AOB 13: Tokeny's Money-Grabbing Special

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Dimple, Blue, and Laguna were having a meeting and talking about the competition so far. "So what do you think will happen when this whole thing ends," Dimple asked Laguna. "I dunno, some people miss me back in my original universe, so I might go back there for a day or two," Laguna replied. Blue was saddened to hear this news. "But you're so cool! I don't want you to leave," Blue said. Laguna chuckled. "It will only be for a day or two! There's nothing you need to worry about. I'll be fine," Laguna said, trying to comfort Blue in any way possible. Sparkle Effect flew over. "Hey guys! What are you talking about," she asked. "Oh, just talking about what we'll do after the competition is over," Dimple answered. "Huh, sounds neat," Sparkle Effect replied. "Want to come talk with me and some other newbies," Sparkle Effect asked. "Yeah," the three of them said. The four of them walked over to Glass Shard, Sprinkle, and RCFCC were. Sparkle Effect, Blue, Dimple, and Laguna sat down and started talking, just about random stuff. Glass Shard got a text from Arrow asking him to come help because Candy Cane was going on a riot again. "Sorry guys, I gotta go help Arrow with something, I'll be right back," Glass Shard said. "Alright! Just don't come back too late," Sprinkle said. As Glass Shard walked off, he could still hear the six of them talking in the background. As he kept walking, their noise faded until he caught up with Arrow. "So where's Candy Cane," Glass Shard asked. Arrow pointed in the direction of the women's cabins. "Over there, lashing out at USB Port. It's like she's completely changed her personality," Arrow said. Glass Shard walked over. "Why are you yelling at her? She did absolutely nothing wrong," Glass Shard asked. "She got on my nerves," Candy Cane yelled. "W-we were just t-talking and she st-st-started to yell at me," USB Port said. "Oh for cryin' out loud," Glass Shard whispered to himself. He grabbed Candy Cane's arm and dragged her away from the situation, while USB Port shivered. Watermelon was watching from the nearest bush. He laughed to himself and then walked away. Billboard was waiting on Watermelon to come back to see what happened. "What happened with Candy Cane," Billboard asked. "She freaked out, as usual. It was hilarious! You should've seen her," Watermelon answered. Billboard laughed. Everyone heard the elimination bell suddenly. "Oh! The elimination's starting! Better go there fast," Fast Forward said. He zoomed to the elimination area and sat in the spectator bench. Laguna and Dimple looked at each other worriedly. GG floated over to the spectator bench and he saw Sparkle Effect. He blushed and turned away. "Alright contestants! Time to read the votes! Last time, Laguna, Dimple, Backpack, and Quark were the last team to find the faker last episode and they were up for elimination. Now, this episode we received a total of 40 elimination votes," Post-it said. 


Cheeto was riding his yacht over to the Cheeto Hotel. He got all of the eliminated contestants onto the yacht and rode to Object Island. "Ok, so Post-it pulled another surprise rejoin out of his butt, so all of you guys will have a chance to rejoin. I haven't seen the votes yet, because Post-it is letting Tokeny do the votes. So it's gonna be a surprise to me too," Cheeto said. They got back to Object Island, but they made sure to not actually step on to the island so that the contestants that were still in the game wouldn't know. "Alright, the first contestant safe, with only 2 votes, is Quark," Post-it announced. Post-it gave Quark 10 tokens for an arcade. Laguna and Dimple looked at each other, and then looked at Backpack. "Yikes! I'm going up against two people who are familiar with this! There's no way that I will be safe, I'm toast," Backpack thought. "The next contestant safe, with 8 votes, is Backpack," Post-it said. He gave Backpack 10 arcade tokens. "Phew," Backpack said, relieved. Dimple and Laguna looked at each other. They knew that one of them would be eliminated. "Alright, Dimple and Laguna, one of them is my wife, the other is a trusted friend. One of you got 13 votes, and the other got 17 votes," Post-it said dramatically. He brought out the trusty TV. It showed the votes one by one. They both got to thirteen, and then they stopped. Then, Laguna's meter suddenly jolted up to 17. "And with that, the contestant eliminated is Laguna, with 17 votes," Post-it finished. He threw Dimple 10 arcade tokens. Laguna sailed off with Cheeto to the Cheeto Hotel. "You know, I've always been fond of Cheeto," Post-it said. "What," Tokeny asked. "There's just something about him, I don't know what it is, but he's just so loveable. Maybe it's the fact that he is super awkward or just the fact that he's funny, but there's something about him," Post-it said while blushing. Cheeto came back and brought all the eliminated contestants with him. "All contestants must come to the elimination area right now," Post-it announced over the loudspeaker. "I wonder why we need to go there, the elimination is over," Bucket asked. Muffin was next to him. She shrugged. Everyone walked over there. "Alright everyone, I'm letting Tokeny do this one," Post-it said. "I'm excited and nervous at the same time," Tokeny said while laughing. She cleared her throat. "Alright. For rejoin votes, we got a total of, eh, uh...," Tokeny suddenly stopped. "Uh, apparently we don't know how many votes we got, but we do know who rejoined and who didn't," Tokeny explained. Post-it whispered something to Tokeny. "Oh ok. I'm just going to say who rejoined." Tokeny said. "Bad, Cheeta, Shadow Bomb, Smiwey the Face, BQM, and Speedometer all rejoin and are immune for today's challenge," Tokeny finished. Everyone walked away and talked for a bit longer before the challenge stared. Button was talking with Page before the challenge started. "Hmm," Page said. "What's up," Button asked. "I'm having some weird feelings, the competition is going to change a lot today," Page answered. "What do you mean," Button asked, yet again. "I think that they might have teams today, 2 of 15," Page said. Walmart Logo was walking toward Tokeny. He watched Tokeny talking to Post-it about her plan for the challenge. Walmart Logo pressed his ear up to a nearby pillar and listened to their conversation. "So you want to make teams again? We only have 29 contestants, so we can't have an even amount," Post-it said. "It's fine, we have someone named Index Card who was really interested in competing, but he wasn't able to," Tokeny replied. Index Card walked up from behind her. "Hello! My name is Index Card," Index Card said, nasally. Post-it shook his hand. "You're now a contestant because we were short on contestants, so we couldn't make even teams," Post-it said. "Post-it? One team will have the original contestants from previous seasons, and then the other team will have the new contestants, and then we will even it out if we need to," Tokeny said. Post-it nodded. Post-it got on the loudspeaker. "Ahem," Post-it said. He coughed a little bit, then gathered his bearings. "We will be making new teams, 2 teams of 15 to be precise. One team will have new contestants, and the other will have the original contestants from seasons 1 and 2," Post-it finished. The hosts assembled the original contestants team, and they ended up calling it Origin. Post-it did not approve. "Uh, I don't think we have enough contestants for this team to be finished," Cheeto said. "Yeah, we only have ten people on this team," Tokeny said. "We can put the other people up for voting in TBOBA and TBOB on the team," Post-it said. "Ahh! Great idea," Cheeto approved. Post-it blushed. They put Sprinkle, Glass Shard, Sparkle Effect, Button, and Bucket on the team as well. Everyone else was on the other team. The other team was named the Poopy Bros. "Alright, now that the teams are here, now it's time for the REAL challenge," Tokeny said. "The three of us have hidden many, many, many tokens around the area. There are an infinite amount, and there are fifteen minutes to grab as many as you can. Whichever team grabs the most will win, and the other team will be up for elimination," Cheeto explained. The countdown started and then they were off. Fast Forward was extremely helpful for his team, getting ten tokens in a total of 50 seconds. Bucket was busy filling himself with water. Watermelon noticed and ran to him. "Why are you not helping," Watermelon asked, annoyed. "You'll see," Bucket said. Cheeta was running as fast as possible, while GG flew super fast. After three minutes, team Origin had 29 tokens, and the Poopy Bros had 47 tokens. Bucket finished filling himself up and ran towards the other team. He emptied himself on them and they all ended up falling in a hole. They couldn't get out. USB Port was super scared, but then she realized she could use her powers. She charged something up and lightning struck her. The ground around the Poopy Bros exploded and they were able to get out of the hole. However, they had lost the lead against team Origin. Dimple picked up Blue, looked for some tokens, and threw Blue towards the tokens. She was able to get 4 more. 5 minutes in, team Origin had 92 tokens and the Poopy Bros had 68 tokens. Fast Forward knew that he could be helpful to his team, so he ran super fast and grabbed many more tokens. Sprinkle was running, thinking of ways to help her team with her inventions. Candy Cane was hooking herself onto branches and swinging towards tokens. "Aha! If I make a machine to stop time for a few seconds, I could grab tokens," Sprinkle said. She quickly made it, and she grabbed 19 tokens when she stopped time. "Five minutes left, guys," Cheeto said. Origin had 128 tokens and the Poopy Bros had 134 tokens. Fast Forward, the person who was doing most of the work on the team, was getting tired because he was running so fast. That wasn't a thing he was born with, it was his power. Everyone had a supernatural power on Object Island if they were born there. Post-it, Tokeny, and Cheeto heard and felt the island shake, so the three of them went down into the portals. Cheeto noticed a new room. 


Page jumped up super high, became horizontal, and flew across the wind. While he was doing that, he was able to grab tokens. With each team's members using their powers, the challenge ended. Team Origin had 274 tokens, and the Poopy Bros had 243 tokens. The Poopy Bros lost, and the originals were victorious.

Vote for who you want to be eliminated!

[A] Fast Forward

[B] USB Port

[C] Compass

[D] Dimple

[E] Blue

[F] Billboard

[G] Muffin

[H] Walmart Logo


[J] Backpack

[K] Quark

[L] Shadow Bomb

[M] Smiwey the Face

[N] Speedometer

[O] Index Card

Voting ends on Tuesday, August 25.

Episode 14 comes out sometime in the first half of September.


Tokeny, Post-it, and Cheeto went down into the room below the portals. There was a giant ladder that seemed to go on for 10 minutes. When they got to the bottom, there was a giant orb. It was flickering. Tokeny was in awe. Cheeto was wondering what it could be. "This... No way. This is... the Doggus Orb," Post-it said. Tokeny suddenly realized once Post-it said that. "What? No way you would know what this is! This is the orb from the world I come from," Tokeny yelled. "Have... Have you been lying to me," Tokeny asked. Post-it sighed. "Yes. I have been lying," Post-it answered. He grunted, then turned into a yellow spark. He turned back. "I was the protector of this orb, but then one day it went missing. I didn't know it would end up here," Post-it explained. "I need to go back to the Origin portal to get the fuel for this orb, or else every single planet will be magnetized to Toonwa, and the universe will be destroyed because of the stars that the planets of Toonwa are orbiting around," Post-it further explained. "Well hey, at least you have an idea for a challenge next episode," Cheeto said, still optimistic. Post-it realized that he was right. "But, the contestants don't know the planet of Origin," Tokeny said. "That's ok, they'll get it," Post-it said. There was a glimmer of the orb in Post-it's eyes.

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