AOB 8: Colored cards, and a LOT of them

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Cheeto was watching some YouTube videos when he got an idea for the challenge they were going to do today. First, he had to do the elimination. He couldn't get too far ahead of himself. He ran to the elimination area and called for all the people of Team TBOB to come to the elimination area so that one of them will be eliminated. All of the team was there except for Calculator. "Where's Calculator," Cheeto asked. "Oh, he's asleep," Hanger said. Cheeto sighed and went into the cabin where the team slept. Calculator was fidgeting and making really concerning noises. Cheeto shook him gently and asked if he was OK. "I sense something," Calculator said in his sleep. Cheeto was intrigued by this. "What is it," Cheeto asked. Calculator started to shiver. "auhefwyjgfjhg is coming," Calculator said. "Did you just speak Glitchese," Cheeto asked. Calculator stared Cheeto dead in the face and spoke in Glitchese once more. Calculator passed out. Cheeto grabbed Calculator's foot and dragged him to the elimination area. He then hoisted Calculator up on his shoulders and laid him down on the pedestal he was supposed to be seated at. "Now, since everyone is here," Cheeto began. "We can finally do the elimination," Cheeto finished. "Colon, your failure last episode made you and your team be up for elimination. How do you feel," Cheeto asked. Colon shrugged. "I feel fine. I do have this rash on my arm, though," Colon said. "Don't speak all that commotion, just, just scrub some lotion," Cheeto replied. Cheeto threw a lotion bottle at Colon. "Oh, also you're safe, Cheeto said. He also threw bottles of lotion at Semicolon, Calculator, and Dorito. "You guys are also all safe with zero votes just like Colon. SCRUB THAT LOTION," Cheeto hollered. Everyone started scrubbing lotion all over themselves, just to play along with Cheeto's thing. The two friends, Game Disc and Lucky Block, were safe next. Lucky Block scrubbed the lotion so hard that he accidentally hit himself on the bottom area and his lucky dollar popped up. He saw the dollar and grabbed it. He then smiled awkwardly. Hanger was safe next. Hanger didn't have anywhere to scrub his lotion, and Lucky Block wanted more. It seemed like her was going crazy over the stuff. Hanger gave his lotion to Lucky Block. Lucky Block rubbed it all over himself and then started drinking the lotion. He died soon after and was recovered. He then saw the almost-empty lotion bottle next to him and drank the rest of it. He then died again and was recovered again. T-shirt and Shorts were the last two people safe. Shorts made everyone drink the lotion, including Cheeto and herself. Everyone died and was recovered. Once they were recovered, Cheeto looked at Shorts, angrily. He pointed to the hotel that the eliminated contestants were staying at. "Get out," Cheeto said. Shorts laughed and drowned herself in the water trying to swim over to the hotel. Cheeto sighed. Arrow and Eyeball were the last two people left in the elimination. "You guys both got one vote, so we will do a random name picker and we will choose who to eliminate from there. The random name picker spun and spun and spun some more. Finally, after a few spins, Arrow was the one to be declared eliminated. He and Shorts were sent to the hotel. Cheeto got a notification that a package arrived at his house. Cheeto gasped and ran to his house. He brought it back and it was an extra large game of Uno. Cheeto busted it out and said that it would be a challenge. They would just play for ten minutes. Whoever had the most amount of cards at the end would be UFE along with their team. Cheeto started the timer and got out the cards for everyone. Everyone knew how to play Uno, so it was easy for everyone. The game went on forever, maybe because it just felt like forever. The timer hit ten minutes, though. 25% Alliance, 75% Losers had the most amount of cards at 15. The other teams each had <10 cards. But, in the end, BQM's team lost and Cheeto put them up for elimination. The alliance (and the losers) were mad at him for losing. BQM just shrugged. "I guess I'm bad at Uno," BQM said in a high-pitch. 

Vote for the members of 25% Alliance, 75% Losers!


[B] Bad

[C] Cheeta

[D] Exclamation Mark

[E] Jigsaw Piece

[F] Sniper Bullet

[G] Portable Eraser

[H] Finger

[I] USB Port

[J] Compass

[K] Speedometer

Whoever gets the most votes will be eliminated!

Voting ends Friday, April 17th.

Episode 9 comes out from Monday, April 20th to Friday, April 24th.

I'm very sorry for having this not come out for a long time, but wattpad was blocked on my school computer so it took a while. But, it's out, and the TBOB games are NOT cancelled. Rants are also NOT cancelled. I hope ya have a good day!!


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