to take off his coat and shoes and then he'll get you changed." I say to John who is crying in his swing. I quickly remove my Outdoor Clothing and then lift him up into my arms. "Shh, Shh, Shh alright John now let's go and get you changed." I  tell him as we walk to the Nursery. When we finally get there I walk over yo the changing station that I have set up. After swaying side to side with John in my arms for a few moments I attempt to lay him down on the changing table. Unfortunately he appears to be resisting this.  he tightly clung to my shoulder as I repeatedly attempted to gently place him down on the changing table so that I could change his diaper. "Shh , come on little man I know you're tired but you're not making it easy for Daddy to change you." I say to John as he finally allows me to lay him down. Once I get him settled , well as settled down as possible I start by removing his green colored pajama bottoms and then I open up his diaper. I see that he has pooped which I already knew he had anyways. I knew he had as soon as he had done so because I could smell it while I was carrying him up the stairs to the apartment. I quickly lift up his legs to both prevent him from sticking his feet and the dirty diaper and also to help me access his bottom more easily. Just before I start to wipe him he begins to pee. Luckily before I started the diaper changing process I made sure that a fresh clean diaper was already out and open. I did this anticipating something like this might happen. I quickly grab the front of the clean diaper and fold it over so it covers his penis. I finish changing his diaper and then I remove the onesie that he is wearing and replace it with a fresh set of pajamas.  " there you go little man , all clean." I say to John as I lift him up back into my arms once again. He continued to cry even once I was holding him. I started to sway side to side once again hoping that it would help to calm him down. "Shh alright little man now that you have a clean diaper and fresh pajamas on it's time for you to go to sleep." I say to him. As I continue to sway side to side I glanced up at the clock and his room. The time reads 12 o'clock a.m. "no wonder you are so fussy little man , it's way past your bedtime." I tell him. He clings on to me as I continue to sway side to side with him in my arms for a little while longer.  Eventually my legs grow tired so I sit down in the rocking chair. "Shh Shh I know little man , you're so tired but you don't know what to do with herself."  I say to a crying John. I continually rock him back and fourth. While I rock him I gently rub his back.  unfortunately after a while it is clear that this isn't helping John to fall asleep. So instead I stand back up  and once again I begin to sway side to side. When the swaying doesn't seem to be helping him to fall asleep either I decide maybe a change of scenery it's what he needs. So I  leave the nursery and walk around the entire apartment with him in my arms. Finally after about an hour  switching from walking around 2 swaying and then to rocking and the rocking chair John is asleep. Carefully as not to disturb him and possibly wake him up again I slowly stand up from the rocking chair and gently Place him inside his crib. " goodnight little man. Sweet dreams. Daddy loves you so much !" I whisper to him and then give him a kiss on his forehead before I leave the room.   once I finish settling John down and putting him too bad for what I hope is the rest of the night I go to my bedroom and try to get some sleep before I have to wake up again. When I crawl into bed and look at the clock on my nightstand I realize that if John gets up at his usual time 6 o'clock a.m. then I only have about four hours to sleep. Great , just great. Oh well at least tomorrow is Saturday  which means  that I can relax at home with John all day. I think to myself.  "Waa Whaaaa whaa whaaaaaa whaaa" I hear through the baby monitor that's sitting on my nightstand. I open my eyes and glance up at the clock to check the time. Seriously I think to myself when I realized it has only been about half an hour since I put put John down to sleep in his crib. I sit up in bed for a few moments before fully waking up. I want to wait and see if he will settle himself down and fall back asleep. "Whaaaaaaa Whaaaa whaaaaa Whaaaa Whaaaa" John continued to cry. No , I guess not. I silently think to myself. " alright John , Daddy's coming." I call out to him as I get out of bed and walk to the nursery.  When I get there he is still profusely crying and lying down in his crib. " Hey there , Buddy what's going on? Why are you so upset? Hum? What do you need Daddy to do?" I asked him as I lifted him up from the curb and into my arms. "Shh Shh you're alright , Daddy's here, Daddy's here." I whispered to him as I swayed side to side. Soon after lifting him up and holding him for a while I realized that once agin he needed his diaper changed.  " Shh , Shh alright little man Daddy will change you." I tell him as I walk over to the changing station. I quickly make sure that I have all of the necessary supplies that will be needed. Diapers , wipes , diaper rash cream , a change of clothing for John. Yes I think that's all I need I say to myself in my head. "Okay , okay buddy daddy is going to change your diaper now." I tell him then I lay him down on the changing table. I open up a clean diaper and set it down underneath him. This will help to prevent any surprises and contain the mass. The last thing I need is John peeing all over me and himself. once I make sure that I have everything set up that needs to be I remove his pajama bottoms and then open up the dirty diaper. Once it is open I realize that he has pooped again. I remove the dirty diaper and put it into the garbage. Then I grab a baby wipe and begin to wipe his bottom. During this process I began to sing to him as I usually did every time I changed his diaper.  "Alright then little man we are all done and you're all clean." I say to him if I lift him up. I begin to sway side to side to try to get him to settle down and fall asleep. eventually after a combination of swaying side-to-side for a little while and rocking him back and forth and the rocking chair for a little while he slowly begins to relax and then falls asleep. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead and  slowly and gently lowered him down into his crib. I put  his blanket back on him so that he would stay nice and warm. before I left the room I whispered to him.  "Goodnight little man. Sweet dreams ,  Daddy loves you do much!" Then I left the room and went back to bed myself.

On my own a The Secret Life of the American teenager fanfiction storyWhere stories live. Discover now