AOB 2: Bowling, Featuring Turtles!

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Post-it was playing a game on his computer when Red Candy From Candy Crush came up and told him that he needed to do the elimination. "Oh yeah! I forgot, thanks for reminding me, RCFCC," Post-it said as he jogged down the stairs of his tower, stumbling down near the end. He got back up and wiped his mouth as he started bleeding inside. He gathered the members of the Candy Crushers together and started the elimination. "Welcome, Candy Crushers, to the elimination! Just in case you don't know how this works, here's a refresher! The readers will cast their votes on one of you twelve. Whoever gets the most votes will be eliminated. If we have a tie, then the other contestants on the team will vote on the two or more who tied. Does everyone get it," Post-it asked as he explained how the elimination worked. The twelve of them nodded. "We only got two votes this time, so we will most likely have a tie. Clinger is safe with zero votes," Post-it said as he threw a lollipop at Clinger. He caught it, but he fell immediately after the fact. "All foods are safe too," Post-it declared as he threw lollipops at Watermelon, Muffin, Laguna, and RCFCC. License Plate was slightly worried. Marble leaned forward as her elbows rested on her knees and her hands sank into her chin. Maple Syrup wasn't worried at all. Neck Yourself was having flashbacks. "At one vote, literally everyone else is safe except for Neck Yourself. He is eliminated with two votes," Heart said inside of Neck Yourself's mind as it repeated over and over again. These chilling words made Neck Yourself not hear the fact that Chopstick was also safe. Now Marble was scared. "Marble and License Plate are safe as well," Post-it said as Marble relaxed and leaned back. "Now Maple Syrup, Neck Yourself, Blood Drop, and Exit Sign are left. Exit Sign is safe," Post-it said, raising the tension. "Why am I, of all people, in the bottom three? I did absolutely nothing wrong," Blood Drop yelled as he broke the tension and all eyes went to him. Everyone looked at each other. "Post-it, please continue the elimination so this awkwardness leaves the area," License Plate whispered to Post-it. Post-it nodded quickly and cleared his throat. "Well, the next one safe is Exit Sign," Post-it said, slowing his speech slightly due to the fact that Blood Drop was being awkward. "Neck Yourself and Blood Drop. You two are the last people remaining. The votes will decide who goes and who stays. And by that, I mean the contestant votes. You guys tied," Post-it said. RCFCC needed to get something off her chest. "Both of these objects have a valid reason for people to dislike them. Blood Drop did nothing in episode 1 and was just awkward as heck, and Neck Yourself was disliked in season 2 and only placed 3rd because Toe made him rejoin. The difficult part is picking one out of the two though," RCFCC said as she inspected the bottom two while Neck Yourself gave RCFCC a death glare. Post-it led the other ten to a voting booth. "You will choose between Blood Drop and Neck Yourself. Whoever gets the most votes from you guys will be eliminated. Now, vote," Post-it shouted as he explained how the voting booth worked. RCFCC was up first. "Hmm... I'm voting for Neck Yourself. He was in season 2," RCFCC whispered to herself. Watermelon did the same. He thought that Neck Yourself was mean and Blood Drop was a newbie. Muffin voted for Blood Drop since RCFCC thought he was edible. Laguna chose Neck Yourself as well. Maple Syrup chose Blood Drop. Chopstick also chose Neck Yourself because he was eliminated first in TBOBA. License Plate said Blood Drop needed to go. Marble chose Blood Drop because Neck Yourself was a fellow veteran. Exit Sign chose Neck Yourself, which he was sure was the right decision. The final vote was coming from Clinger. He would decide the fate of these two. Clinger cast his vote. "The votes are in," said Post-it as he desperately tried to raise the tension past this point. "I will read the votes in the order the contestants voted. First vote: Neck Yourself. Neck Yourself. Blood Drop. Neck Yourself," Post-it dramatically said. Neck Yourself was leaned forward in a similar position as Marble, and Blood Drop was shaking. Post-it continued. "Blood Drop. Neck Yourself. Blood Drop. Blood Drop. Neck Yourself," Post-it stopped. "This final vote decides the fate of both of you. This vote was cast by Clinger," Post-it said as he paced around in circles. "The final vote goes to........... Neck Yourself," Post-it finished. Neck Yourself was shocked. "How did I get out first AGAIN," Neck Yourself questioned as he was flung to the Junk Drawer. Blood Drop exhaled intensely. "Well, now that that's out of the way, it's time to start the next challenge," Post-it enthusiastically shouted. "This challenge is bowling. One person, randomly selected from each team, will do a 3-frame game of bowling. Whoever gets the least amount of points loses for their team," Post-it explained as he walked to the bowling alley in Object Island. "Blood Drop is bowling for the Candy Crushers. Hanger is bowling for team TBOB. Piano Key will bowl for the TBOBA rejects. Go Sign will bowl for MOMMY," Post-it started. Dimple blushed. "Pistol will bowl for The Ones Who Twerk. Sniper Bullet will bowl for 25% Alliance and 75% Losers, and finally, Ceiling Fan will bowl for Long Forgotten," Post-it finished. Blood Drop bowled first. He got a 6 on his first bowl. His second bowl was worse. He got a gutter ball, because a turtle was walking across the lane. His bowling ball ran over the turtle and killed it, making the ball roll towards the gutter. Blood Drop had six points. He stared at Post-it. "Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, watch out for the turtles on the lane," Post-it warned the rest of the people bowling. Hanger got a good feel for his ball and bowled. Hanger's ball went around the turtle and then woke back into the middle of the lane. The ball hit the 1 pin right in the center, but didn't get a strike. Hanger got an 8 split, so he knew a spare was out of the question. He bowled the ball to the right and knocked down the pin, so Hanger had a score of 9 so far. Piano Key was up next and he had never bowled before, so he was sweating. He rolled the ball down the lane pathetically and he got only 1 pin. He waited for his ball to come back as he looked at the rest of his team in desperation. Candy Cane was cheering him on silently. Piano Key summoned his courage and strength. He rolled the ball with utmost confidence and knocked down 7 more pins. "Yeah! First time bowling and I got eight points," Piano Key rejoiced as he jumped into the air. He walked back to his team and Candy Cane gave him a high-five. Go Sign was up next. Go Sign bowled every other week, so he had some practice. Go Sign bowled and hit nine pins, leaving only one. Go Sign was looking at Hanger with a bratty look as he bowled without looking. The ball rolled into the right direction, but it veered left as soon as it got near the final pin. Go Sign looked at the lane in shock as the virus of the bratty face got off of Go Sign and onto Hanger. "Heh. Confidence. Pshh," Hanger scoffed. Pistol was next. He was forced to not be evil after the defeat of F Key. Pistol bowled, and surprisingly, got a gutter. He tried to make his team happier by bowling again and aiming this time, but the ball just veered right as if it was being controlled. Turns out that Pistol's ball was remote controlled and BQM was controlling it, causing Pistol to get two gutters. Pistol waited for his ball to return and picked it up. He slammed it down on the ground and it broke, revealing the mechanical insides. BQM quickly ran and hid. Pistol picked up a new ball and the game continued as normal. Sniper Bullet was the sixth one to bowl, and he got a spare, with his first bowl being a nine, and his second bowl knocking down the final pin. Sniper Bullet got to roll again, though it would be subtracted from the final frame, so Sniper Bullet would only bowl once in the final frame. He bowled a 2 and he got twelve points. Ceiling Fan was the last one to bowl, finishing up the first frame. Ceiling Fan finished off the first frame with her score of 5. Blood Drop went again and tried his utter hardest not to bowl into any turtles. Blood Drop's score went from a pitiful six to a slightly better fourteen. Hanger bowled next and he got a strike, which allowed him to bowl the final frame as well, in which he got an 8 in the final frame, so his score was a 27. Hanger ran back to his team and high-fived them. Piano Key was next and he rolled with the confidence he had left from the last bowl. The ball ran over a turtle and he only got a score of 2 on the first bowl. "Yikes," Piano Key shouted as he left backward. He bowled again and got a gutter because of the shock from the dead turtle. Piano Key's arm grabbed his other arm. He walked back to Candy Cane, who tried to keep her temper down. "Woosah. Woosah," Candy Cane mumbled to herself as she walked away with her hands on her head. Go Sign was next and after his embarrassingly stupid gutter, Hanger lost all confidence in him. But despite this, Go Sign did pretty well and got a score of 7 on his next frame. Pistol was next and after he sneered at BQM, he bowled and got a strike. He then got another strike, making him get twenty points as his final score. Sniper Bullet was bowling for the second time as he bowled the next frame. He hit the front pin smack dab in the middle, but he only got 9 pins knocked down. Sniper Bullet tried to go again, but he got a gutter. Sniper Bullet now had 21 points. "Hey Pistol! I'm giving you 5 sympathy points because BQM hacked your ball," Post-it said, bringing Pistol's total to 25. Ceiling Fan was next. Ceiling Fan bowled a 7 as her first and a gutter as her second, raising her score to 12. Blood Drop was bowling for the last time. He bowled and got a spare, raising his point total to a final score of 24. Hanger had already bowled the third frame, so he was skipped and Piano Key bowled instead. "You better not screw this up for us, Piano Key," Candy Cane threatened as she seethed with anger. Piano Key bowled. He got a 9. Piano Key's final total was 19. "You messed up bad with that second bowl. You might have cost us the game," Candy Cane said as she kept her temper in. She stood in the corner and repeated the word woosah until she felt better. Go Sign bowled next, sneering at Hanger after he bowled both times. He got a spare as well, making his final score a 26. Pistol was already done, so Sniper Bullet would bowl only once. Sniper Bullet got six pins knocked down. Sniper Bullet's final score was 27. Ceiling Fan bowled the final frame in the game. Ceiling Fan finished it off with a good note by getting a strike. Her score was a 22. 


Blood Drop: 24

Hanger: 27

Piano Key: 19

Go Sign: 26

Pistol: 20

Sniper Bullet: 27

Ceiling Fan: 22

After seeing the final scores on the board, Something Better looked at Piano Key at least somewhat angry, except for Candy Cane. She was absolutely furious. She was totally steamed and she could not be calmed down. The other ten walked backwards away from Candy Cane as she gave Piano Key the yelling of his life.

Vote for who you want to be eliminated! 

[A] Candy Cane

[B] Second Hand

[C] Button

[D] Bucket

[E] Firework

[F] Glass Shard

[G] Under Armour

[H] Sparkle Effect

[I] Sprinkle

[J] Ruler

[K] Hyphen

[L] Piano Key

Voting ends on January 20th!

Episode 3 comes out from January 21st - January 30th.

Sorry for the long wait on this, it took a while to make. I promise that episode 3 will not be delayed. See you in the next episode!


Post-it was relaxing when a shadowy figure walked toward him. Post-it grabbed a flashlight and shone it at this figure. It was a blue hamster. "Cheeto," Post-it inquired. "Yes. I have been assigned to you as your co-host to help because there are a lot of contestants," Cheeto explained. "Oh! Thanks! I really needed help," Post-it exclaimed. Post-it shook hands with Cheeto. Then they walked to Post-it's tower. They talked for a while before going to sleep. 

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