AOB 4: Navigate the Fourest

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Cheeto gathered the long forgotten members of Long Forgotten to the elimination area. "Well, you noobs, you lost last time because you were stupid lazy noobs," Cheeto said. Billboard was mad. "Well, it wasn't our fault! The other teams had better members," Lamppost complained. "Hey, stop complaining idiot," Cheeto said. "The STUuUuUUUuuUuuUUUPID viewers voted on you idiots. Ceiling Fan and WiFi are safe," Cheeto said as he gave them RoBuX. "Backpack is the next one safe," Cheeto said. Backpack got a lot of TiX. "What? Why did you give me non-Roblox currency," Backpack asked. "Because you're a noob," Cheeto said. He laughed. Billboard was a little bit worried. "Water Bottle Cap and Bricky are the next two safe," Cheeto yelled at them as they got no TiX or RoBuX. They just got a message that told them to get noob. "Star Coin gets to live another day and another stupid season," Cheeto said. "This show sucks and is a bully to Cheeto and his friends," Cheeto said as he shamed everyone else. "Now half of you losers are safe," Cheeto weirdly said. "Walmart Logo and Billboard are the next people safe," Cheeto said as his voice faded out while speaking. They got RoBuX. Lamppost was the next person safe. Also I'd like to mention that everyone except the person eliminated got 0 votes. The eliminated person got 1 vote. V, Fast Forward, and Speed Limit Sign were the last three people remaining. "You three noobs are the last ones left. You guys suck," Cheeto said. "Anyways, Fast Forward is the next noob safe," Cheeto said in his usual silly voice. Fast Forward got 1 RoBuCk. Speed Limit Sign was completely placid and V was sweating. "Haha! You noobs suck. One of you is going to get noob," Cheeto said. Speed Limit Sign was placid and gave V the death stare. "Speed Limit Sign is the last one safe," Cheeto said as Speed Limit Sign got a boot to the head. V was flung to the Junk Drawer, and Cheeto sent Long Forgotten away from the elimination area. "Alright Posty, I finished the elimin- eli- acHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," Cheeto sneezed.  He wiped his nose. "Well, we'll handle your sneezing after the challenge is done," Post-it said. "Are you sure about this Posty, love of my life," Cheeto asked. Post-it wasn't paying attention to what Cheeto was saying. "Yeah, sure, whatever," Post-it replied to Cheeto. Post-it transported everyone to a disgusting field of four-shaped growths. "Alright, this is the Fourest," Post-it said over the speaker. Cheeto interrupted him by reading his mind and then saying the other thing Post-it was going to say. "Whichever team makes it out of the Fourest last wins! You'll know when you get out and if you got out in the wrong direction or not. You will see a door. Go through it and you are safe," Cheeto said. Maple Syrup got an idea as soon as Cheeto mentioned the door. "Hey Candy Crushers! Come over here! I have an idea," Maple Syrup shouted. The entire team huddled up. "So what's your plan, Maple Syrup," Exit Sign asked, slightly annoyed. "My plan is for all 11 of us to climb the trees and scout around for the door," Maple Syrup said. "Then, whoever finds the door can clap their hands twice and the other members will know. Then everyone will get down from their trees and follow the person who found the door until they got to the door. Then, everyone is safe," Maple Syrup explained. Only 10 of them climbed the trees though. Muffin had no arms and, therefore, could not climb the tree. Laguna found the door. She clapped her hands twice and fell off her tree. All 11 people ran towards the exit. Fast Forward saw them. "Guys! Let's follow them," Fast Forward yelled. Everyone made a chain behind Fast Forward as he ran to the Candy Crushers at top speed. The Candy Crushers made it first, and then Long Forgotten was safe again. MOMMY used the good old strategy of splitting up in the Fourest and just trying to find the way out. All 12 of them split up to cover the most ground possible. They didn't find the exit. 


Post-it and Cheeto were just walking along when Post-it was engulfed in a green beam of light. He was beamed up to the ship of the Greater Justice. Post-it was held on trial before the lord of Toonwa. The lord of the Greater Justice. The lord of all existence. Coffee Mug. "Post-it! You have been put on trial for committing the crime of hoarding innocent people in a relatively small drawer. Before that, you put them in a cage. You have been committing this crime for almost a year now. It's time you finally get arrested. "I'm innocent I tell you! Innocent," Post-it screamed. "No matter, let's get to the trial," Coffee Mug said. 


25% Alliance, 75% Losers found the exit out of just wandering around hopeless. Cheeto wondered if MOMMY was finally going to be UFE after being one of the first teams safe in all 3 challenges. Key pulled out a flamethrower and burned all the trees to the ground. Key saw the door, but all the trees grew back lightning fast. Key made it to the door, and the other members of his team did too, but half of them were on fire because of Key. The members who were on fire were staring at Key. Key nervously laughed, shrugged, and then ran through the door to escape from his team. There were only three teams left navigating the Fourest now. Bucket worried because he thought they might be up for elimination again. Bucket ran around and eventually found his entire team. They all caught wind of the Candy Crushers' strategy, and they copied them. They found the door too, but didn't know what signal to do, so Sparkle Effect just yelled to everyone that the door was east. Something Better became something better when they got saved from their second elimination. It was down to MOMMY and Team TBOB.  Cheeto announced that over the speaker. Dimple and her team started to panic as Team TBOB used this as an advantage to cover more ground. Dimple shook her head and snapped out of her panic. "Guys! Remeber! We heard that the door was east, so let's go in that direction, and be safe again," Dimple shouted, motivating her team. They went east. They got out of the Fourest. There was no door there, however. "What! Mommy, you said this was east," Blue shouted. "Oh no," Dimple said. Cheeto said that Team TBOB was safe and that MOMMY was UFE. Shadow Bomb stamped his foot while Blue cried and Settings Button panicked. "What do I do when I'm up for elimination, Power Button," Settings Button asked. "It's alright. Just stay calm. I don't think the viewers will vote for you," Power Button said. "Yikes! I'm scared," Settings Button said.

Vote on who you want to be eliminated from MOMMY!

[A] Dimple

[B] Blue

[C] Settings Button

[D] Power Button

[E] Shadow Bomb

[F] Shrubby

[G] Smiwey

[H] Parentheses

[I] Go Sign

[J] Pile Of Dirt

[K] Stick

[L] Quark

Voting ends on February 12th!

Episode 5 will come out from February 20th - March 5th!

About Post-it being put on trial, that will be featured in a separate short that will come out sometime between February 13th and February 20th. Then work on episode 5 will start. I hope you enjoyed this slightly shorter episode!

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