On my own part 15

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Chapter 14 it felt like eternity

Ricky pov

Once the nurse told me that John needed to have a blood test as soon as possible I quickly jumped up from the rocking chair and followed her . She cradled A tightly swaddled John in her arms . What can I do to help ? I asked her once we got to a small room with a check up bad and a chair . Here you can hold John while I go and get the doctor she told me. Alright I said to her as she placed John securely in my arms . I know, I know buddy you're in pain I said to him . He laid his head on my shoulder and continued crying . We waited until the doctor and nurse arrived to examine John . Hello Mr underwood my name is doctor Stevenson he introduced himself holding his hand for me to shake it . Unfortunately he didn't realize that I was unable to because I had John in my lap . Alright well this must be Little John doctor said to me if he smiled at my son. Yes it is I told him. Alright now I need you to get John undressed so I can take a look at him Dr Stevenson told me . No problem I said as I stood up and went over to the check up table and laid him down . Alright buddy let's get your diaper off so the doctor can see what's going on with you okay I told him as I took off his pants and started undoing his diaper. John started freaking out as soon as I backed away to let the doctor take a look at him . Little man it's alright daddy's right here I said to him as I moved to the other side of the table he was lying on . I gently but firmly placed my hands on his shoulders and stomach to keep him from moving so that the doctor could give him a proper check up . After a few minutes of watching the doctor examine John I heard him say oh my. What? what do you mean by oh my? What's wrong with John ? I asked the doctor . Well I can't be 100% sure but I'm pretty confident that John has a blood infection the doctor said to me . Well what does that mean ? What we do ? I asked him as I changed John back into his diaper and close . Well first John needs to get a blood test the doctor told me. Once the results come back then we will know what's going on for sure he told me. Ill get the nurse to give it to him in a few minutes doctor told me. You can wait with him in here he said . Unfortunately right now I have to go and see another patient he told me that he left the room. Just so you are aware the blood test results should be back tomorrow he told me as he shut the door behind him . Thank you doctor I said . I spent the next 20 minutes trying to sooth John . It's alright little man daddy's right here I said to him. When rocking him back and forth was no longer helping him to come down I stood up and started swaying him to try to settle him . While we waited I gently swayed him side to side and quietly sang a soothing lullaby to him . Thankfully just then the nurse knocked on the door . I was beginning to worry because I knew 10 more minutes of singing to John would have made him fall asleep in my arms . Sorry about the wait the nurse says to me as she shut the door behind her . Alright let's see she said to me . What do you want me to do ? Do you want me to lay him back on the table or hold him in my lap ? I asked her . Whatever makes you the most comfortable . To be honest with you it makes no difference to me she said. All that really matters is that you make sure that he remains completely still she said. Alright I said . Can I quickly sat back down in the rocking chair and placed an extremely overtired John in my lap . I held him so that he was completely still . Alright here we go the nurse said . She knelt down and counted 1 , 2 , 3 okay we're all done she said . With that John let out an extremely loud scream . Okay buddy you're alright daddy's got you I said to him. He buried has had in my shoulder . Good job little man I said to him as I gave him a kiss on the head . That's it the nurse said . Alright I'm curious is there anything else I can do make John more comfortable ? I asked her . Well to be honest there's not a lot that you can do in the situation she told me . Actually there is one thing that you can do to help John she told me . Great what is it ? I asked her. You can make sure that you change his diaper as frequently as possible she told me . Be sure to change him even if he is not wet or dirty she said . When there is an infection in the area that the diaper covers there is a greater risk of John getting a diaper rash she told me. In addition to preventing diaper rash when you change him the cold moisture in the wipe is usually extremely soothing to the sore area she told me . Alright Thanks a lot for everything I told her . Then I headed back to the hospital room with John securely cradled in my arms . When we got back to the hospital room John continued crying . So I decided in an attempt to help relax him as much as possible I was going to change his diaper . It was my hope that it would help to provide some type of pain relief . Alright little man let's get you changed I told him as I laid him down on the changing table . Is that better ? I asked him as I begin wiping him . I think that and helped a little bit I thought to myself as I finished getting him dressed . Once he was as comfortable as possible considering the circumstances I swaddled him in a blanket and Sat in the rocking chair with John cradled in the comfort of my arms . I gently rocked him back and forward while singing him a soothing lullaby to try to get him to fall asleep .

Bella pov

When the cab arrived at my house I quickly pay the driver and rush inside . Once I lock my front door I fall to my knees and breakdown crying . I can't believe what just happened I think to myself. It's all my fault . If Ricky had have been with John instead of with me on that stupid date none of this what has ever happened . After a while I realize that my makeup is running down my face . I go to the washroom to wash my face . After I get cleaned up I decide that I should text Ricky and let him know that I got home alright . I go back out into the hall and grab my cell phone from my clutch .

Bella text to Ricky

Hey Ricky just wanted to let you know when I got home safely I had a really great time with you tonight except for you getting the call from your mom about John

Second text To Ricky from Bella

I hope that everything is alright with John I'm really sorry I can't help but feeling this is all my fault if you had have been with John instead of me maybe it wouldn't have happened :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Ricky pov

It felt like it took forever for John to fall asleep . However when he finally did I felt a sense of relief come over me . I sat down in the rocking chair after I placed my sleeping son in his crib . I decided to text my parents to let them know what was going on with John . After I finished texting them I noticed that I had a few messages from Bella . I quickly took a look at them and replied to them

Text from Ricky to Bella

Hey I feel the same way about our date it is not your fault don't blame yourself it could have happened when I was taking care of him

Second text message form Ricky to Bella

John isn't doing that well oh that's him he just woke up gtg ttyl night

I just finished texting Bella when I hard john crying. I got up from the rocking chair and went over to pick up John from his crib. Okay , okay shsh you're alright little man daddy,s right here. I swayed him side to side. It,s time to go to sleep buddy I said to him. I gently laid him back down into his crib. He resisted me placing him in his curb by tightly cleaning on to me . It's okay little man daddy,s right here. He,s not going anywhere I told him . After a long while of attempting to sooth him he finaly fell asleep.

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