AOB 18: A Compilation of Hidden Gems

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"I've never really gotten into it." USB Port said. "But I want to know why you're so scared!" Muffin yelled. "Well, I can get into it, but it would take forever for me to explain." USB Port replied, laughing. "Um, then maybe we can get into it later, after the challenge." Muffin said, sulking. Muffin walked away towards the elimination area, and USB Port ran around the island to get some fresh air and to feel a bit better about things. She ran past the TBOBA contestants talking about plans. "Are you crazy?! There's no way that will work. You really need to look over your plans, Bad!" Exclamation Mark shouted. "What's wrong with MY plan? YOU were the one who wanted to just go all into every single challenge, thinking 'Hey, we can totally get this through if we work ToGeThEr!' Maybe YOU need to think about an actual plan for a challenge before you jump into it!" Bad retorted. "Hey, hey, let's all settle down. We need to think of plans for challenges, and not argue." Page spoke, to try to calm them all down. Cheeta slapped Bad and Exclamation Mark. "Shut up! Both of you! We don't need this, we need effective strategies!" Cheeta screeched, clearly furious. BQM sighed. He got up and started walking to Origin's cabin. "See Bad! Look what you did! You made him leave our meeting!" Exclamation Mark said, blaming Bad for something that was her fault. "How was that me?!" Bad replied. BQM walked into the cabin and sat down in his bed. "So what happened?" Candy Cane asked. "Just the usual, Exclamation Mark being bossy and yelling at Bad." BQM answered. Candy Cane chuckled. "Seems like nothing has changed with those meetings." Candy Cane said, laughing. "Well yeah, and I'm thinking of not going to them anymore. Nothing gets discussed, and it's just a thirty minute session of Exclamation Mark and Bad screaming at each other, and everyone else hates it too. If they can't get along, why go?" BQM asked. "Then don't. They aren't forcing you to, so you don't have to if you don't want to." Candy Cane answered. "Thanks, CC. That means a lot to me." BQM said. "No problem." Candy Cane replied. Backpack overheard the two people in the meeting scream at each other, and the other people that were in the meeting left. "Oh. My. God. They are so annoying. I can't stand anymore of their yelling. They have gotten on my last nerve." Backpack said through gritted teeth. He walked over and began to talk sense into both of them. "Can you guys not argue for five seconds?! You guys are on the same team, you don't have to scream at each other just to get a point across that not everyone in your little 'group' might agree with! You guys need to cut it out, or I'll be the one screaming at you both." Backpack threatened. Bad nodded and Exclamation Mark rolled her eyes. She slapped Bad in the face and walked away. "Come on Poopy Bros! Time for elimination!" Post-it yelled. The 12 of them sat down on the little pedestals as Post-it read the votes. "This time, we got a total of 355 votes. The first person safe is Walmart Logo with only 2 votes." Post-it said as he gave Walmart Logo a donut. "Are you sure that we got that many votes? I got 2 and we got a total of 355." Walmart Logo asked. "Yes, I mean, I think so. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss any." Post-it said. "Alright, just making sure." Walmart Logo replied. "Backpack is the next person safe with 6 votes, and after that, Muffin is safe with 10 votes." Post-it said. He gave both of them donuts too. "Compass and Smiwey are safe with 12 and 14 votes respectively." Post-it spoke. Compass ate his donut with happiness and Smiwey gave hers to Dimple. Speedometer was the next one safe with 16 votes. "Wow! I can't believe I am safe! I have to keep this streak going, unless my teammates decide that they want to lose a challenge." Speedometer exclaimed. Post-it glared at Speedometer. "Anyways, USB Port is the next person safe with 30 votes." Post-it said as he gave USB Port a chocolate donut. USB Port gasped. "My favorite!" USB Port exclaimed. Dimple huffed. "Dimple is safe too, with 36 votes." Post-it continued. Dimple received her donut too, and she ate it in one gulp. There were only four people left who weren't safe. Envelope, Billboard, Quark, and Shadow Bomb. "With 45 votes, Billboard is safe too. Quark is safe with 48 votes, leaving Shadow Bomb and Envelope left." Post-it said, nearly finishing the elimination. "The rejoiner and the debuter, huh? Glad I was first safe." Walmart Logo teased. "Hey!" Envelope and Shadow Bomb shouted in unison. "With exactly 80 votes, Envelope is eliminated. Shadow Bomb is the last one safe with 56 votes." Post-it finished. Cheeto was about to escort Envelope to the Cheeto Hotel, but she denied. "I need to help Post-it investigate the Doggus Orb further. We still haven't made any progress on the mystery of why it got here. So if you will, I would like to stay here." Envelope announced. Cheeto thought it over for a moment, and then saw Post-it, who was furiously nodding as if to say that Envelope needed to stay, and Cheeto said that she could stay. Envelope walked away towards the portals. The contestants had some time before the challenge, so they bummed about the set. Dimple talked with Smiwey, and the cast of TBOBA got back together in a group to make sure that Exclamation Mark and Bad wouldn't yell at each other again. They actually wanted to have a meeting, and they couldn't if the two of them yelled at each other the whole time. While they were having their meeting, Dimple and Smiwey talked more about Smiwey's hammerspace. "It's so strange, I actually can't believe it. I can get anything for you. What is one thing that you want, right now. I can get it for you." Smiwey said. "Uh, can you get me an ice cream cone?" Dimple asked. "Yeah!" Smiwey replied. She reached down into her hammerspace and fiddled around a bit, then she pulled out an ice cream cone. She handed it to Dimple and Dimple licked it down and ate the cone with force. "That's really cool, and you could probably use it to win challenges!" Dimple exclaimed. "That's the thing. I don't want to use it in challenges, because it could be classified as cheating, and that would get me eliminated instantly." Smiwey replied. "Well then, ask him. You need to know if you can use your powers to.. cheat... your..... Okay, now that I am saying that out loud, it sounds kinda weird if you were to ask him that." Dimple said. "You don't say." Smiwey said, annoyed. Sparkle Effect was flying by and going to the Origin cabin to check up on everyone and to get some rest. Post-it called everyone to the middle before she could, because the challenge was starting. Sparkle Effect laughed to herself. "That's some great timing!" Sparkle Effect laughed. "Alright. The challenge today is to go into the deepest depths. There are three pearls in there, and the team that has the most when all three are found wins!" Post-it explained. Post-it teleported all of the contestants into a cave which was lit only by small torches on the wall. "Like I said, three pearls, two teams, one winner. GO!" Post-it exclaimed. The TBOBA Alliance ran off in separate directions. "Ok, so what's our plan?" Exclamation Mark asked. "Well, we can sti-" Bad started before getting cut off. "Bad excluded." Exclamation Mark said. "Let's split up, the more ground we cover, the more pearls we find. They should be lit up because they are gems after all." Watermelon suggested. "Sounds good, and we need a signal or something if we find one." Page said. Star Coin nodded. Bucket, Candy Cane, and Sparkle Effect stuck together. "Guys, we need to make sure we don't get eliminated. The veteran cast is dwindling." Bucket told them. "What do you mean? Neither of you two  made it into the game. You were just RCs." Candy Cane retorted. "But that still counts, and we both weren't in TBOBA." Sparkle Effect added. Compass figured he could use his high strength to punch through walls and see if there could be any pearls hiding in the walls. He punched a wall, and his knuckles started to bleed. He started digging with his other arm to see if he could find any weak points in the wall where a pearl might be hiding. He found a part of the revealed wall that was made of gravel, and he dug it out with his working arm. A few seconds later, he was able to find something resembling a pearl, but long stuck in the wall. He put it in his pocket for safe-keeping. "Alright, I think we got one." Compass said, inhaling through gritted teeth from the wound. Smiwey pulled out a shovel and pickaxe from her hammerspace portal, and gave the pickaxe to Dimple. Together, they dug and mined out walls in the cave, and Smiwey dug out the ground to look for pearls in that way too. After fifteen minutes of mining and digging, it was clear that neither of them were getting anywhere. "Ugh! Why is it so hard to find a pearl?" Dimple complained. "I don't know, just give it time, we'll find one eventually. Besides, there ARE only three of them." Smiwey replied. "Okay, I guess you're right, but let's keep excavating." Dimple said, sighing. They kept mining and digging. USB Port walked by them, looking to the ceiling and ground for pearls. "There has to be one around here somewhere! I want to get out of here so badly!" USB Port whispered to herself. "I heard that Compass already got one, so we should be in the lead right now. All we need is one more pearl and then we win, so we better go quickly." USB Port said to herself. She started to pick up the pace a little bit when she saw a deep cave. She went down it, thinking that if it was big enough, a pearl could definitely be hiding inside it. Exclamation Mark picked up rocks on the ground and smashed them against walls. Bad explored areas, and Page searched the ceiling. It was perfect team effort, and felt like what everyone in the group actually wanted. Speedometer ran around with Backpack. "Come on BP, we can find one!" Speedometer shouted, signaling Backpack to follow in his footsteps. Backpack was short of breath. "I don't understand how you go so fast and you don't lose energy." Backpack said, exhaling. Star Coin was digging in the ground and found a pearl, just lying there. "Yes! One more and we win!" Star Coin yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh shoot, I need to go faster." USB Port worried. She got to the end of the cave. There was just a big stone wall, no pearls in sight. She heard slight rumbles in the ground. She knew what they meant, and ran to the entrance. "Gotta escape before it caves in!" USB Port screamed, pushing small rocks and pebbles out of her way. The entrance was in sight. Powder and rocks came down in front of her, pushing her back a little bit. She knew she could get out of there, all she had to do was dig out the powder. While digging, she noticed a slight glow protruding out of the wall to her left. She clawed the stone in that area and...

There it was. The key to victory, right in her grasp. She took it, and clasped it with her palms. She was forced to dig out of the cave with just one arm, taking twice as long to break through. She did, and all of her teammates stared in awe.

USB Port held the final pearl in her right hand, and raised it up towards the sky. Post-it noticed an alert on his watch. "ALL PEARLS HAVE BEEN FOUND."

"Good, now we can get out of here." Post-it said. He gathered all of the contestants into one area, and the three people who had pearls were called to the front. The score was 2 to 1 for pearls, and the Poopy Bros were victorious. They took an elevator to get out of the cave, and arrived at the surface.

Vote for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] Bucket

[B] Candy Cane

[C] Arrow

[D] Watermelon

[E] Page

[F] Exclamation Mark

[G] Star Coin

[H] Bad

[I] Cheeta


[K] Sparkle Effect

Voting ends on Christmas Day.

The next episode will come out sometime in January, hopefully in the beginning of the month.


Post-it was walking around at night when he found a VHS tape. It was labeled with nothing and was all white, except for a red rectangle on one side. He popped it into his VHS player he had, and watched. You couldn't see much of what was going on, so you were mostly looking at a black screen which at some moments flashed images of what was going on. There were shots fired from multiple rifles, and people were speaking in the background. "We have to defend the island!" "No, we have to protect us!" "But sir! We are almost done with the project, and we must preserve the subject." "Screw the project! It was a failure from the beginning and- AH!" "SIR!" There was the sound of rapid footsteps, and screaming. Post-it listened harder, and he heard noises, the likes of which he had never heard before, and the people in the tape itself were definitely people that he didn't recognize. The tape ended with someone running back. "If you're hearing this, defend this island at all costs! Something is coming, and this is just the beginning! We don't know just yet, but the project will tell us the ans-" The tape stopped. Post-it took it out and examined it with such vigor. He put it on his desk and walked away. He thought about it, and thought about what the project might have been. Definitely not the Doggus Orb, or the portals. But, he did wake up blindly on this island. Had it been one of those? Post-it was going to find out, one way or another.

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now