On my own part 6

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Chapter 5 good friends

Adrian pov

I walked down the hall and saw grace and Jack . "Hey Adrian' grace says to me . "So did you call him ?" She asks me . "Did I call him?"I repeated the question back to her . "Oh yes I called him alright and guess what he told me"I said to her. "I don't know Adrian what did he tell you?" Grace asked. "Ricky told me that amy drop John off at 330 this morning and told him she could no longer handle the responsibility of being a teenage mother and then she placed John in his arms and walked out the door" I told her. "Oh my god Adrian I can't believe Amy would do something like that" grace said to me. "I know I can't believe it either" I said to grace. "After that I was completely honest with Ricky and I told him that I wasn't ready to handle the responsibility I'm being a teenage stepmother to his son and then we broke up"I told her. "Oh my god Adrian I'm so sorry that you and Ricky broke up"she said to me. "I know it's okay though"I said to her. "I thought it was the best thing to do especially considering what just happened to him" I said. "Okay I understand Adrian" grace said. "Adrian if you think that it was the best thing for you and Ricky to do then I totally agree with you and support you" grace said. "Thank you so much grace you're a good friend" I said to her. "You're welcome anytime" she said to me.

Grace pov

"I just wish there was something that I could do to help Ricky" I said after I hugged Adrian . "Wait I have an idea' I said . "Jack how about after school we go over to Ricky's apartment and surprise him?" I suggested to Jack. "Alright sure that sounds like a good idea grace" Jack said to me .

Ricky pov

I'm at the kitchen sync washing the dishes after I finished eating my breakfast. Just then John started crying . I set my plate in the sink and go over to him . "Hey buddy it's okay daddy's right here" I say to him. "What do you need ?"I asked him. He cries louder in response. "Let's see do you need to be changed ?" I asked him before checking his diaper . I realized that it was both wet and dirty . "Alright little man come on let's go and get you changed buddy" I say to him as I securely cradle him in my arms and start walking to the nursery . I lay him down on the changing table and started to get him undressed. After I get him changed we go back into the living room. Even after I got him changed John continued crying . "Buddy are you hungry ?" I asked him . He cried louder in response . "Alright then let's get you something to eat" I said to him as I walked into the kitchen with him in my arms . "I know, I know you're hungry" I said as I put him down in his swing . I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and heated up . While I was waiting for the bottle to heat up in the microwave I grabbed a burp cloth from the cupboard . I lifted John up and grabbed the fresh bottle from the microwave. John and I went back into the nursery . I sat down in the rocking chair with him cradled in my arms . I fed him his bottle and then I lifted him up on my shoulder to burp him . After I was finished feeding and burping John we went back to the kitchen to put the dirty bottle away . "Now John do you want to have some playtime ?" I asked him. He cooed in response . "Alright then buddy let's play !" I spread a blanket on the floor and grabbed a few soft toys for him to play with. I also grabbed a musical toy I saw in his playpen. I lied on down on his blanket and started to play with him . I push a button on the musical toy and it starts playing a song . John smiles and giggles in response to hearing the music play . "You like that buddy ?" I asked him . I continue to play with him for a while longer . After about 30 minutes I start to notice signs of John getting fussy . "Alright little man I think that it's time to have a nap" I say to him as I lift him up from the blanket. I gently sway him back and forth to try to calm him a little before going back into the nursery. I change his diaper again and then wrap him up and a blanket. I sat down in the rocking chair and slowly rock John back and forth . While I rock him I softly sing to him . I rock and sing to him until he falls asleep in my arms . Once John falls asleep I gently lay him down in his crib . I can't believe that I have been up since 330 in the morning I think to myself. I'm exhausted . I decide that since John is asleep now would be a good time to take a nap as well. "Good night daddy loves you so much" I say to John before leaving the room . I grab the baby monitor and head to my bedroom to get some rest .

Grace pov

I'm sitting in my last period class tapping a pencil on my textbook waiting for the bell to ring . As soon as it does I go to my locker and grab my stuff . I text Jack . I tell him that I am going to meet him at his car . Once I get there Jack gives me a kiss and then he asks me "are you ready to go surprise Ricky and John?" "Yes I sure am" I tell him in response. We get into the car and drive to Ricky's apartment .

Ricky pov

After about an hour and a half I am woken up by the sound of John crying . "Alright buddy daddy's coming" I call to him as I get out of bed . "Hey buddy did you have a nice nap ?" I ask him as I go over to his crib and lift him up out of it. He continues crying . "Oh little man you're alright" I say to him. "It's okay daddy will get you changed" I say to him. I lay him down on the changing table and change his diaper . As soon as John and I go back into the living room we hear a knock on the door . John is still crying in my arms . "Calm down buddy it's okay daddy is right here" I say to him. I answer the door with John in my arms . To my surprise I see Jack and grace . "Hey Jack , hey grace what are you doing here?" I asked them.

Grace and Jack pov

"Hello Ricky , hey John" we say to both of them. "Ricky May Jack and I please come in?" We say. "Yeah , sure I guess" Ricky Answers us . "I apologize for the mess and for John's fussiness" Ricky says to us . "No it's okay we totally understand we apologize for surprising you like this"we say to him. "No its okay don't worry about it" he says to us. "So what's up with you guys ?" He asks us . "Well Adrian told us what happened with Amy this morning" I said. "Yeah well to be honest I'm still in shock myself" he says to us. "I really feel bad for you Ricky and we were wondering if there's anything we can do to help you?" We asked him. "Well I appreciate the offer but I think John and I will be okay" Ricky says to us . "Alright then well we just wanted you to know that we are here for you if and when you need us" I said. "Thanks guys that really means a lot to both me and John" he says to us .

Ricky pov

I hard my phone go off. I set John down in his swing and got my phone out of my pocket to take a look at it . It was a reminder that I had made for myself . It said I had a therapy appointment with Dr fields in half an hour . "Oh my god I completely forgot about this" I said . "Ricky what's wrong ?"Grace asked me . "Well I have an appointment which doctor fields in half an hour" I told her. "I can't go but I really need to talk to him about what happened with Amy this morning . I have no one that can take care of John for me" I said.
"Oh well jack and I would be happy to babysit John for you if you would like us to" grace offered me . "Well I don't know" I said . "I have never left him alone with anyone else but my parents before" I said. "We Will be fine I promise" grace said . "Well have either of you had any experience looking after babies before?" I asked them . "Yes we do" grace answered me. "We both help out at the church nursery a lot" Jack said. "Okay then I would really appreciate it" I said. "Okay well I he just got up from him nap. I just finished getting his diaper changed when you guys come over. There are some fresh bottles in the fridge. All you have to do is heat them up . If he gets fussy just sit in a rocking chair in the nursery and rocking back and forth. While you are rocking him softly sing to him . It usually helps him to calm down . Okay well I should get going . I don't want to be late for my appointment with Dr fields" I say . I got up and grabbed my jacket . Then I went over to John's swing . I lifted him up out of it. "Alright John daddy's going to go out for a little bit . Now you be a good boy for auntie grace and Uncle Jack" I said to him. I gave him a hug and kissed him on his head before handing him to grace . "Don't worry everything will be fine Ricky" Jack said. "Alright thank you so much for looking after him guys I really appreciate it" I told them . "We know you do" grace said . "Wait a minute you guys have my cell phone number ?"I asked then. "Yes Ricky I have your cell phone number saved on my phone from when we were dating before John was born"grace said . "Alright then call me if anything happens" I said . "Goodbye John daddy loves you . I'll be back soon" I said to John before leaving .

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