AOB 26: Bouncy Objects

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"So, how are things for you coming along?" Watermelon asked. "Eh, they're going along well, I thought I would lose last challenge, and I'm, like, really hyped up because I won it." Silver Coin answered. Watermelon nodded. "Well, that's cool I guess." Watermelon replied. "Oh no, this is probably it." Dimple said. "Stop overreacting!!" Smiwey yelled, slapping her. "You're right. I have to calm down. BUT I CAN'T! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Dimple screeched. Smiwey punched Dimple in the face. "Calm down! We're gonna be fine. We've survived all of these eliminations, so what makes you think we won't survive this one?" Smiwey asked. "The fact that we barely survived those eliminations! One of us was bottom three in almost every elimination we were in!" Dimple answered. "True, but I have a feeling. We can do this." Smiwey assured. Dimple relaxed and nodded silently. As the contestants walked up to the elimination podium, Post-it gave them an instruction. "Get in your teams from the bedwars game. This elimination will function a bit different. I had the viewers vote on the teams, not the people, so the team with the most votes will have all four of their members eliminated." Post-it explained. "This time, we got a total of 4932 votes." Tokeny added. The contestants sat down in their positions. The Scarab Alliance prayed for their safety. "The first team safe is the blue team, so that means Shadow Bomb, Quark, Star Coin, and Watermelon are all safe with 1351 votes." Post-it began. "Whew, that's a relief." Watermelon said to himself. It was down to the Red Team and the Green Team. "See, this is exactly what I was talking about!!" Dimple whispered to Smiwey. Smiwey punched Dimple in the arm.  "The final team safe is the Red Team with 1496 votes, which means that the Green Team is eliminated with a grand total of 2085 votes!!" Post-it finished. "Oh no. I thought I was gonna be in for longer. Well, that's ok. Bye everyone. It was fun competing with you." Speedometer sighed. Dimple and Smiwey were mortified at their elimination. They never thought this day would come. As the four objects were taken away to the Cheeto Hotel, with new floors being built at the same time, Post-it felt relieved. "It's nice to finally have her gone." Post-it said. "Wait, but isn't she your wife?" Tokeny asked, very confused. "Yeah, but we never really do anything with each other anymore. I don't feel an emotional connection to her, and I'm sure she feels the same." Post-it explained. Tokeny nodded. Tokeny hugged Post-it. "Wha-" Post-it started. "If you're feeling sad, here is a hug, and of course you can always talk to me!" Tokeny interrupted. Post-it smiled. Suddenly, they disappeared and one person was in their place. They looked like a big paper version of Tokeny that was yellow. This mysterious phenomenon was named Paper Token. A few seconds after they appeared, they disappeared. Post-it and Tokeny were back and they were confused as ever. The 12 remaining contestants and Cheeto stood with their mouths wide and their faces expressionless. "Um, well that was a thing. Let's start the next contest!" Post-it said, dazed. "What in the world?!" Star Coin screamed. "I said, let's not talk about it and let's start the next contest!" Post-it yelled, still dazed. He snapped his fingers and all 12 contestants were bouncing high on a trampoline. "Right now, you are all on a trampoline. You will push each other off as the trampoline shrinks and shrinks. The last 4 people on the trampoline are immune for this contest. GO!" Post-it explained. "Woah, this is bouncing me pretty high. I feel like I'm gonna break my legs." Quark worried. Bucket kept falling over on his face because he didn't have any arms, and Sparkly was not able to do anything because she didn't have legs and she could fly. She was automatically disqualified for flying. "Oh gosh, I just realized how horrible this will be!" Page screamed as he flew through the wind and off of the trampoline. Walmart Logo was bouncing up and got distracted when she saw Taco. "She's so cool." Walmart Logo said to herself, blushing. While she was getting distracted, Quark took the opportunity to push her off. Silver Coin, being competitive, tried to get out as many people as possible. "Guys! Watch out, Silver Coin seems to be gunning for people!" Bucket announced, still just bouncing on the ground, trying to get his bearings. He fell off shortly after saying that. "Oh no, now it's just me. I better try to get other people out so I don't get put up for elimination with my alliance." Candy Cane said. Shadow Bomb was using his acrobatic skills to practice flips and tricks in the air while bouncing. Billboard kicked Watermelon off the trampoline. "No!!" Watermelon screamed, falling. Quark had finally hurt her legs and couldn't keep jumping. "Wait, this is a good thing. If I lay low, nobody will go for me and I can easily trip people up!" Quark thought. She crawled, getting bounced every other step. She swept Bad's legs and he fell down as well, hanging on to the edge of the trampoline. Quark layed down and bit his hands, causing him to fall as well. "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS, QUARK!!!" Bad shrieked as he fell. There were six people left and six people up for elimination, which meant that if two more people were up for elimination, then the contest would be over. Candy Cane was trying to go for Silver Coin. "Who's next, who wants to challenge me?" Silver Coin asked. Immediately after, Shadow Bomb, Candy Cane, and Billboard jumped on her. They all fought, trying desperately to push each other off. Billboard got kicked out of the trampoline, rendering him up for elimination. "Ooh! That looks like a good dogpile! I'm gonna jump on it!" Star Coin exclaimed, joining in on the battle. Quark also joined in, so everyone was fighting to push someone off. Shadow Bomb, with his amazing acrobatic skills, grabbed Quark by the top of her head, jumped up really high, and threw her as hard as he could off the trampoline. She landed in a nearby tree and fell down to the bottom covered in leaves. The four people immune for the episode were Candy Cane, Shadow Bomb, Star Coin, and Silver Coin. "Yeah! Two for two in contests!" Silver Coin celebrated. "I told you I would get you back for that." Bad laughed. "Shut your mouth, Bad. You weren't even the one who got me out. That award goes to the jerk over there, Shadow Bomb." Quark seethed. "Well, it sounds like someone is a sore loser! Oh, boohoo! Get used to it." Bad retorted. 

Vote for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] Bucket

[B] Sparkly

[C] Bad

[D] Quark

[E] Watermelon

[F] Page

[G] Walmart Logo

[H] Billboard

Voting ends May 28th!

Episode 27 comes out in June.

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now