on my own part 29

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Chapter 27 family fun time !

Ricky's POV

After Amy finished feeding John his lunch we had some family play time between just the three of us. I carried John into the living room and started to get some toys out of the diaper bag for him to play with. Amy came in the room shortly afterwards. I slowly bent down and put John on the floor. Then I grabbed a blanket from the diaper bag and spread it across a section of the carpet. After I placed John safely on to the blanket. Then I started grabbing toys for him to play with. Amy came over and sat down on the couch in front of us as it was difficult for her to get down onto the floor. Once we were altogether Amy and I watched to see which toy John gravitated towards first. To no surprise of mine he eagerly grabbed his favorite teddy bear blanket that he never sleeps without. That's his absolute favorite toy I explained to Amy. It's crazy how much he is attached to that thing I said. I mean I can't put him to bed for the night or even down for a nap during the day if he doesn't have it I said. We never leave the house without it in tow and if we do well then I'm in trouble I told her with a laugh. Really? Is that right? She asked me. That's right I told her. Amy and I continued talking and playing with John for at least slightly over an hour longer. Unfortunately the family fun came to an end when John made it known to everyone that he was tired. he was happily lying on the blanket enjoying the upbeat rhythmic sounds one of his musical toys was making. When all of a sudden he started to freak out. He let go of the the toy he was holding and started waving his hands side to side and kicking his feet upward, while screaming and crying all at the same time. For a brief moment I was a little bit confused as to why John was so fussy all of the sudden. Then I glanced down at my watch. Crap! I said out loud. Ricky? What is it? What's wrong? Amy asked suddenly alert. It's passed John's usual nap time I explained to her. That's why he is so fussy right now I said while lifting him up off the blanket. Shh it's alright little man I shh I told him as I cradled him in my arms. I am so stupid I said. What do you mean? Amy asked me. You are not stupid Amy told me. Yes I am I said. Earlier today before I brought him over here to see you he took an unscheduled nap. So I thought that he would be alright to get through the afternoon without a rest I said. Obviously I was wrong I said. I should have been paying more attention when I saw that he was rubbing his as earlier. That's usually an indication that he is getting tired I explained to her. Ricky just relax Amy said. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes even parents she told me. I guess you're right about that but I still feel guilty I said. John and I should get going I said. Its getting late and as you can see I have to get him down for a nap I told her. Well actually we do still have a nursery set up she told me. Just after I left John with you my mom found out that she was pregnant so we decided to keep everything the same so that we would be ready for when the new baby is born Amy said. Really? I asked her. Yes really I said. Why is it that having the nursery still status is so surprising to you? She asked me. I thought that you would have gotten rid of everything in your sister's old bedroom and she would move back into it I said. I thought that it would be too painful for you to have all of John's stuff so close to you and not have him be a part of your life I said. But to be honest that is only half the reason why I am so surprised I said. I can't believe your mom is pregnant I told her. Yeah well it was painful to have the nursery set up and John not being the one who was using it she said. But after we found out the news about my mom it just sort of made sense I guess she said. Anyway you can put him down for a nap in the nursery if you like you told me. Alright that sounds like a good idea I told her. Come on little man its time for your nap I told John as I stood up with him in my arms and made my way upstairs to the nursery. Amy slowly but surely followed behind us. John was crying the whole time. It's the first door on your left Amy said. I remember where it is said. It wasn't that long ago since the last time I was here I said with my signature smile. Oh Ricky stop it ! Any scolded me. What did I do now I asked jokingly. You know what she said. No I am afraid that I don't know what I said. Stop smiling at me like that she said. Why don't you like my smile ? I asked her and then smiled again. Of course I do. Actually I love your smile she said. Do you want to hear a secret ? She asked me. Sure what's the secret ? I asked her. That smile of yours is the reason John exists she told me. Well then I guess I owe my smile a big thank you I said. I was swaying side to side trying to soothe John. He's getting impatient. We better get him down for a nap I said as I opened the door to the Nursery. Amy came in behind me. I need to get him changed. Are there any diapers in here ? I asked her. Yes they are right under the changing table she told me . okay cool thanks I said. No problem she said. Do you want me to help you with changing him ? She asked me. No it's alright I got this I told her. No Ricky it's not alright she said. I want to help you with changing his diaper she told me. Alright well you can I told her as I laid John on to the changing table. Okay little man Daddy and Mommy are going to fix it and make you feel better I told John. We begin to change his diaper. I started to sing to John as I do during every diaper change. Then I lifted him up in my arms. Shh it's alright buddy. Daddy's here I told him . Mommy too Amy said. Yes that's right mommy's here too I said. We continued attempting to soothe him for a while longer. I sat down in rocking chair with him in my lap. He was unconsolable. Okay , okay little man Daddy and Mommy are here. Everything's cool. It's time to go to sleep I told John. He collapsed on my shoulder and kept crying. John you are alright little man I said . Shh John I know , I know it's hard I told him. I need to go back downstairs and get him teddy bear blanket I said. Just then we haven't heard a door slam. It was Ashley. There was a light knock on the nursery door and then she came in. Hey could you keep it down out there ? Amy asked her. Why so you can have silence to think about how you destroyed the whole family not in one but in two ways? First you went to band camp and slept with some sex crazed womanizer and then you got diagnosed with a fatal disease Ashley's said. Amy broke down in tears. Hello in case you haven't noticed that sex crazed womanizer is sitting right here holding our son and your nephew I told Ashley. Oh and it wasn't Amy fault that she got diagnosed with cancer I said. Whatever Ashley said and then slammed the door. Keep it down we are trying to get John to sleep I called her loud enough so she could hear. Amy are you alright? I asked her. Yes I am fine she said. Are you sure? I asked her. Yes of course I'm sure she said. Look I am going to go and talk to Ashley about what she said about you then I'm going downstairs to get John's teddy bear blanket okay? I asked her. Alright just give me a minute she said. no problem I told her. I settled John while I waited for Amy. Daddy is sorry that he yelled at aunt Ashley but she said some very mean things to make Mommy cry I told him. Here I will take him Amy said gesturing with her arms wide open. Are you ready to go and see mommy ? I asked John as I stood up. Come here baby Amy cooed. Hey started to get fussy once he left the familiarity of my arms. It's okay little man. Daddy will be back soon I promise you I told him. Don't worry about us. We will be just fine Amy said. Isn't that right John ? She asked him. He just started to cry again. When I was on my way to get John's teddy bear blanket I metAshley in the hallway. Hey she said and then passed me. We need to talk I said gripping her arm. Ricky let go of me! She yelled. Stop yelling! I said in as clam of tone of voice as possible. Fine! She sighed. Who what do you want to talk to me about? She asked me. What's wrong with you? I asked her. what do you mean? What did I do? She asked pretending not to know what I was talking about. Ashley you know exactly what I'm talking about I said. You know exactly what you did I told her. Why on earth did you think it was acceptable to say all those horrible things to the mother of my son? Why did you think that it would be a good idea to insult your sister especially at a time like this? I asked her. It's all true! She said while raising her voice once again. No its not all true! I told her. How could you say that her and I hopping John was a mistake? How could you say that her and I having John ruined your family? I asked her. For your information she wasn't 100% responsible for that one night at band camp that changed both of our lives forever! I told her. How could you say that going to the hospital and finding out that she was diagnosed with cancer was her fault? I asked Ashley. Getting sick wasn't her fault! Her getting sick wasn't my fault! Her getting sick wasn't your moms house or your dads fault! Her getting sick wasn't anyone's fault! I told her. Unfortunately it's just something that happened to Amy but its no ones fault I said. Fine I'm sorry ashley said. Good I am glad you are sorry. I accept your apology I told her. But you and I both know that I am NOT the only one that deserves an apology from you I told her. Go to the nursery and sincerely not sarcastically sincerely apologize to Amy I told Ashley. Alright , alright I get it. I will go and apologize to Amy please just stop acting all parental on me Ashley said annoyed. Well I am a parent. I may not be your parent but I am a parent I thought to myself. After confronting Ashley I made my way downstairs to go and get John's teddy bear blanket for him. I'm just helping this well help you fall asleep John I thought to myself.

Amy's POV

As soon as Ricky left the room it dawned on me. I am completely on my own with John. I start to panic a little but not enough for John to notice my anxiety at least I hope not. Okay baby okay I tell John as I sit down in the rocking chair. Mama's here, Momma's here I cooed. Shh you're alright I said softly. Don't worry buddy, Daddy will be here soon I told him. Just then there was a knock on the door. Come in I said expecting it would be either Ricky or one of my parents. Instead I saw Ashley appear once the door was open. Please just leave me alone. I don't have time for any more drama today I told her. No I'm not going to just leave! She said in an annoyed and slightly aggressive tone of voice. What do you want? I asked her. Well I came to see you and apologize for what I said about you, Ricky, and, John she told me. Ricky cornered me in the hallway and asked me to come and apologize to you she told me. So here it is she began. I'm sorry for what I said about you being the whole reason why are family is so screwed up she told me. And? I asked. And I am sorry for implying John it's a mistake he said. It's not the truth she told me. And? I asked. And I'm sorry for calling Ricky a sex crazed womanizer she told me. And? I asked her. And I'm sorry for telling you that it was your fault that he got diagnosed with cancer she told me. Its not your fault. It's not anyone's fault he told me. Thank you Ashley I sincerely accept your apology for all those horrible things you said to me I told her. Alright see you later she said. Bye bye John your auntie Ashley loves you she told John before leaving the room.

Ricky's POV

I could hear John screening and crying before I even started to walk back up the stairs. Daddy's coming I called up to the Nursery. Then once I got upstairs I lately knocked on the door and opened it. Hey I'm back I said. I am a horrible mom ! Amy said freaking out. Wow what are you talking about ? I asked her. You are not a bad Mom I told her. Why in the world would you think that you are a bad Mom ? Did Ashley tell you that when she came in here to apologize to you for what she said earlier? I asked her. What? Amy asked me with tears streaming down her face. No Ashley didn't say that. I did she said. Here let me take him I said holding my arms out. Hey there buddy I said. Look Daddy brought your favorite teddy bear blanket for you to sleep with I told him. He continued to be fussy. Shh John it's okay I said as I sat down in the rocking chair. Little man Daddy's here , daddy's here I told him as I started to sing a soothing lullaby. Amy stared at me interacting with our son with a content smile on her face. A few minutes later John was fast asleep in my arms. I got up from the rocking chair and gently placed him and his teddy bear blanket inside the crib. Ricky that was amazing to watch Amy told me. Thank you I guess but I'm not sure I understand I said. What do you mean by that? I asked her a little confused to why she was so amazed. You really good with him. You're wonderful father Amy told me. Thank you Amy that really means a lot coming from you I told her sincerely. We quietly left the room and slowly but surely made our way back downstairs. Look Ricky I am really sorry for not being apart of yours and Johns life these past few months Amy said. I feel so guilty about everything that I have done she said. I feel so disconnected from my son, from our son she told me. Now it's too late for us she's had breaking down into tears. What are you talking about? What do you mean it's too late? I asked her. Seriously? She asked me rhetorically. Ricky I haven't been a staple part of John's life and I have a horrible cancer prognosis of less than six months to live she said. Amy listen to me I began putting my arm around her. I don't know what could have been done differently in the past. I don't know what possible outcomes let's future may or may not have. The only thing that I know for sure, the only thing that I am certain about is that we all only have the here and now I told her. I also know the only thing that we can do now is it make the best of life with the time that we have left together as a family I told her.

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