AOB 17: The Calculation Classification

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Tokeny and Post-it were in Origin talking with an adult Ellmus, catching up on everything that they missed over the years that the group were separated. Ellmus said that he was still in touch with Ramen and WT, and next thing the three of them knew, WT and Ramen joined in the conversation. They were just walking around and talking, and they walked by the pit. There was nothing there now. Just a pit of dirt, with an oddly-colored hole in the middle, where the Doggus Orb once stood. Tokeny looked to the left and she saw her home. The box. The box she had slept in for every single day of her kid to teen life on Origin. She checked the box to see if there was anything left inside it. She found some dirty newspapers from years ago. She found a hay pillow borrowed from the now razed farm. It was a collection of keepsakes for the ages. After about an hour or so, the group of five split up, with WT and Ramen sparking to go back to their houses, and Ellmus walking home to his. Post-it and Tokeny looked at each other and smiled as they went through the portal and arrived back on Object Island. Cheeto was there already hosting elimination, but luckily, he had just started, so the two other hosts could listen and actually know who was eliminated. "Alright team Origin. Today, we got a total of 2772 votes, but only 9 of those votes were counted, since 2763 of them were for Star Coin, whom the challenge was about." Cheeto said. Star Coin was surprised. "Yeah, I should totally be eliminated, but that's kinda weird and convenient." Star Coin spoke. Cheeto continued with the elimination. "Anyways, Cheeta is the first one safe with negative one vote. Everyone is safe with 0 votes, and Glass Shard is eliminated with 9 votes." Cheeto announced. "So-so that's it. I'm eliminated?!" Glass Shard exclaimed, angrily. Cheeto nodded. "No, that's not fair. Star Coin should be eliminated! That's not fair!" Glass Shard complained. "Sorry, but that's the rules." Cheeto told Glass Shard. Cheeto rode the yacht with Glass Shard on it to the Cheeto Hotel. Post-it rubbed his hands together and told the contestants the next challenge. "Alright, so this challenge is what I would like to call a 'Calculation Classification'. In other words, you're gonna be doing math. This challenge will be fairly simple, with both teams answering math questions as fast as they can. Your team members will take turns answering questions, and if one of your members answers wrong, they are out of the challenge. The first team to lose all of their members is up for elimination. Alternatively, when both teams reach 300 questions answered, the team with the least amount of members will be the team that is up for elimination for this episode." Post-it explained. 

Question 1

The order was the same order for voting that was in the square brackets, so Bucket was first for Origin. His question was simple enough. 2+2, and it was equal to four. "Huh, that was pretty easy. Maybe all the other questions will be like that, and if they are, then this should be an easy win." Bucket said, confident. USB Port answered the same question with the same relative ease. The next two people on each team answered their questions too. "Oh god, oh geez." Billboard said, as he struggled to see what was on the board. He made out that the question had 3s and 2s only, so he assumed the answer was 55, but the question was 32 * 3 and Billboard was the first person to get a question wrong for his team. The contest went on for a while without any interruptions.

Question 29

It was onto Quark and she answered the question right, but then it was Cheeta's turn, and she couldn't see the board very well, so she answered the question wrong and Origin lost their first member. However, shortly after that, Smiwey the Face got the question wrong because she was not able to solve the division problem that was put in front of her. 

Question 53

The next two people to get out were Muffin and Backpack, because they were being distracted by the other team watching them with eyes that seemed like they were digging into their souls. The Poopy Bros were tanking hard, with four less members, and Origin had only lost one. Right afterward, Exclamation Mark fumbled on multiplication, which made the teams a little more even. 

Question 99

17 * 29 was the question that took down Compass, and right after BQM got a question wrong, so the teams were still sort of even. The people on Team Poopy Bros really had to step up their game if they wanted to win. That was not what they were doing, and it showed on question 100, because Speedometer got the question wrong.

Question 162

"Holy crap! We really need to answer these questions CORRECTLY." Walmart Logo exclaimed just as USB Port got hers wrong. Meanwhile, Origin had lost two more members, those being Arrow and Star Coin. There were only five more members on the Poopy Bros team that had answered all of their questions correctly, those being Dimple, Walmart Logo, Quark, Shadow Bomb, and Envelope. After that, Bucket got his question wrong, and the Poopy Bros were hopeful. "We might have a chance at doing it, guys!" Dimple shouted.

Question 186

"Oh god, we can't do this at all." Dimple said, sighing. Shadow Bomb had just gotten a question wrong and was kicking the walls. "How bad of shambles can we possibly be in?!" Envelope screamed. At Origin, Bad was raging in combination with being stupid because he got his question wrong. "This math problem tastes like bad cheesE!" Bad said, stupidly. "Why......" Candy Cane mumbled, face palming.

Question 221

The Poopy Bros were down to two members when they got to this question, because Quark and Dimple had gotten their questions wrong. Walmart Logo and Envelope looked at each other. "Don't get any questions wrong, take as long as you need to on an equation to ensure our safety." Envelope sternly told Walmart Logo. Walmart Logo nodded. Origin was dominating the challenge, even though the smart Sprinkle was eliminated. 

Question 249

Origin lost another member, and this time it was Sparkle Effect, who went down on an addition problem, and that caused some problems for her team, because they were questioning Sparkle Effect's brain. Envelope got her question wrong, and Walmart Logo lost all hope. Even though there were only three Origin members left, they had all proved to be really smart, and Walmart Logo had gotten lucky on most of the questions. Walmart Logo got the next question wrong on purpose so that the challenge could just end. 

"That's a wrap! The Poopy Bros could not answer the math questions nicely, and now they are up for elimination. Good job, team Origin!" Post-it shouted.

Vote in the comments for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] USB Port

[B] Compass

[C] Dimple

[D] Billboard

[E] Muffin

[F] Walmart Logo

[G] Backpack

[H] Quark

[I] Shadow Bomb

[J] Smiwey

[K] Speedometer

[L] Envelope

Voting ends on December 10th!

The next episode will come out hopefully before 2021.


As the night went on, Post-it tried to recall more and more about the strange premonitions that he had. He recalled a charred landscape, and him standing in the middle of it. Then he decided to go outside to get some fresh air and to see the stars. He looked up in the sky, and he saw that one star was colored differently. It looked like a mix between orange, red, and white. It was very, very, small, but it was notable. Post-it kept it in mind, but did not tell anyone, for fear of what might happen if he did.

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