on my own part 31

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Chapter 29 getting into the Christmas spirit and the fight

Later The same day

Ricky's POV

"Alright John we're home!" I told him as I pulled into the parking garage of the apartment complex. He was fussy when I picked him up from Amy's house. He was also crying the whole way home. Amy said that despite both hers and her mother's best efforts they were unable to get John to fall asleep. "Come on buddy let's get you changed and down for a nap" I told him as we entered the apartment. Once we got in the door I quickly dropped my school bag, John's diaper bag, and the gifts Bonnie and Leo had given me earlier that day . "I know, I know you're tired" I say to John as he continues to cry. "Come on little man, daddy will make you feel all better" I tell him as I take him into the nursery . "waaawaa !!!"John screamed and cried even louder when I attempted to place him on the change table . "Okay, okay Shh everything's alright buddy daddy just needs to change your diaper" I told him as I laid him down on the change table. He continued the fussiness so I began to sing to him in hopes the sound of my voice would calm him down. After I finish changing his diaper I wrapped him up in a super soft plush blanket in Hope that it would help him to fall asleep faster. "Alright buddy , daddy is going to be right back" I told John as I carefully placed him inside of his crib . to no surprise of mine he completely started freaking out once I left the room and was no longer in his site. I quickly went out and grabbed his favorite teddy bear blanket from his diaper bag. I could hear John screaming and crying from the nursery. "Daddy's coming" I call out as I go to see him. "Shh there you go, you're alright little man" I say as I lift him up out of the crib. I leave his toy in the crib for when he falls asleep . "There you go" I say. "Is that better ?"I ask him. Unfortunately the fussiness just continues in response. "Shh daddy's here, daddy's here" I tell him as I sway side to side with John in my arms . After swaying him for while without any progress in him settling down I decide to go and sit down in the rocking chair and attempt to rock him to sleep. While I rock him I sing him a lullaby just slightly louder than the sound of his crying. Eventually when I look down at him in the middle of the chorus for the sixth time He is sound asleep in my arms. I lean down and place a soft kiss on his forehead before gently laying him down in his crib. "Goodnight John, Daddy loves you so much" I say. "Sweet dreams little man" I tell him before leaving the room. I go back downstairs and then I begin to work on my homework. I open up my backpack and grab my copy of the new novel I am reading for my English class. The new novel that my teacher has chosen to have us read is called Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Cinder is the first book in young adult Fairy Tail repelling series called the lunar Chronicles. Our assignment is to read the novel and compare it to the fairy tale it is based on. The classic fairy tale that Cinder is based on is Cinderella. Unfortunately because of my busy schedule of being both a full time student and a teen parent as well as holding down a part time job at the butcher shop. On top of all of that I still have to make sure that John not only as an import opportunities to spend quality time with me but also has the opportunities to spend important quality time with Amy and her family as well as my parents not to mention my good friends grace and Jack who also happened to be John's godparents . After all of that is said and done unfortunately it leaves very little time for me to have my my own personal social life not to mention time to myself. It's crazy!, I mean that is just my regular schedule. It's 100 times busier around this time of year because it is so close to the holidays. After about a half an hour or so of reading I hear a loud cry and put my book down to go and check on John. " Hey buddy what's up?" I asked John as I locked into his nursery. He just continued crying. I went over to the crib and lifted him up into my arms. He stopped crying after a while and I quickly changed him and then I rocked him back to sleep.

The next day

Ricky POV

I have been thinking a lot lately about my relationship with Bella. We have been going out for a while now and things have Been good. We still haven't had the sex yet. There has been so many times that I wanted to have sex with her. There has been so many times when I wished I could have sex with her just to satisfy my urges but then I think about my promise . When Amy left me to take care of John by myself I made him a promise. I promised my son that I wouldn't have sex with another woman until I was sure I was in love with her. Before Christmas I think it would be a good idea to have Bella meet both Amy and her family as well as my foster parents and Ethan. Before I introduce her to anyone I have to have a serious conversation with her. I think that it would be best if I talk to her in person instead of on the phone or through text messages. I get out my phone and decide to call my mom.

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