AOB 10: Maze Mystery

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As they were finishing up episode 9, Post-it looked up towards the sky. He grabbed Cheeto and asked him a few questions. "Buddy, what's that," Post-it asked. Cheeto looked up to where Post-it was pointing. "The Geometricians. They're here. And, is that... Music Note? I thought we killed him and he was dead forever! We have to rush to see what's happening," Cheeto exclaimed. The two eagerly waited for the challenge to be over, and when it was, they told the remaining 30 to come. The 32 of them rushed towards the ship. The BFCIA cast was also there. Circle, who was apparently the leader, walked up to everyone and announced something. "Hello people of Toonwa. We have come here to say that we will defeat you in order to have the alliance of Music Note," Circle announced. Circle shot a glance down at Post-it and saw the immense amount of people behind him. "Your contestants will be placed inside a maze. If at least 20 of them finish it, then me and my polygonic underlings will be considered defeated and we will stand down," Circle continued. Circle and Music Note shot glances at each other for a short while, then both faced back towards the contestants. Circle snapped his fingers and everyone except for the Geometricians and Music Note blacked out. They were all teleported to a black, glossy hedge maze. The contestants were actually inside the maze. The hosts, on the other hand, were teleported to a completely different location. The hosts could see the contestants, but not vice-versa. However, the contestants could hear the hosts. Post-it Speaker Box looked around, analyzing the room they were in. "Hmm, seems like some sort of black glass," PSB said. Cheeto got worried. "Glass?! The contestants better be extremely careful! They might get some glass in their arm and they could bleed," Cheeto yelled. "Wait, this is made of glass," Earring asked, looking towards everyone else. Instantly, most of the contestants in the maze tensed up. The rest of the contestants didn't care that the maze was made of glass. By the rest, I mostly mean Fast Forward. The group split up to all try and find the exit. With everyone out of her sight, Laguna pulled out her trusty map. It was from the new season, so she had no idea where anything was. Luckily, Teardrop was there to show where to go. Teardrop guided her and gave her all directions, and she finished first. Turns out, though, that Dimple had followed her from the beginning and also had help from Teardrop. So Dimple was the next person to finish. Arrow was just lucky and he was the next person to finish. He was extremely lucky to find the exit without some sort of map. Compass was the next person to finish. Because he is a compass, he used himself to find the way out, combined with his help from F Key, which Post-it didn't appreciate very much. Bucket and Backpack were working together to try and get out, but they couldn't seem to find it. Meanwhile, Walmart Logo got out with help from Taco. The other contestants were being careful about every move, theorizing the thousands of ways that it could go wrong. Ruler and Earring had the same deal as Laguna and Dimple, as Ruler finished and Earring secretly followed, while both had help from Thread and PQM. Meanwhile, many other objects were helping to get out of the maze, but a lot of them had absolutely no idea what to do to escape. USB Port got lucky and ended up escaping somehow. There are only 12 safe spots left. Meanwhile, Post-it, Pen, Cheeto, and Post-it Speaker Box were figuring out what was going on with the room they were in. They observed the room, and looked at everything that was decor, that was on the wall, on the floor, on the ceiling, anything they could find could be a clue on how to get them out of the room they were trapped in. They inspected the paintings on the walls. When looked at in a certain order, they seemed to tell a complete story about what happened to the Geometricians. They looked like normal objects in the first two paintings, then in the third one, they were shot by a beam. The circle was crowned the leader of the new world. They were originally underlings for a bigger group, but they defected and took over the new world. They became the leader, then they discovered this island. Circle created a few objects to restart the object species. Soon, they took over the island, and eventually the whole planet that the island was located on. Then, they discovered the entire solar system of Toonwa. While Pen was inspecting the paintings and piecing together the story, Cheeto found something. He found a carpet, which he moved and he found a secret passage underneath. They went under it and ended up somewhere else. Meanwhile, Shadow Bomb found a way above the maze and he exited the maze. He was safe. RCFCC had help from Pistol, so they ended up escaping. Sparkle Effect used the same strategy as Shadow Bomb and went above the maze. GG and Piano Key were the next two to escape because they formed an alliance. Glass Shard, ironically, was the only one to get hurt while trying to find the exit. She eventually did though. Watermelon had been charging up his Temmie powers, with motivational help from Puppy. They got out and Watermelon was also safe. Page was the next one to finish because he got lucky with help from Tennis Ball. While helping Piano Key, GG also helped Candy Cane, so she finished. Blue was originally going to travel with Dimple and Laguna, but she got lost. She eventually found her way, and she got to the exit. Fast Forward, despite warnings from the hosts, didn't care about anything and ran into walls until he made it out. His face was extremely bruised. He needed medical help. And, the last person to finish was Quark. She found it with help from Trash Can. So the ten people up for elimination were Bucket, Sprinkle, Marble, Billboard, Muffin, Button, Exclamation Mark, Backpack, Star Coin, and Settings Button. Bucket didn't make it out because he was unlucky. Sprinkle and Marble didn't make it out because they were arguing. Billboard didn't make it out because he was too big. Muffin didn't try, and Button was playing around like a child with Hand Sanitizer. Exclamation Mark was about to make it, but Neutral stopped her. Backpack was also unlucky and didn't make it. Star Coin ran in circles, and didn't really try. Settings Button was like two others and was also unlucky. Everyone was warped back. "Because 20 of you made it out, you win and we are defeated," Circle said. Music Note looked at Circle. Circle built something up. He raised many pillars out of the ground, and made a fortress on top of the biggest one. Music Note and the Geometricians were determined to take back control of Object Land. Music Note's own army had turned against him because of the fact that he ditched his own army. So, against Post-it's will, F Key and the others joined with the members of Object Island. They looked up towards the fortress. Post-it knew exactly what they would do next. 

Vote in the comments in square brackets to eliminate one of the following contestants.

[A] Bucket

[B] Sprinkle

[C] Marble

[D] Billboard

[E] Muffin

[F] Button

[G] Exclamation Mark

[H] Backpack

[I] Star Coin

[J] Settings Button

Voting ends on Thursday, March 25.

Episode 11 will come out some time afterwards. 

Like or dislike the contestants. The one with the most likes will receive a random token, while the most disliked contestant will be eliminated. 

See you in episode 11!

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