AOB 5: The Absolute Dizziest of Heights

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Cheeto was still deeply conflicted by the news he had just received two days ago. He thought of just sitting down and disappearing. Then Parentheses told him that he needed to do the elimination. Cheeto slumped down the stairs of Post-it's private tower and started. Cheeto put on a fake smile as he did the elimination as joyfully as possible. "Alright! Thank you, Parentheses, for reminding me to do this elimination," Cheeto said. "You're welcome, bro," Parentheses said. "As a reward for telling me that I needed to do the elimination, you are the first one safe. You got 0 votes," Cheeto said. Parentheses smiled as Cheeto hurled a balloon at him. "Dimple and Blue are the next two people safe," Cheeto said. They got balloons, each matching their colors. "Let me just say that most of the people here got 0 votes, while some people got 1 or 2 votes," Cheeto said. Cheeto started doing the default dance as he threw balloons at Power Button and Shadow Bomb. "The last people safe with zero votes are Shrubby, Go Sign, and Quark," Cheeto announced. "The rest of you got at least one vote, and one of you will never be happy again," Cheeto said threateningly. "Pile Of Dirt is the next person safe, with one vote," Cheeto said as Pile Of Dirt got a dirt-like balloon. Settings Button was the next person safe, also with one vote as he got a balloon with a gear on it. Smiwey was shaking and so was Stick. Stick knew he had the higher chance of being out because he was a veteran from season 2 and he had acted rude toward Pile Of Dirt in the past. "Well, well, well, looks like you two are the last ones left. One of you got one vote, and the other one got two votes. The results are............... Smiwey is safe with 1 vote and Stick is eliminated with 2," Cheeto said. Smiwey got a smiling balloon and Stick got the boot. Cheeto saw Post-it's phone ringing. He picked it up and answered it. "Hello," Cheeto asked. "Hello. It's Coffee Mug. I need you to free all of the people in the Junk Drawer. Escort them off the island and to a hotel, away from the island. I'm sending the directions to you now," Coffee Mug told Cheeto. Cheeto grabbed a boat and escorted the five eliminated contestants to the nearby hotel. 30 minutes later, Cheeto returned and they could do the challenge. "This challenge is simple. One person will be chosen randomly from each team to climb the far-off Mount Rigmo. The person who gets to the top last will lose and their team will be up for elimination," Cheeto explained. "For MOMMY, Settings Button was chosen by a randomizer," a robotic voice informed the contestants. The robotic voice announced the other people chosen to climb Mount Rigmo. For Team TBOB, it was Game Disc. For Something Better, it was Sparkle Effect. "Well, this is extremely fair," Speed Limit Sign muttered. For Long Forgotten, the contestant chosen was WiFi. She knew she was pretty good at rock climbing, so this couldn't be much harder. For the Candy Crushers, the contestant chosen was Laguna. For 25% Alliance, 75% Losers, the contestant chosen was BQM. Finally, for The Ones Who Twerk, the contestant chosen was Key. "Alright, you have been chosen, now, on your set, get mark, GO," Cheeto announced. The seven people stared at Cheeto. "What? I told you to go," Cheeto said. "Um, excuse me, but WHERE is Mount Rigmo," Settings Button asked with extreme sass. "OH YEAH! Sorry about that guys. I will buy us a plane ticket," Cheeto said. He bought the ticket and brought the seven of them with him in his car. The eight of them finally made it to the airport. "Wow Cheeto! That game show of yours is already over," someone asked. "Oh no, these are just select contestants coming to the airport to get on a plane to then climb Mount Rigmo," Cheeto said. "Oh, alright," the random person replied. After a long and arduous journey, they finally got off the plane and looked up toward Mount Rigmo. "On your set, get mark, GO," Cheeto instructed. Sparkle Effect easily and sneakily flew up the mountain in a jiffy. Something Better was safe. Sparkle Effect was teleported back to Object Island. "Wow Sparkle Effect! How did you finish so fast," Bucket asked, clearly in awe. "Well, I kind of cheated," Sparkle Effect confessed. "WHAT," everyone shouted. "Shhh," Sparkle Effect shushed. "If we don't say anything about it, then Cheeto won't make us up for elimination," Sparkle Effect whispered. "Ahh, I gotcha," Second Hand remarked. BQM swiftly climbed upward toward the peak. He looked down at the other contestants. They weren't far behind, and they were gaining quickly. BQM mustered all the strength and courage he had, and jumped up the mountain. He climbed so fast that he jumped far above the peak when he got to the top. He landed on the peak and ended up breaking his left ankle. He was safe for his team though, and that was what mattered the most to him. BQM was teleported back to Object Island and the alliance and those other losers were safe. WiFi stayed true to her word and climbed quicker than the other contestants. However, in a burst of pure skill, Settings Button quickly zoomed past WiFi and made it to the top. An hour later, WiFi had made it to the top already and was teleported back to Object Island along with Settings Button when he finished. Key thought she would just faint. But, somehow, he made it to the top and got her team the power of safety. Laguna knew that she and Game Disc were the last two, so she started going a little faster. She noticed that Game Disc looked like he was just climbing slowly and taking in the sights, so she used this to her advantage and won for her team. Game Disc realized he lost. "Shoot," Game Disc said. Laguna and Game Disc were teleported back to Object Island and Laguna rejoiced because she had won for her team. 

Vote for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] Calculator

[B] Colon

[C] Semicolon

[D] Toe

[E] Game Disc

[F] Lucky Block

[G] Hanger

[H] Arrow

[I] Dorito

[J] Eyeball

[K] T-shirt

[L] Shorts

Voting ends on February 26th!

Episode 6 will come out from February 27th - March 5th!

Just to clarify, I'm not publishing stories on weekends, so, if an episode comes out delayed, that's the reason why.

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now