On my own part 13

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Chapter 12 date night goes bad

Ricky pov

When I got home from my afternoon at the park with Bella I put John down for a nap. Once he was asleep I gave my mom a call to see if she and my dad would be willing to babysit John for me so that I could go out on a date with Bella. After while I of my mom and I talking she agreed to look after John for me so that I could go out on my date .

Bella pov

Later that night I got a call from Ricky . He told me that he had had a conversation with his mom . He said that she agreed to take care of John so that he and I could go out on a date. We planned to hang out next Saturday night . After I hung up the phone I put the date in my electronic calendar feature on my cell phone . I can't wait until next Saturday I thought to myself and they went to bed that night.

Ricky pov

The weekend couldn't come fast enough . Saturday morning finally came . Iwas a little tired because i had gotten up early with John that morning . I fed him and changed him . After he was already for the day I played with him until it was his nap time . once I had gotten him to fall asleep I gently placed him in his crib . With the knowledge of knowing John was sound asleep in bed I decided that now would be a good time to book a reservation to a relatively fancy yet extremely affordable restaurant . Once John had woken up from his nap I got him ready and his diaper bag packed so that I could take him over to spend the night with my parents . I didn't know for sure but I was pretty confident that John could tell that there was something different that was going to happen tonight I thought to myself. Alright buddy let's go and see grandma and Grandpa I said to him as I gently placed him in his car seat . Margaret and shaker are the best foster parents I could ever ask for I thought to myself as I terned on the street . I pulled into the driveway and got john out of his car seat. Hello son my mom said to me when came inside the house with john in my arms. Hey mom I said giving her a half hug. Hi sweetie she said to john. Alright mom well I have to get going I told her. Thank you so much for taking care of him. I really appreciate it I told her. I know you do Ricky she said to me.

I looked at the time. Oh great I am going to the be late. John started to get fussy. Its alright buddy I said to him. Daddy loves you and I will be back to get you soon I told him as my mom took him form my arms.

Bella pov

I am so nervous . Where is Ricky ? I wondered to myself as I patiently waited outside my house . just then I saw his car pull on to the driveway .

Ricky pov

I got out of the car and walked up to the porch to meet Bella. She looked breathtaking . She wore a purple dress with white ballerina flats and carried are yellow clutch . Wow Bella you look beautiful I told her . Thank You Ricky . You look pretty amazing yourself she told me . I helped her into the car and we drove to the restaurant . Once we got there a waiter showed us to the table we will be eating our meal at . We ordered our drinks and continued to get to know each other .

Margaret pov

Alright John it's okay I said to him. You are going to have fun with Grandma and Grandpa I told him. I know, I know you miss daddy but don't be worried because he will be back before you know it I told him. Now let's go play I said to him as shaker came over to me . Hey buddy he said to John . It's alright Margaret I can take him so you can make him up a bottle so he can eat shaker said to me . Shaker lifted John out of my arms . Alright honey that sounds like a good idea I told him as I made my way to the kitchen. I could hear John continue crying from the kitchen . Alright John grandma has something for you to eat I told him . I sat down on the couch and waited for shaker to bring John over to me . Okay buddy it's time for you to eat I told him as I attempted to feed him . John just started crying louder and wouldn't let me put the bottle into his mouth . At first I thought that the extreme fussiness was just because he was missing Ricky . Then after a while I realized he wouldn't go to bed even after I did his bedtime routine exactly the way Ricky normally get it . Eventually I decided to get shaker to help me check his temperature because I had a feeling that he might be sick . When we did the temperature check we found out that John had a very high fever . Shaker and I immediately looked at each other . Ill call Ricky I told him . You get John ready to take him to the emergency room I told shaker .

Ricky pov

I laughed at a joke Bella told me and then I took another bite of my food . Just then our conversation was interrupted by my cell phone ringing. Just give me one second Bella I told her . It's probably just my best friend Jack calling me to ask how the date is going I told her. Yeah no problem she said . I quickly looked at caller ID on my cell phone . It said you have an incoming call from mom . when I saw who is calling me I was a little worried and confused . Hey mom what's up? I asked her in a worried tone of voice. Hey Ricky look I'm really sorry to bother you on your date she said. No mom it's alright . Don't worry about it . Is there something wrong with John ? I asked her. Well from the moment you left at the beginning of the night John wouldn't stop crying she told me. At first I just thought it was because he was missing you and out of his daily routine he continued. But ? Mom what happened ? I asked her . Well your dad and I has figured out that John has an extremely high fever she said to me. Tears of worry and fear begin to stream down my face . Okay mom I said to her my voice filled with panic . Dad and I I'm going to take John to the local emergency room my mom told me. Alright Bella and I will be there as soon as we can I told her and then hung up the phone . I immediately got it from my seat and grabbed my coat . Come on Bella we have to go I told her as they headed toward the door. Wait Ricky what's wrong ? She asked me as she quickly paid for our meal and started following me at the door . I'll explain it to you and the car I told her. Right now we just have to go alright I said . As I drove as fast as I could to the emergency room I told Bella that John had a high fever and that unfortunately we had to cut our date short and meet my parents at the hospital . Alright Ricky calm down she said to me. I want you to know something she said to me. What's that ? I asked her as I continue to drive. I totally and completely understand that your main priority is and will always be your son she said to me. I also want you to understand that there is never any need to ever apologize because something happens when we are together she said . Thank You Bella I really appreciate that I said to her . It really means a lot to me that you understand my responsibilities when it comes to taking care of John I said to her. I'm so worried about John I said to her. I know you are she said to me. I tried to pul myself together as we got out of the car and entered the emergency room .

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