AOB 12: Mighty Morphin Fake Contestants

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Post-it was ready for the next elimination, and as he was setting everything up, he heard a mysterious noise. He wondered what it was, and he went down into the portal room to see if it was malfunctioning. He inspected every single portal so that he could make sure he could go to every possible universe, fictional or not, and none of them were troubled. Then he looked at a portal simply labeled 'Origin'. It was making noises, as if someone was going through the gateway. Someone did end up going through the portal, which chilled Post-it. He wanted to protect the contestants from people like this. Someone new came through, someone nobody has ever heard of before, not even Post-it had heard of her. Her name was Tokeny. She was able to speak the forbidden Glitchese language that Post-it heard Calculator speak. Post-it sighed, knowing that Tokeny would be able to communicate. He took a breath. "BMJWJ FWJ DTZ KWTR," he asked. Tokeny gasped. "DTZ XUJFP YMJ XFRJ QFSLZFLJ FX RJ," She asked. Post-it nodded. They ended up talking for a while, and Post-it explained that he was bi-lingual and learned the Glitchese language when he was younger. He was sweating, hoping that she would believe it. Tokeny grunted, then turned into a purple little fiery spark. Post-it did the same grunt, but nothing happened. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you were bi-lingual. You can't do that," the spark said. The purple spark turned back into Tokeny. "DTZ XMTZQI HTRJ BNYM RJ FSI RJJY RD KWNJSIX," Post-it said. Tokeny thought about it, and then agreed. The two of them walked toward the elimination area, where Cheeto was standing, already doing the elimination. Cheeto looked behind him to see Post-it and Tokeny standing there, while Post-it had a confused look on his face. "Oh! While you were gone I started the elimination, and Arrow was the first one safe," Cheeto said. Tokeny was confused. "What is happening here? Why is he 'safe'," Tokeny asked. "I host something called an object show, which is a competition featuring all of these people, and because he is safe, he gets to stay in the game. Last person in the game wins," Post-it explained. Post-it was about to announce the next person to be safe. "WAIT! How is ARROW safe? He's not nice, and he should be the one who should be eliminated. Also, he has been in the game for so long, being in every single season so far," Candy Cane complained. Arrow snapped his head toward Candy Cane. "Me? Mean? I'm not that mean, and if I am, I'm trying to be nicer. Most of your points do make sense, but at the same time, you called me out for it, so I feel like you're in the wrong here," Arrow retorted. Candy Cane was offended. "You're the one who should be eliminated, because you've been here the longest! Give us newbies a chance," Candy Cane yelled. Arrow decided not to come back with another say in the matter, because he would probably get a lot of hate and get eliminated. He decided he would just let Candy Cane get herself eliminated. Candy Cane eventually calmed down from her riot and let the elimination continue. "Uhh, are you done, Candy Cane," Post-it asked, while Tokeny was face palming. Candy Cane nodded and let the elimination continue. Post-it took a breath, but then asked Cheeto a question. "How many votes did we get, Cheeto," Post-it asked. "We only got one, it seems less and less people are reading this story," Cheeto replied. Then Cheeto whispered something into Post-it's ear. Post-it continued with the elimination after giving Cheeto a thank you thumbs up. He cleared his throat. "Alright, the next person safe is Earring, also with zero votes," Post-it said. Tokeny crafted a quarter and gave it to Earring. Watermelon was the next one safe. Then RCFCC was safe, along with Exclamation Mark. Star Coin, Candy Cane, GG, Shadow Bomb, and Page were left. GG was the next one to receive a quarter. Page got one after GG. Now it was down to Star Coin, Candy Cane, and Shadow Bomb. "You guys nervous," Post-it asked. Shadow Bomb was a little nervous, Candy Cane was shaking and Star Coin somehow knew that he was going to be safe, and he was a little overconfident. Though, he was the next person to be safe and get a quarter. It was down to Candy Cane and Shadow Bomb. Arrow couldn't help but smirk at Candy Cane. Candy Cane snarled. She was more focused on staying in the game. "Alright, one of you got zero votes, and the other is eliminated with one vote. Let's show the votes," Post-it said. The TV was behind curtains, so they couldn't see who gets out. There was a sound, and then the curtains were released. Shadow Bomb had one vote and Candy Cane had zero votes. "Shadow Bomb is eliminated and Candy Cane stays in the game, just barely," Post-it revealed. Then, after the elimination, Post-it gathered the 28 contestants in an area. "Alright, the next challenge will be the challenge of BFB 12, where you will be placed in 7 groups of 4, and one of the people in the group has the mind of someone else. Your goal is to find the fake. Last team to find the fake has all four of their members eliminated, while the second to last team to finish will be up for elimination. After that, I have a personal surprise up my sleeve," Post-it explained. They had to make groups. Page, Watermelon, Exclamation Mark, and Star Coin formed a team. Button forced Candy Cane and Arrow together. They also got USB Port, and they officially had the second group for the challenge. Laguna decided to for a group with Dimple, Backpack and Quark. Fast Forward got Compass, Blue, and Bucket. Ruler got together with Earring, Settings Button, and Piano Key. Muffin got RCFCC, Glass Shard, and Walmart Logo. That means Sprinkle, Billboard, GG, and Sparkle Effect were the last team and they could start the challenge. Blue was completely quiet as she stood in a huddle with her three other teammates. "Alright, how do I play this? I gotta just occasionally talk and I should be good to bring this team down. I need to act like Blue and think like Blue," Blue (RCFCC) thought. RCFCC just defaulted to what she thought kids were like. Blue suddenly burst out into noises and ran all around the room while Fast Forward, and Bucket tried to calm her down. Compass knew what Blue acted like, and this was different. "Wait a minute, Blue is the fake! She doesn't act like that," Compass said. Blue morphed into RCFCC. Candy Cane was still grumbling at Arrow, who was just trying to ignore her. "Weren't you two fighting earlier," USB Port asked. Candy Cane nodded and Arrow also nodded, but stayed chill. "Normally Arrow would be fighting back. I've known him for a while," USB Port said. "Arrow is the fake," he continued. "Sorry, but that's incorrect. Get it wrong one more time and all four of you get eliminated," Post-it said. Arrow noticed USB Port saying that he had known Arrow for a while. "I just met you when AOB started. Hey, you're the fake," Arrow yelled. USB Port morphed into Page. Laguna was confused about everyone because she didn't know who the fake was, because they were all acting normal. Backpack was sweating. Walmart Logo was asking Glass Shard a bunch of questions and Glass Shard was taking a while to answer, but he was known for not having the best memory. RCFCC was trying to eat herself for some reason. Muffin was disgusted and then accused her of being the fake, which she was. She turned into Exclamation Mark. Page was trying to decide between the three others to see who it was, and it turned out to be Exclamation Mark, who turned into Blue. Billboard and GG had determined that they were real, and they had to see who the other two were. Sparkle Effect was doing her usual business while Sprinkle was acting really stupid. "Ah, I got it. Sprinkle is the fake, because she is normally really smart and she is acting really dumb," GG said to Billboard. They got it correct. There was only one spot left, and Laguna was thinking really hard. She had narrowed it down to Quark and Dimple. She guessed Quark. She got it wrong. Then she guessed Dimple and got it right. That meant Piano Key, Ruler, Earring, and Settings Button were all eliminated and there were only 24 contestants left. "Ok contestants. Good job on the challenge. I'm sorry to the four of you that got eliminated. Cheeto will escort you to the now-branded Cheeto Hotel," Post-it announced. Tokeny clapped. "Wow! I really enjoyed that, I might stay to the end and bring you things from my homeworld," Tokeny said. "Right, hopefully you get me some.. uhh ..... interesting things," Post-it said nervously.

Vote for who you want to be eliminated!

(A) Laguna

(B) Dimple

(C) Backpack

(D) Quark

Voting ends on August 4th.

Make sure to use PARENTHESES, not square brackets.

Episode 13 comes out sometime afterwards.

Vote for who you want to rejoin the game!

[A] Parentheses

[B] Go Sign

[C] Jigsaw Piece


[E] Ruler

[F] Marble

[G] Neck Yourself

[H] Clinger

[I] Pile of Dirt

[J] Sniper Bullet

[K] Dot

[L] Under Armour

[M] V

[N] Firework

[O] Finger

[P] Hula Hoop

[Q] 21 Pilots Logo

[R] Stick

[S] Broken Pencil Tip

[T] Second Hand

[U] Portable Eraser

[V] Hyphen

[W] Old Jacknjellify Logo

[X] Power Button

[Y] Earring

[Z] Label

[a] Pistol

[b] Stretch

[c] Calculator

[d] Colon

[e] Semicolon

[f] Toe

[g] Eyeball

[h] Game Disc

[i] Lucky Block

[j] T-shirt

[k] Shorts

[l] Hanger

[m] Dorito

[n] Bad

[o] Cheeta

[p] Power Outlet

[q] Chopstick

[r] Speedometer

[s] License Plate

[t] Key

[u] Shadow Bomb

[v] Speed Limit Sign

[w] Lamppost

[x] Maple Syrup

[y] Exit Sign

[z] Blood Drop

[1] Ceiling Fan

[2] Water Bottle Cap

[3] Settings Button

[4] WiFi

[5] Shrubby

[6] Bricky

[7] Smiwey the Face

Voting for this rejoin ends on August 4th!

Make sure to use square brackets!

Night scene

Post-it ran behind a hill, peeking toward the set of AOB to make sure Tokeny was not in sight. "I must not let her know about my secret, she's on to me." Post-it said.

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now