AOB 14: Posty's Home Away From Home

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Post-it was pacing, thinking about all the possible things that could happen to the contestants while they were on Origin. "Y'know, you've been pacing for a while now. You should stop worrying your little head off," Tokeny said. "I know that, but the planet is too big of a risk for the contestants, and I don't want them to get hurt! I may be a game show host, but I care about my contestants! They're people too, and they shouldn't have to go to the planet to do a silly contest, and then just get hurt," Post-it said. "Post-it, you could be the guide! YOU HAVE POWERS, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD," Cheeto shouted. Post-it nodded to himself. From a distance, RCFCC heard the commotion. "What are they yelling about," RCFCC asked. She walked up toward the three of them, as they turned their heads towards her. "What's going on," RCFCC asked. Cheeto breathed in as he was about to explain, but Post-it put his hand over his mouth. He shook his head. "Ok, I'll leave," RCFCC said sadly. RCFCC walked over to her friends, and as she looked to her right, she saw Smiwey the Face. "Alright, with Laguna down, how is our group going to succeed into the finale," Smiwey asked. "I don't know, all I want is to protect Blue. I know that with the three of us, we have a big chance of winning," Dimple replied. Blue thought. "Mommy, what if I get enilimated," Blue asked. Dimple chuckled. "Honey, it's 'eliminated', and I know that you won't be," Dimple said. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, just because she's Post-it's daughter doesn't mean that she's guaranteed to be safe. Privileges won't save you in this game," Laguna piped in. "Well, I guess you're right," Dimple said. Bad was holding a TBOBA meeting not so far from there. Cheeta, BQM, Arrow, Watermelon, Page, Exclamation Mark, Star Coin, and GG were also there. "So, we need to try to continue our winning streak or else one of us might get eliminated. What's our strategy? The challenges are normally pretty simple, besides some challenges that may be a bit 'out there'," Bad asked. "Well, we have to stick together, and once we figure out the challenge and get a hang of it, we do them together and we score the most points possible," BQM suggested. "Right, good strat," Cheeta said. "Ooh! Ooh! We can do them separately and then meet every 10 minutes or so to keep up our tally," Exclamation Mark suggested. Watermelon nodded. "Though, we need to make sure that the other members of the team kind of help as well," GG said. "True," Star Coin said. "Alright, meeting dismissed everyone," Page said. They all walked away. "Alright everyone! It's time for elimination," Post-it said as he clapped his hands loudly. The Poopy Bros all came together in the elimination area. They sat down. "We got a total of 165 votes. I think that's a record," Post-it said. The Poopy Bros cheered. "Starting off, Compass! You're the first one safe with only 3 votes against you," Post-it said as he gave him a chocolate chunk cookie. "Shadow Bomb and Muffin are the next two safe with 5 and 6 votes respectively. After that is Backpack and Smiwey the Face, both with 9 votes," Post-it said, giving the four of them cookies. Smiwey did a fist pump. "Our little alliance is safe," she whispered. There were still a lot of votes, and only ten contestants that were not safe. "Dimple, Quark, and Speedometer are the next three contestants safe, all with 11 votes! Good job guys," Post-it said, giving them all cookies. USB Port, Billboard, and Index Card were the next three safe, all with 12 votes, and they all got the cookies. Billboard munched down on the cookie. "Mmmm! Tastes good," he said with his mouth full. "Is it me, or is Post-it more jovial than usual," Speedometer asked. "Yeah, I don't think it's just you," USB Port said. "Hmm," Compass said. "Now it's only Blue, Fast Forward, RCFCC, and Walmart Logo," Post-it said. There was a drumroll, provided by Cheeto. Tokeny hit the cymbal and Post-it said the results. "Walmart Logo is safe with 10 votes. And with that, Blue, Fast Forward, and Red Candy From Candy Crush are all eliminated with a whopping 18 votes apiece," Post-it shouted. Blue's mouth was gaping, and she was crying. Fast Forward was shaking his head. "Dang it! I go from being the leader of my team, to being eliminated," RCFCC said. Post-it felt bad. His own daughter was being eliminated. "I mean, I don't wanna say I told you so, but I told you so," Smiwey said. Dimple slapped her. Post-it was sweating. "Ok gotta go now bye," He said quickly before dashing away to Cheeto and Tokeny. "Alright guys," Post-it finally said when they were away from all the contestants. "How are we going to do this," Post-it asked. "Well, first, we need to determine how much fuel we are going to need," Tokeny said. "Yes. As protector of the Doggus Orb, I know how much we need. The fuel cells are kind of big, so we only need one," Post-it said. Cheeto, while the two of them were talking, sneaked away into the room that the orb was in. It was flashing even more than last time, and it looked like there were miniature cracks in it. "I'm no expert, but I don't think this needs fuel cells," Cheeto said, worried. Dimple and Smiwey were together in a meeting, talking about the loss of Blue. "This ain't good. We lost a member, and now we are the only two left," Smiwey said. Dimple nodded. Meanwhile, Sparkle Effect flew up to Post-it and Tokeny in the middle of their conversation. Sparkle Effect was confused, but she shrugged it off as just some random host stuff. "Hey, Post-it? I found a paper on the floor, and it says that someone named Envelope should've joined instead of Index Card," Sparkle Effect said. "Oh, yeah. I was going to try to get her to join, but she came up to me with someone named Pawn, and then they went to Mount Rigmo, so they aren't able to be here. Index Card was the next best person we could find, but once she's back, we will replace him," Post-it explained. "Oh, ok," Sparkle Effect said. Mount Rigmo? Did Post-it mean the one from AOB 5? "I might just go see this Envelope," Sparkle Effect said to herself. Walmart Logo made time to go to the set of BFCIA, before the elimination of episode 27 started, and talked to Taco. "Hey Taco," Walmart Logo said, blushing, but only slightly so that Taco couldn't see. "How are you," Taco asked. "Good. We're about to do a challenge, but I saw Post-it earlier and he looked stressed about something. I wonder what's going on," Walmart Logo answered. "Gee, sounds rough," Taco replied. "Yeah," Walmart Logo said, laughing. "That's not even the worst part. Cheeto and Tokeny can't calm him down, which means that it's really serious," Walmart Logo said. Taco laughed. She stood up. "If Cheeto can't calm him down, then I guess there's no stopping him. Maybe the challenge is the problem," Taco said. "I guess you're right," Walmart Logo said. He waved bye to Taco and blushed as he walked away. Post-it announced over the loudspeaker to meet him at the portals. The 27 contestants walked to him. "What's the challenge," Backpack asked. "Well, uh, *ahem* that's, uh, what I want to tell you," Post-it said, stammering as he announced. "Today, for this challenge, we will be-" he said before being interrupted. "Can you hurry it up? I'm not gonna be here all day while you just stammer and be scared! TELL US THE CHALLENGE," Candy Cane screeched. "SHUT UP," Cheeto screamed like a banshee. He put duct tape over her mouth. She tore it off and was quiet. "Alright. Today, we're going to Tokeny's and my home planet," Post-it said. Everybody rioted. Semicolon overheard the commotion from the Cheeto Hotel. "He's not from this planet? Wha- Why didn't he tell us," Semicolon said, tears forming in her eyes. Meanwhile, back at the portals, Post-it, Tokeny, Cheeto, and the other contestants walked down into the portals, as Tokeny showed off the portal that led to Origin. Shadow Bomb looked around and he saw the hole, with the ladder sticking out of it. He looked around to see if they saw, and then he went invisible. He jumped down, grabbing the left and right sides of the ladder to slide. He touched the ground and went through the archway that led to the Orb. He saw it. "What is this thing," he asked himself. He reached his hand out and touched it. His arm turned white. He tried to pull away, but his arm seemed stuck. Then, his whole body turned white. He was transported to a white room, but as a fiery spark, that was gray. He floated around, questioning himself, and then he heard voices. Up ahead, he saw different color sparks. He walked by them as they had conversations and lived normal lives. Then, the white turned into lines that slowly lead into the portal room. He was going towards it, but he hit an invisible wall. He touched it with his hands, and he banged on it. Muffin concentrated. "Wait a minute, do you guys hear something? A banging, perhaps," Muffin asked everyone. Quark looked around. "No, I don't think I hear anything," she responded. Muffin traced the source of the banging. "Ah, found it! It's coming from this wall," she said, pointing to said wall. She pressed her head against it. Back in the white world, Shadow Bomb spoke. It sounded echoed, but echoed before he spoke. "Is anybody there," he asked. "That, that, it sounds like Shadow Bomb," Muffin said. Some people gasped. Then Tokeny remembered something. She ran down into the Orb room, and then she saw him. Shadow Bomb, with a white body. She pulled him away from the Orb, and he turned back to normal. He breathed heavily. "I don't want to do that ever again," Shadow Bomb said, as he wall jumped up into the portal room. Tokeny looked back toward the Orb. "Nobody should ever touch this again. I know where this leads, and people get trapped in there. It leads to a power that nobody could ever imagine. It consumed me once," Tokeny said to herself. She climbed back up into the portal room and talked with the others, as if she never even left. Shadow Bomb was traumatized. "Alright! Is everyone ready," Post-it asked. "YEAH," the contestants shouted. They all jumped in the portal, and Tokeny and Cheeto came too. An hour later, they finally popped out in Origin. It looked to be a normal city, but with neon lights and a dark sky. "Today you will be looking for fuel cells, and they are kind of big, so missing them might be hard! The first team to return to me with 2 fuel cells will be crowned the winner of this challenge," Post-it said. The two teams went off. "Alright, remember, we need to stick together," Bad said to his group over a walkie-talkie. "Bad, I know that you have the best strategies and all, but I think it would be better for our team this challenge if we split up," Cheeta replied. "But we're a team! We have to stick toge-," Bad said, getting interrupted. "Cheeta's right. It would be beneficial if we did split up," Page said, scanning stores and sidewalks. "I guess so," Bad finally said before putting the walkie-talkie away. "Ugh, I wish we had Fast Forward, with his speed we could be done already," Billboard thought to himself. Compass wanted to check something, so he picked up Quark and threw her. She only went a little bit. "What the- Our powers don't work here," Compass said, slightly louder than usual. the three hosts could hear everything that was happening. Post-it sighed. "I knew this would happen. The Doggus Orb is affecting Object Island, and not here," Post-it said. Candy Cane could still use her acrobatic skills to win. She found a streetlamp, and then she hooked herself onto it and swung down the street, looking for the cells. "Alright, if I was a fuel cell, where would I be," Bad said, walking around. He came across a fountain and looked inside of it. Purple water sprayed up and then fell down and then traveled back up in an infinite cycle, but there was something glowing yellow inside of it. Bad reached inside the fountain and felt around. The water was cold, so cold that it could give him hypothermia. He grabbed something and pulled it out, his arm having little ice crystals growing on it from the elbow to his hand. But in his hand, there was a yellow fuel cell. Bad chuckled to himself. USB Port was just walking and noticed Bad with the fuel cell. USB Port sprinted over there and stole it from Bad. "Wha- You get back here with that," Bad yelled, arm still frozen. He ran, and the ice crystals grew bigger. He was getting tired. "Ah, forget it," Bad said as he walked away. Index Card was walking along and analyzing the planet, and not really looking for fuel cells. He looked at the signs on buildings and he looked at the sidewalk and how different Origin was from Object Island. He noticed a big gaping hole in the ground. On the map, Cheeto looked at where everybody was, and he noticed that Index Card was over there. He asked Tokeny about it. "Oh, that's where the Doggus Orb used to stand, it was an exhibit, but it was also the power that supplied Origin with a lot of things. We can still turn into sparks, like you saw Post-it do, but we are powerless here," Tokeny explained. Cheeto nodded. Index Card looked into the crater, and stepped inside, over the rope and slid inside to the bottom. He found a fuel cell at the bottom. He climbed out of the crater and met back to where Post-it, Tokeny, and Cheeto were. "I found one," Index Card said. "It says on the map that USB Port has one too, all she needs to do is get back here and your team will win," Post-it said. "Awesome," Index Card said. "In the meantime, you can explore," Tokeny said. "That's kinda what I've been doing already, I just found the fuel cell on complete accident," Index Card replied. Tokeny nodded. Index Card skipped away and continued to explore. USB Port was running around. She met up with Dimple. "Hi USB Port! What's up," Dimple asked. USB Port was out of breath. "Take.....this......please," USB Port said, coughing and breathing heavily. She handed Dimple the fuel cell. Dimple rushed away toward Post-it, Tokeny, and Cheeto. She made it there and handed the fuel cell to the three of them. "Alright! Everyone still out there, meet me, Tokeny, Post-it, and Dimple at the portal," Cheeto said so everyone could hear. Everyone was there 15 minutes later. They jumped in the portal, and after another hour, they were back. "Ah, it's nice to see the bright, blue sky again," Button said. "Yeah, I agree," Arrow said. "Alright, so the Poopy Bros are safe, and Origin is UFE," Post-it said.

Vote for who you want to be eliminated!

[A] Bucket

[B] Candy Cane

[C] Arrow

[D] Watermelon

[E] Page

[F] Exclamation Mark

[G] Star Coin

[H] GG

[I] Bad

[J] Cheeta


[L] Sprinkle

[M] Glass Shard

[N] Sparkle Effect

[O] Button

Voting ends Saturday, September 19, 2020.

Episode 15 will come out from September 23rd - October 4th.


The three hosts went down to the Doggus Orb. Post-it carefully put the fuel cells on the Orb. The Orb flashed repeatedly until it glowed brighter than it did earlier. Cheeto noticed that the cracks were still there. "Guys, sorry I didn't tell you this before, but there are some cracks on the Orb. I remember Post-it had some super glue that was super strong. Maybe you can put that on the cracks," Cheeto said. Post-it was slightly angry that Cheeto hadn't told him before, but he let it slide because of the challenge. He got the glue and put the glue on the cracks. The cracks disappeared, and the three of them went back up. However, Tokeny went back down to test something. She touched the orb. Her hand turned white and soon her whole body turned white. She was her normal purple spark, floating through the weird white world. She saw the other sparks of different colors, and they were whispering to each other while looking at her. She went inside the only house that was empty and opened the door. She walked through the house and inspected all of the things. Nothing had changed. "Wow, it feels nice to be back home," Tokeny said. "Now, I remember that in my room there was something that I forgot," she said, walking up the stairs. She went left and went to her room. She opened one of the drawers that she had in her desk. There was a box. She opened it, and there was a little pad, with an antenna at the top, and a red button on the pad. She grabbed it and walked back through the glowing white world, back to where she came. She emerged from the white world with the pad in her hand. Now, she had heard about the troubles with Music Note and all of the enemies that Post-it had. She made sure that with the pad, she could erase them all for good. "Oh boy. I'm gonna have some fun with this," Tokeny said.

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