AOB 9: The Shortening

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While he was sleeping, Cheeto decided that he would go for a midnight walk. He saw a shooting star. He gasped in child-like wonder and then he wished for Post-it to come back. He longed for his secret love interest, and he also thought the stress of hosting was too much. He opened his eyes, and then the shooting star came closer to him. This confused him for a second, but then he was even more confused when the shooting star hit him in the noggin. His head was burnt, and on the ground in front of him lay a burnt mess of arms, legs, and a body. A body that looked suspiciously like Post-it's body. Cheeto shook the body multiple times. Eventually, this person came to. "wha...Where am I? Cheeto," The body asked. Cheeto got some of the food he had packed with him and gave it to this person. The stranger ate it. They walked back to where Cheeto was sleeping in order to nurse this person back to health. "Let's go back to my place, on the AOB set," Cheeto said. The stranger had a memory of being on the set and talking to many other objects. "I need, I need to... I have to go to the set," The stranger said. "What? No you don't. You need to stay with me so we can get you better by morning," Cheeto said. "No, I need to host AOB, I just came back from jail," Post-it said. "What?? Post-it! YOU'RE BACK," Cheeto yelled, waking everyone up. "Hey! Why'd you wake us all up? We needed sleep before the elimination," Portable Eraser complained. "Well, since everyone is up, we might as well do the elimination," Cheeto said. He gathered the members of 25% Alliance, 75% Losers to do the elimination. Post-it stood up on a pedestal and did the elimination. "Alright, you guys lost at Uno due to BQM sucking," Post-it said. "We got a total of 5 votes this time. BQM, Bad, Sniper Bullet, Finger, USB Port, Compass, and Speedometer are all safe with zero votes," Post-it said, while handing out granola bars to everyone that was safe. "Exclamation Mark is safe with one vote. Cheeta is also safe with one vote," Post-it said while giving the two of them granola bars. Portable Eraser and Jigsaw Piece are the last two left. With two votes, the person eliminated is........ Jigsaw Piece!! Portable Eraser is safe with one vote. Portable Eraser caught his granola bar and instantly ate it. Jigsaw Piece was transported to the hotel. Post-it decided right after he got back that the next challenge would be a race that lessened the competition down to only 30 contestants. Post-it needed to get some of the stress from the size of AOB off his shoulders, so he decided this would be extremely logical. Post-it had to announce this to everybody, and it was dreadful. Everyone knew that they had a very low chance of staying in. "So, the challenge will be a race around Object Island. You will have to race around the island, and you have to pass through the gates that you will find in your general direction of the race. The first thirty people to finish will be the ones who make it to the rest of AOB," Post-it explained. Many people were scared. Others were determined. The contestants knew that this was the most important challenge of their lives. They all lined up at the starting line. Post-it started the countdown, then stopped it because he forgot to say a few rules. "There is no cheating allowed, so you can't fly or use potions or items that make you go faster, but you CAN hinder other players," Post-it said. "Ready, Set, GO," Post-it screamed. All of the contestants ran together, with some pushing others down to the ground, and some just trying to run as fast as possible. Laguna, Dimple, and Blue all helped each other, acting as a group, while hindering other players. Candy Cane noticed the branches on all the trees that were on the path of the race. She hooked herself to this and got some progress in the race by doing this. She was actually the first one to finish. Because of his general speed, Fast Forward was the next one to finish, so he was also confirmed to be in the rest of the season. Chopstick shot Arrow from a bow he made with sticks and string. Arrow crossed the finish line and was confirmed for the rest of the season. Sparkle Effect couldn't help being able to fly, but Post-it gave her an exception. She finished the race, along with Bucket and USB Port. Sprinkle and Compass were the next two to finish, along with the group of Laguna, Dimple, and Blue. Shadow Bomb wall-jumped and made it to the end, so he also made it into the next stage. Marble was rolling down to the finish line when she bumped into something and she ended up breaking both of her legs. Watermelon saw Marble and tried to lift her up. Watermelon threw her to the finish line so she got confirmed. Watermelon then ran to the finish line so they both got in. Billboard made it to the end, while hindering other players. Muffin was another person who finished, along with Page, Button, and Glass Shard. Exclamation Mark made it out of the race, with Colon and Semicolon falling behind due to the other players' exploits. There were only ten spots left. Walmart Logo found some spots to stick some adhesive he had. He used the adhesive to jump from wall to wall, which made him finish the race as well. RCFCC just ran all the way to the end, hindering the other newbies, trying to get nobody to get to the next stage. She sent everyone who tried to contest her back. She made it to the finish, and despite her aggressive ways, her strategy was well received by everyone. Backpack carried Quark to the finish and they both made it. Only 6 spots left for the contestants. Star Coin also made it to the end by rolling and running. GG was the other contestant that Post-it gave a pass for having no legs, and by this point he had made it to the end as well. "Only four spots left," Post-it announced. "WHAT? Dang, I need to go fast if I want to stay in here for any longer," Piano Key thought. He rushed to the finish line, and just barely made it into the final 30. Ruler was the next one to finish the race, mostly because he really wanted to be in the competition, after doing basically nothing to help for his team. Go Sign and Parentheses were hoping to be the last two in the final 30, but Earring easily took that dream away from them. Using her brains, she was able to calculate the best route to make it to the finish line. She crossed and shot the pair a smug look. Parentheses and Go Sign looked at each other as Post-it announced to the other contestants still in the race that there was only one ticket let in order to get into the final 30. All of the contestants stared at the finish line and ran like they never ran before. Suddenly, Power Button found a way to go to easily make it to the final 30. "Settings Button! You need to take the shortcut around this bridge and finish the race," Power Button yelled. "No! You need to finish! You're more capable than I am," Settings Button retorted. "Remember, I was in the competition last season, so you deserve to be in this one," Power Button said. With these final words, Power Button hoisted Settings Button up and threw him at the finish line, making him cross right before Go Sign did, and with that, the final 30 were locked in. "Alright, our final 30 are Candy Cane, Fast Forward, Arrow, Sparkle Effect, Bucket, USB Port, Sprinkle, Compass, Laguna, Dimple, Blue, Shadow Bomb, Marble, Watermelon, Billboard, Muffin, Page, Button, Glass Shard, Exclamation Mark, Walmart Logo, RCFCC, Backpack, Quark, Star Coin, GG, Piano Key, Ruler, Earring, and Settings Button. There will be no more teams, but no points like last season. You will be competing for immunity, so the challenges will be shorter, and tokens will be back. The competition has been flipped on its head. Welcome to the final 30," Post-it said. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this long-awaited episode. Hopefully, things on my Wattpad will be published more often because I don't have anymore school. I will be working most days on Wattpad, so expect more parts to stories, and at most 2 stories a month. Also, I swear that there will no longer be waits this long, except for in-between seasons. Welcome to the final 30.

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now