AOB 19: Rock-Hard Cheeto

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Post-it was determined to explore the entirety of the island to see what significance that VHS tape had. All of the contestants had noticed him walking around the island looking at all the trees and had gotten worried about him. "Should we do something about it?" Tokeny asked Cheeto. "I think we should wait for a bit. I've seen him get like this before, and he usually gets over it fast." Cheeto replied. Watermelon was eyeing Post-it up and down. "What's wrong with him?" Watermelon asked. Tokeny shrugged. "We don't know yet. We're trying to figure it out." Tokeny answered. "Hmm." Watermelon mumbled to himself, and he walked away. Meanwhile, Bad was holding another meeting with the members of the TBOBA crew. "Alright, Page, you can tell us what the challenge is, right? Don't you have, like, future vision or something?" Bad questioned. "I think, yeah. But I don't really have a hold on it yet." Page answered. Page concentrated really hard. "The challenge for today will be to... build a statue for Cheeto?" Page asked himself. "Hmm, sounds weird. Nothing we can't handle, and by we, I mean us except Bad." Exclamation Mark stated. "Will you PLEASE stop talking about me like that?! I'm a contributing member to the team as well! You can't just exclude me because of my sometimes awry plans! The challenges are weird, ok? Post-it has stuff in store for us that we can't possibly comprehend! So, in kind words, can you please zip it?" Bad ranted. Exclamation Mark laughed. "Okay, that's it. I'm done, I'm not coming to the meetings anymore. Everyone else, feel free to follow me and get away from these two's altercation." BQM restlessly announced. Watermelon, Arrow, Cheeta, Page, and Star Coin followed. "Oh, wow! Thanks a lot, Exclamation Mark! Now everyone hates us, and nobody wants to talk to us!" Bad angrily yelled. "I'm outta here too. I can't stand any more of you yappin' at me." Exclamation Mark said, clearly exasperated. "Great. I'll just keep on being alone." Bad said to himself. Bucket was sitting close nearby and talking with Sparkle Effect and Candy Cane. "Well, considering the fact that we are the last three of our little group left, should we form an alliance?" Bucket asked. Candy Cane looked at Sparkle Effect. "Are you okay with that, Sparkle Effect?" Candy Cane asked. "Okay, two things. One, sure, I'd like to form an alliance, and two, I legally changed my name." Sparkle Effect answered. "Oh really? What did you change it to?" Bucket questioned. "I changed it to Sparkly. From now on, call me Sparkly." Sparkly replied. "I think we should call our alliance Scarab." Candy Cane spoke. "Why's that? The name has nothing to do with us." Bucket asked. "Well, the letters in the name have letters from each of our names. Also, there is an S, a C, and a B in there, so it works." Candy Cane answered. "Well, alright then. Scarab it is!" Sparkly announced. "Well, we should probably stop bumming around and go to the elimination." Bucket said. "Agreed." Candy Cane replied. "Alright contestants, today we got 404 votes, but 4 of those were negative votes, so we actually got 400 votes! A new record! First safe is Arrow, with negative four votes." Cheeto announced. "Ah- okay then." Arrow replied. "Star Coin and Watermelon are safe with 4 and 6 votes respectively." Cheeto said, throwing them biscuits. Star Coin munched down on hers. "Wait a minute, these aren't normal biscuits. Are these Cheddar Bay Biscuits?" Star Coin asked. "They sure are!" Tokeny answered. Watermelon slowly ate his, as they had just come out of the oven. "Exclamation Mark is the next safe with 10 votes. Here's your biscuit!" Tokeny said. "Thanks!" Exclamation Mark said. She ate her biscuit. "Mmm, tasty." Exclamation Mark said. "Bucket is the next one safe, with only 17 votes against him." Cheeto continued. "Phew, glad our alliance lives on in me." Bucket said in relief. "Candy Cane, Page, and Bad are safe with 29, 32, and 57 votes respectively." Tokeny continued. "Oh no! Sparkly, you're in the bottom three!" Candy Cane yelled. "Yeah, and she has reason to worry because this elimination is a double elimination! Only one safe spot left!" Tokeny shouted. Sparkly held out hope for her safety. "Sparkly is the last one safe with, sadly, 68 votes." Cheeto said. "Wha- What do you mean, sadly?" Sparkly asked with rage. "Haha, you'll get it eventually." Cheeto answered. "BQM and Cheeta are eliminated! Cheeta had 89 votes, and BQM had 92. Bye you guys!" Tokeny announced. She motioned towards Cheeto so he could take them away on his yacht. Afterwards, Tokeny had to go to Post-it to get him out of whatever state he was in. "I have to figure this out." Post-it held up the VHS tape in his hand. "I'm with you all the way." Tokeny said. "Cheeto, I'm leaving you to do the challenge." Post-it said. "Yes sir!" Cheeto shouted. "Alright, well this is ridiculous, Cheeto's gonna have an amaaazing challenge planned for us." Compass said. 'Was that sarcasm?" Shadow Bomb asked. "What do you think?" Compass asked. "Ok." Shadow Bomb said, walking away. "Well, the challenge for today is to build a statue, for me! Build a statue of me and the first team to finish it wins! GO!" Cheeto said. "More like, the first person to fill up my ego wins." Compass said. Muffin laughed. "That's so true." Speedometer replied. "GRRRRRR!" Cheeto growled. "Ok, looks like Cheeto's got everything under control. Tokeny, you come with me while we figure out what the hell is going on with this tape." Post-it said. "You haven't even shown me the tape yet." Tokeny said. "Summing it up, it said something about an experiment and defending the island. This could mean that something big is coming." Post-it explained. Back to Cheeto, he was doing a fine job giving the contestants a contest. "Having Sprinkle for this contest would've been way easier, y'know, because she's smart and all." Sparkly said. "You can say that again." Candy Cane replied. Cheeto was posing up top giving the contestants a model. Meanwhile, the Poopy Bros were taking advantage of Compass' high strength to lift heavy stones and meld them together. Smiwey pulled out a melting saw. She cut the stone into the shape of Cheeto's lower body. "Dang, it's like this challenge was made for us." Compass said. "Heh, well, it's definitely pretty easy." Smiwey replied. Walmart Logo took advantage of the fact that her team was winning to go talk to Taco. "Hey Taco!" Walmart Logo said. "Oh, hey! How's, uh, everything?" Taco asked. "Pretty good, how about you?" Walmart Logo replied. "This competition is so scary. Final 5 really is more than I thought it would be." Taco answered. "Huh, sounds fun. Wish my competition would just speed up. There's more than 20 people left." Walmart Logo said. "Well that's good for you. More people as dead weight that you can outlive." Taco replied. "I guess that makes sense. If that doesn't motivate me, nothing will!" Walmart Logo shouted. "Go get em!" Taco yelled. Walmart Logo ran back to the set of AOB. Exclamation Mark established a strategy for her team. She would have Page and Star Coin hand her stone and she reluctantly let Bad help her. Before they knew it, they were done with the lower body, but then they looked at the other team. They nearly had the statue done, and they just had to do the head. "Haha! We're gonna win, and you're not!" Dimple yelled. "GRRRR!!!!" Star Coin growled. "C'mon guys! We have to go faster!!!" Arrow screamed.  Compass was mining the stone with a pickaxe to make it easier on his hands, but then, it broke. Compass knew he would have to gather the stone with his hands. "Hey Compass, what's the holdup?" Smiwey asked. "Uh, nothing! Just ran into a bit of an issue." Compass replied. He punched the rock with his hands as shards of it came out, flying towards Smiwey. She pulled a pouch out of her hammerspace and caught all of the shards, and she melded them together. She did not have the whole head of Cheeto, and the other team was catching up. "MORE!" Smiwey screeched. Compass continued to punch the rock as more shards flew out. The other team was nearly done with the head, but Smiwey was almost done with the last part of the head. Shadow Bomb decided to do the only thing he could to guarantee his team's victory. He wall jumped up the two statues together, and hit Watermelon off the stand he was on to make the statue, killing him on ground impact. Shadow Bomb leapt back down. "Watermelon fell! Someone has to take his place!" Sparkly yelled. She threw Bad up there. "Bad! I know I hate your strategies and you hate mine too, but you have to do this! Risking your own elimination to prove a point is stupid!" Exclamation Mark exclaimed. Bad looked at the statue and then back down at Exclamation Mark. He took a deep breath and started work on the statue. The other team finished before Bad got a chance to do anything. "That was too close." Billboard said, wiping sweat off of his face. "Well, Origin's statue was very close to being finished, but the Poopy Bros' statue was the first one to be completed, therefore, not only are team Origin up for elimination, but their statue will be discarded into a factory in order to make more products." Cheeto announced. 

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