AOB 21: Climb for the Prize

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Post-it began the new episode immediately with an announcement. "Because of technical problems, points and tokens are not happening again this season. Sorry guys." Post-it said. "Aww, I thought I would get to use my Revenge Token." Star Coin said, bummed. Muffin was bumming about the open fields being sad. "I feel like I haven't really done anything this season, and it's bothering me." Muffin said. Page came over and sat down next to her. "I know how you feel, that was me last season. Not really doing much." Page replied. Muffin laughed. "Glad to know someone else feels my pain." Muffin answered. Page walked away and came over to Bad. With the team disbanded and the group officially broken, Bad didn't have anyone to carry him this time. He had to depend on himself to do well. "How ya holding up?" Page asked. "Heh, doing about as well as I can be." Bad answered. "So, not very well, I assume?" Page replied. "Bit of both. I'm not feeling good about this, but something tells me that I'm able to get pretty far myself." Bad said. Everyone else in the old group was doing fine not being bossed around, and everyone in it agreed that it was better off without the teams. The Scarab alliance was quaking in their boots at the thought of one of them getting eliminated, since all three of them were up for elimination out of a total six. However, the elimination started and they all sat down. "Alright, this time, we got 460 votes, which is a new record!" Post-it said. "Hey, that's pretty good!" Billboard spoke. Post-it started announcing who was safe. "The first one safe is Billboard with three votes! Next is Sparkly with 27." Post-it started. Both of them got gloves, and Billboard got a rope and grappling hook for having the least amount of votes. "Next one safe is Candy Cane with 45 votes. Bucket is safe next with 78 votes." Post-it kept on. "Phew, our alliance lives another day!" Sparkly said silently. "Now it's down to Smiwey the Face and Compass. One great player, and one slightly less great one. The person safe is Smiwey with 124 votes. Compass is eliminated with a grand total of 183 votes!" Post-it finished. With the elimination done, the contestants had free time, but one of them decided to ask Post-it a question. "Oi Post-it! You never told us what the prize was!" Quark yelled. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Post-it said. He held up a ticket. "This is the prize." Post-it revealed. He handed it to Quark. "Hmm, 'free travel for life, Object Island Portal Kiosk'? This sounds nice, but I don't know if it will be handy." Quark denied. "Oh, but it will be necessary with the 'other' part of the prize." Post-it added. He created a hologram of a circle using powers that Post-it, Cheeto, and Bob possessed. "So, what I'm getting from this, is that whoever wins this season will get some of your powers, and a free travel ticket through the portals down there, so we can go where we want to at any given time without anybody trying to kill us?!" Walmart Logo asked. Post-it nodded. "There's enough of my power to go around, but not that much, haha!" Post-it laughed. Tokeny laughed as well, having already received some of Post-it's power after the last episode. All the contestants oohed. Post-it put away the ticket and decided to get ready for the next challenge. He got a makeshift mountain he made out of cardboard he had gotten from packages over the years. "Alright, this is the next challenge. Climb the mountain to win. The last 8 people to finish climbing the mountain will be up for elimination. Now start!" Post-it announced. Sparkly sighed. "Again? The mountain challenge? I can fly, I don't think he realizes that." Sparkly spoke, angrily. She flew up to the top and secured herself immunity. She pulled out a book and started reading. Shadow Bomb, though being great at acrobatics and parkour, struggled with this challenge quite a lot. "Why am I so bad all of a sudden? I'm supposed to be good at this sort of stuff!" Shadow Bomb yelped. Just as he grabbed onto a rock, his feet slipped, leaving him dangling by one hand. He swung himself back over to the previous small ledge and tried to figure out another way. Billboard flew up right by him with his grappling hook. He got to the end and looked for nearby standing points. He stood on one and took back the grappling hook. However, just as he was about to fire it, Watermelon jumped in front of him and stole it. "Hey! Give that back!" Billboard complained. "Oh, this little thing? No, it's as good as gone." Watermelon mocked, throwing the grappling hook off the mountain. USB Port was climbing, and while she was, Quark shrunk down to a size so small she was practically invisible and jumped onto USB Port. She was the next one to get to the top, so Quark was given a free win. "Thanks for the immunity!" Quark said, jokingly. USB Port growled. "Leech." USB Port muttered. Speedometer saw everyone up above her and tried to go faster. "Oh no, this is very very bad." Speedometer said, freaking out. She looked down the mountain and saw Bucket down there. "How am I supposed to climb a mountain without arms?!" Bucket yelled. He looked to the right and saw a path of stairs that led up to the mountain. He went up those stairs super fast and arrived at the top of the mountain. Page kept trying to climb up the mountain, but kept flying off due to the high winds. Walmart Logo, who was climbing close by, grabbed Page before he could fly to the bottom, and kept climbing. "Thanks for helping me. If I wasn't paper I could probably get up there." Page croaked. "No prob. Just trying to help." Walmart Logo replied. They both made it to the top and high fived. Muffin and Dimple were racing to the top, and Muffin kicked Dimple, which made her fall off. Muffin later made it to the top as well. Right around the same time, Watermelon made it to the top. Shadow Bomb, after failing to do parkour for about 38 minutes, made it to the top, with a scratch on his left arm. "Only one spot left!" Post-it announced. Dimple climbed faster and faster. Despite her best efforts, Billboard made it to the top before her, and she was put up for elimination. "That's a wrap!" Post-it yelled. All the contestants were teleported down the mountain. "I never want to climb a mountain again." Dimple complained. She was shaking with anger, or maybe it was just because she was still cold. 

Vote for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] Candy Cane

[B] Arrow

[C] Star Coin

[D] Bad

[E] Dimple

[F] Backpack

[G] Smiwey the Face

[H] Speedometer

Whoever gets the most votes will be eliminated!

Voting ends April 15th.


Post-it went into the forest again, and that same other version of him came out. This time, it was in solid form, and it immediately started charging at Post-it. They had a great battle, from a fistfight to flying up in the air shooting lasers at each other, to rock paper scissors. After a battle that seemed to last generations, the real Post-it won over his dark side, but the dark side showed him something he had never seen before. He had known his backstory, how he was originally a very powerful spirit, along with two others, Cheeto and Bob. The dark side showed him the truth. The real truth. It was a flashback to that specific moment, but Post-it saw something different. There were four spirits. Where the first three went down to Toonwa to eventually turn into the three hosts, the fourth was different. It also went down too, but it took the wrong path. Post-it watched the life of the fourth spirit, wondering who it really was. Then, he saw something else. He saw a standoff, with him at the other side. He was confused, and he tried to remember that specific point in time. Then, he realized who it was. "So, all this time, they were the fourth?" Post-it asked. His dark side nodded. "If that's the case, maybe I can get them to listen." Post-it asserted.

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