AOB 24: The Inanimate Initiation

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"Dimple, I'm worried. I've been near the bottom in every single elimination." Smiwey said, clearly worried. "Eh, don't worry. You'll be fine. They're not gonna vote you off unless they really want you to go. I don't think they do." Dimple replied. "I want to get out. I'm too stressed. This is too much for me." Smiwey cried, breaking down. Dimple comforted her while brainstorming what to do. "Weirdos." Speedometer said to herself, walking by them. She kept walking by, just taking in the sights. Star Coin crashed into her. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Star Coin screamed. "You were the one who walked into me." Speedometer retorted. Star Coin continued running. Speedometer sighed. Page was trying to see into the future again. Quark interrupted him. "What are you doing?" Quark asked, curiously. "I'm trying to see the future." Page answered. "Oooooh!" Quark said, amazed. Page started to show off his skills to the bedazzled Quark, as she wrote things down and listened. Post-it called all the contestants up to the elimination alley. "Ok. Last time, Candy Cane won the tournament, leaving all of you up for elimination." Post-it started. USB Port coughed and yawned. Post-it shot her an angry look. "This time, we got a ginormous total of 2560 votes!!" Post-it announced. Everyone clapped, for that was the greatest achievement yet. Post-it signaled for the contestants to stop clapping. "Alright, the first person safe is Watermelon, with 8 votes. The next one safe is Speedometer with 13." Post-it began. The two high-fived, and Watermelon was not given a prize like the others like him. "Hey Post-it! Where's my prize?" Watermelon asked. "Pardon?" Post-it questioned. "My prize. I was the first person safe, so I should get a prize to help me in the next challenge right?" Watermelon continued asking. "Oh, yeah, your prize. You don't get one this episode, because of something I will mention when the elimination is over." Post-it answered. Watermelon nodded suspiciously. "Anyway, the next people safe are Billboard and Quark, with 23 and 52 votes respectively. After them is Bucket with 62." Post-it announced. Bucket took a sigh of relief. "Oh no, Sparkly! C'mon, you have to be safe!" Bucket worried. "Ayy, don't worry. I got this." Sparkly replied confidently. Next safe were Muffin with 68 votes, and Bad with 94. "I LIVE!!" Muffin screamed. "Ok, I'm less confident now." Sparkly said anxiously. "Star Coin is safe next, with exactly 100 votes! Page is right behind her with 138." Post-it kept on. Dimple was next with 147 votes, and after her was Walmart Logo with 170 votes. There were only four people left. Sparkly, USB Port, Smiwey, and Shadow Bomb. Out of those, the first one safe was Sparkly with 364 votes. "Oh my goodness thank you, I was definitely a goner there." Sparkly sighed with relief. Smiwey was next with only 2 more votes, at 366. "I stay in this wretched pit for longer." Smiwey muttered. Dimple looked worried. "Only two people left now! Shadow Bomb, the rejoiner, and USB Port, the shy girl turned psycho!" Post-it continued. USB Port shot him a look. "In an 11 vote difference, Shadow Bomb is safe! He got 472 votes, which means USB Port has been eliminated with the highest vote count yet, 483 VOTES!!" Post-it revealed. Shadow Bomb started hyperventilating. "I thought I was out for sure!" Shadow Bomb said. "Hey, USB Port, eh, good game, I guess." Page spoke. USB Port shook his hand as she went to the Cheeto Hotel. With the elimination over, Watermelon went over to Post-it as he was walking away to Tokeny and Cheeto. "Hey Post-it, are you gonna tell us what that thing was you were talking about earlier?" Watermelon asked. "Oh yeah, right! Thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot, haha!" Post-it answered. He went back up to the podium he normally stood on for eliminations and called everyone back. "Guys, Watermelon reminded me of something that I was going to tell you at the end of the elimination but forgot to. We're having a debut this episode. No challenge, just a debut." Post-it said. "But why? Why have a debut this late?" Billboard asked. "Well, because I also want to end this season off with a final 10! We will have little versions of challenges from throughout the season, where the last person to finish it is eliminated. This keeps going until we have a winner. They will receive both prizes I have promised." Post-it announced. "Huh, well this is very different from both seasons." Candy Cane replied. "Yes, indeed it is." Post-it answered. Post-it opened a hatch in the grass and ten people stepped out of it. "These are the recommended characters that the viewers will be voting on. Fireball, Silver Coin, Gold Coin, Whaley, Wallet, Plastic Fork, Swordy, Tennis Rackety, Larrett's PFP, who likes to be called meta humor for some reason, and Comby. One of them will join the game next episode." Post-it told the contestants.

Vote for who you want to join the game!!

[A] Fireball, Male, Energetic

[B] Silver Coin, Female, Competitive

[C] Gold Coin, Male, Rude and Disrespectful

[D] Whaley, Female, ignorant

[E] Wallet, Non-Binary, Likes showing off skills

[F] Plastic Fork, Female, Scared of everything

[G] Swordy, Male, Likes adventures

[H] Tennis Rackety, Non-Binary, Simple and Kind

[I] Larrett's PFP, Female, Does whatever she can to help people

[J] Comby, Female, Edgy Teenager

Voting ends May 2nd, 2021.

Episode 25 comes out in May.


"What do we do about Post-it? He's becoming too powerful and his true power is almost realized. The after effects of the loss seem to have rushed whatever he is planning." F Key asked. "Hm, well, if he's rushing, then we look for weak points. Once we have a big enough window, we swoop in and kill him." Music Note replied. "But, he's immortal!" F Key screamed. "Don't worry, you might not be able to take him, but I definitely can." Music Note said ominously. His hands started to glow slightly with a black color clearly visible. 

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