AOB 23: Bracket of Failures, and One Champion

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Page was busy trying to see into the future, and really far this time, but he was distracted. "Hey Page! What's happening?" Shadow Bomb asked, energetically. "Just trying to see into the future." Page responded. "That sounds boring, let's go jump up walls!" Shadow Bomb yelled, dragging Page by the leg. "Well, what if I said no?" Page asked, getting bumped by the ground. Shadow Bomb stopped. "Well, I didn't think about that, but I don't care! We're gonna keep going!" Shadow Bomb shouted as he dragged Page even faster. They arrived at the walls and Shadow Bomb started jumping up them. Page got up and rubbed his forehead. He started to attempt jumping up the walls when he figured he could just escape if he ran quickly enough. He ran as fast as he could and escaped. Behind him, he could hear Shadow Bomb questioning where he was. Page kept on his work. Candy Cane was working on something in the distance. "Hey Candy Cane. What are you working on?" Bucket asked. "Oh, just something. A gift for Tokeny. I've been following her around recently, and I figured out her favorite thing. I'm making it!" Candy Cane replied. Bucket looked at it, and was confused. "Speakers? What could she possibly do with speakers?" Bucket asked again. "Sit on them. It's her favorite thing, I swear." Candy Cane answered. The speakers were done, so she gave them to Tokeny. "No way!" Tokeny gasped. She sat on them immediately. Cheeto grabbed a microphone and played a droning quiet noise. The speakers vibrated and Tokeny felt like the queen of the world. "FeElS nIcE." Tokeny said, vibrating. Post-it went to the elimination area and called all the people who were up for elimination. "Alright contestants, today we are doing possibly the luckiest elimination yet." Post-it said. "Wha- How is this lucky?" Muffin asked, very confused. "Well, it's lucky because we got a grand total of 777 votes!! The first person safe is Walmart Logo with 42 votes!" Post-it said. He gave her some boxing gloves. "Quark, Dimple, USB Port, and Page are safe with 65, 69, 71, and 84 votes respectively." Post-it said. There were three left. "The next person safe is Sparkly with 103 votes." Post-it announced. It was down to Muffin and Backpack. "Muffin is the last person safe with 139 votes! Backpack is eliminated with 204 votes! I think that might be the most amount of votes someone has gotten at a time!" Post-it said. He clapped. Backpack was taken away to the Cheeto Hotel. Once Cheeto had gotten back, Post-it was ready for the next challenge. "Alright contestants, the next challenge will be a tournament bracket between the 16 of you. The match-ups will be completely randomized, and the winner of the tournament will not be up for elimination this episode, while everybody else will be." Post-it announced. Bucket, Candy Cane, and Sparkly held each other, praying that none of them would get matched together. The first match-up was Star Coin vs Shadow Bomb. "Well, this seems unfair. He can turn invisible!" Star Coin complained. Shadow Bomb laughed and tried to go invisible. "What the- why are my powers not working?!" Shadow Bomb yelled. "Oh yeah, I forgot to say, powers don't work here." Post-it added. Star Coin snickered. A fistfight started. Star Coin ended up on Shadow Bomb, pinning him down and giving him a good beating. She put him in a position where he couldn't move or breathe. He tapped the floor three times, which means he had tapped out. "Star Coin is the winner!" Whistle shouted. (EDITOR'S NOTE: yeah Whistle's there too I guess) The next match-up was Walmart Logo vs Muffin. Muffin immediately got destroyed by Walmart Logo. "Huh, she's got fight in her after all." Post-it whispered to himself. The next match-up was Quark vs Bucket. "Ok, gotta be analytical about this. I have to win to confirm my alliance's victory. Now, how do I win this?" Bucket thought. While he was thinking about how to win the smart way, Quark punched him onto the floor. "Uh, Tokeny? I think his brain stopped working!" Quark called. "Not right now! I'm still vibing!" Tokeny snapped. The next round started. It was Candy Cane vs Sparkly. "Oh my god, OF COURSE!!!" Candy Cane screeched. "Hey, uh, Caney? I think your temper is coming back." Sparkly pointed out. "YES! I KNOW THAT!" Candy Cane yelled, hitting Sparkly out of the ring. "Candy Cane wins!" Whistle shouted. The next match-up was Page vs Billboard. Page, being a piece of paper, flew around very easily, and was difficult to knock out of the ring because of the fact. Page got some good hits on Billboard, but Billboard crumpled Page up and threw him out of the ring. "Billboard wins!" Whistle announced. The next fight was USB Port vs Speedometer. "Haha, I'm gonna win!!" USB Port screamed, trying to use her lightning powers. "Yes! She's distracted." Speedometer muttered. She knocked USB Port on the floor, while she was still trying to use her lightning powers. She eventually, somehow, shot Speedometer with a blast of lightning. Post-it saw this, ran over to Speedometer, and USB Port was disqualified. "WHAT!?! THIS IS CRAP!!" USB Port complained. "Sorry, but that's the rules." Speedometer replied with a smug face. The next match-up was between Watermelon and Dimple. They started fighting, and even tried to eat each other multiple times. Watermelon kicked Dimple, which sent her flying into the fence, where Watermelon punched her many times. He finally stopped and she fell down to the ground. "Watermelon wins!" Whistle announced. The final round was between Smiwey and Bad. Smiwey ran around Bad really fast to try and confuse him, but Bad picked her up. "Oh no. This ain't good." Smiwey said to herself as Bad threw her out of the ring. "Bad wins!" Whistle exclaimed. The first round was over, and it was on to the quarter finals. "This is going pretty well! I thought they would eat each other or something!" Cheeto said. Post-it laughed. The first match-up of the quarter finals was Star Coin vs Walmart Logo. They fought each other, with Walmart Logo primarily choosing to hold the low ground and trying to knock Star Coin off her feet. She eventually succeeded, picked her up, and slammed her around until she tapped out. "Walmart Logo wins!" Whistle screamed. "Whew! I was worried there for a second." Walmart Logo said, wiping sweat off of her forehead. The next match-up was Quark vs Candy Cane. "Well, unleashing my temper worked last time, so I should just do that again!" Candy Cane thought to herself. Candy Cane thought of things that made her angry while Quark ran over to her. Candy Cane got angry enough to choke Quark until she was unconscious, and then threw her out of the ring. Her leg got scraped by a hard part of the fence keeping the ring intact, and Candy Cane was very proud of it. "Candy Cane wins again!" Whistle shouted, enjoying some popcorn. "Oh, Whistle, I should've said earlier. Thanks for coming here, you really didn't have to." Cheeto told Whistle. "Oh, pff, I had nothing better to do." Whistle said coolly. The tournament continued with a new match-up of Billboard vs Speedometer. Speedometer saw Billboard, and immediately thought of a way to quickly dispose of him. She slid under him, and took his top part off, causing him to fall down to the ground, making her win. The final battle of the quarter finals was Watermelon vs Bad. Bad used his superior agility to outrun Watermelon, taking periodic swings at him. Bad kept running until Watermelon got too dizzy and fell down. He was too dizzy to come back up, and the round was over. The semifinals were next, and would only have two battles. "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I made it this far!" Bad said to himself. He was ecstatic. The semifinals started without interruption and the first battle was Walmart Logo vs Candy Cane. A test of strength, a test of patience, and most of all, a test of skills. They flew at each other, fighting their utter hardest. Candy Cane tried to boost her temper, but Walmart Logo didn't give her any room to breathe. Candy Cane instead tried to look for weaknesses in Walmart Logo's attacks. While blocking her punches, Candy Cane saw an opening and took it. Walmart Logo got knocked down, and Candy Cane rained down punches. Walmart Logo surrendered, and Candy Cane had came out victorious. The next match-up was Speedometer vs Bad. Bad tried to use the same strategy he had been using. Using his surroundings as an advantage along with his agility. Speedometer knew this would happen, and was prepared for it. She didn't spin, and instead, followed him with her eyes. She saw the perfect moment to grab his torso and smack him down on the ground. He got up and knocked her down as well, but she got back up with a furious kick that launched him out of the ring. The finals were right there. Candy Cane vs Speedometer. The battle started. Candy Cane's temper levels had gone through the roof, and she fought harder than she ever had before. "I'm gonna win! I deserve this!" Speedometer screamed, kicking, punching, and slapping her way to an advantage. However, Candy Cane was just too strong, and Speedometer gave in. Candy Cane had won the tournament, and the challenge was over. "Wow! I really can't believe that happened. Scarab alliance, one of us is confirmed safe! Now we just have to hope that we don't lose anyone." Candy Cane said, trying to sound supportive after being furious for the past hour. Bucket and Sparkly nodded in agreement, while off in the distance, USB Port was still being angry. 

Vote for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode! There sure are a lot of people up for elimination!

[A] Bucket

[B] Watermelon

[C] Page

[D] Star Coin

[E] Bad

[F] Sparkly

[G] USB Port

[H] Dimple

[I] Billboard

[J] Muffin

[K] Walmart Logo

[L] Quark

[M] Shadow Bomb

[N] Smiwey

[O] Speedometer

Voting ends April 30th!

Episode 24 will come out in May.


Post-it watched the light from a few episodes back, and it had gotten twice as big. "I need to finish this fast. I don't want my contestants getting hurt." Post-it said to himself. He would need help form Tokeny and whoever won the season in order to save everyone. But it might cost him big time.

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