on my own part 36

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Chapter 34 making it all work

Amy's POV

I can't believe I actually thought John was Fussy when Ricky brought him over here and dropped him off. Why do I say that? Well the amount of crying and fussiness John displayed when Ricky was here was nothing compared to how he reacted after Ricky left. "Waaawaa waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA waaawaa WAAAWAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" John Cried Out hysterically. " Ashley you're the one holding him! Don't just stand there like an idiot holding I'm out of control crying infant!" I said rather loudly so that I could be heard over Johan's fussiness. " seriously Amy I don't know what to do! You're his mother why don't you do something to make him shut up!" She yelled at me. " okay, okay John are you hungry? Would you like Auntie Ashley to make a fresh bottle so that Mommy can feed you?" I asked him as I slowly but surely made my way to where Ashley was standing holding John. "WAAAWAA waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa waaawaa." He continued crying. "I think that means yes. Ashley please would you mind? For me ?" I asked her while looking up giving her puppy dog eyes. " No Amy! I told you I am not doing anything FOR YOU tonight , I however would be more then happy to prepare a fresh bottle for my nephew to eat." She told me. " well then John says thank you to his Auntie Ashley." I told her. She sighed and gently placed a crying John in his swing before going into the kitchen to prepare his bottle. " you're so lucky you're cute , kid." Ashley whispered to John just loud enough so I could hear her. " hey I heard that!" I said. " Amy I know you did. I meant for you to hear it." She told me and then went to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch beside John's swing. I just sat there watching him. He was staring up at the ceiling and playing with his toys. I couldn't believe that he was a product every key and I's creation . I couldn't believe the reason that he was here on Earth was because Ricky and I spent one night together at band camp. He is and always will be my little miracle. At least when I am gone I know that he will be able to carry on my Legacy when he grows up, whatever Legacy that may be that is. "Hey Amy I've got John his bottle freshly made , are you ready to feed him?" Ashley asked. "Humm? Oh sorry Ashley I didn't hear you come in." I said as I kept my eyes locked to John . "Oh, well I was just saying that I have John's bottle ready for you to feed him." She said. There was a moment of silence between us before she began to speak to me again. " are you alright Amy? Do you want me to get you some pain medication or help you adjust your oxygen tank?" She asked me. "Oh no, no it's okay. I'm alright . I was just thinking......................... daydreaming I supposed." I said. " Amy are you sure you're alright?" She asked me once again. " yes Ashley of course I'm alright , well as alright as I will ever be I guess." I told her. "Okay if you say so Amy. Listen , he's already crying loud enough and let's face it it looks like that kid is going to lose it if he doesn't get something to eat soon." She says sarcastically as he looks over at a very fussy John. " you're right about that. I better get him something to eat. can you help me lift him up and Place him gently into my lap and help me to position him so with that I can properly and safely feed him?" I asked her. She gave me a slight nod and set the bottle down on the coffee table. Then she lifted John up out of his swing cradled him in her arms while she waited for me to get ready so that I am able to to hold him. After I feel I am in a good position she carefully hands me John and then passes the bottle to me afterwards. Finally I am able to begin feeding my son independently. Ashley left the room for a while so I could have some alone time with John before we start. " I'll be right back" Ashley says before she goes upstairs to get the video camera. When she comes back downstairs I am still sitting on the couch with John feeding him as he was getting fussy and could not wait to eat for Ashley to start filming .

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