AOB 22: A Hidden Objects Game

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Candy Cane was having a meeting with the rest of her alliance to discuss future strategies for future challenges. "So, I think one of us should compete for themselves, and the other two go together. Someone needs to help Bucket due to his not having arms, and I think you should help him, Candy Cane, due to your expertise on the ground." Sparkly proposed. "Good idea, but what if I still can't do the challenge even if Candy Cane is carrying me?" Bucket asked. "Didn't think of that, but I can find a way to help." Sparkly answered. Everyone liked that idea. "So, we have our plans for challenges?" Candy Cane asked. The others nodded. "Alright, sounds good." Candy Cane finished. Watermelon was strolling along close by, and he ran into Star Coin. "Hey, what's going on?" Watermelon asked. "Eh, not much, just waiting for everything to happen." Star Coin answered. "That's nice. I'm surprised I haven't been eliminated yet, I mean, I know what I do, I'm kind of a menace." Watermelon laughed. "Honestly, same. Not that I am a menace or anything, just, I feel like there's something different going on with me lately, and I feel like I'm gonna go because of it. It's just something looming over me that I can't shake."  Star Coin mumbled. Watermelon snickered. "Well, I can't help you with that, but I will tell you this. Just keep moving. Life won't wait for you to tie your shoes or grab your lunch box. Life waits for nobody, so it's best to keep moving." Watermelon declared. "Heh, thanks for the life lesson." Star Coin chuckled, punching Watermelon in the shoulder. Star Coin waved goodbye to Watermelon as she walked toward the elimination podium. "Alright contestants, this time we got a total of 573 votes. We are just getting records each time!" Post-it began. "The first person safe is Backpack with 3 votes! Unfortunately, I don't really have anything to help you with this challenge. Sorry. The next person safe is Candy Cane with 4 votes." Post-it said. Candy Cane did a little fist pump because her alliance was safe once again. "Alright, the next people safe are Speedometer and Star Coin with eleven and sixteen votes respectively." Post-it continued. "Who knew doing nothing would get me so far?" Speedometer whispered. Post-it glared at her. "Anyways, it's down to Dimple, Smiwey, Bad, and Arrow. The next one safe is Dimple, with 23 votes." Post-it announced. Arrow scooted up on his seat. He had never been this far in an elimination before. He didn't think this was going to be his final adventure in this show. Bad was announced safe next with 94 votes. Arrow started to sweat. "Now, it's down to Smiwey and Arrow. Smiwey, you seem to have a bad habit of getting into the bottom two." Post-it mocked. Smiwey got angry. "It's not my fault!" Smiwey shouted. Post-it laughed. "We're really getting off-track here. The final person safe is Smiwey the Face with 121 votes. Arrow, your time on this game is now over, and you have been eliminated with a total of 301 votes." Post-it finished. After the elimination had finished, Dimple and Smiwey met nearby to talk. "Smiwey, you need to start trying harder. I've seen so many eliminations where you are in the bottom two, and you really do need to step up your game if you want to make it far this season." Dimple warned. "Pshh, I should be fine. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?" Smiwey defended. Dimple looked at her, thinking of how stupid her friend really could be. She just walked away. "H-Hey! Get back here! We're not done yettttttt!" Smiwey yelled, running after Dimple. Quark was watching from a nearby bush. "How has this competition developed in this way? It used to be fun, it used to be simple, it used to be better. now, it's just a mess of conflict, with Post-it trying to stitch together the dead body parts of the gameshow he still wants." Quark explained. "He's truly gone out of control." Walmart Logo replied. Shortly after saying that, Post-it announced the next challenge. "This next challenge will be a big game of hide and seek, where I am the seeker. I will give you 30 seconds to find a hiding spot, and the first eight people to be found will be up for elimination." Post-it announced. Post-it generated a big room for the contestants to hide in, and started counting to 30. After 30 long seconds, Post-it was ready to find the contestants. Bad hid in a flower pot. "I wonder how long it will take for him to find me, I mean, it seems like this will be a good hiding spot for me." Bad pointed out. Post-it walked around the room, looking for people, and he found Page laying on the floor, next to a folder and some other sheets of paper. "Found you, Page! Now, you have a choice. You can either help me find the others, or go sit around and wait for the challenge to wrap up." Post-it announced. "Hmm... Helping you sounds fun." Page sighed. They then walked around looking for more people. Sparkly was having trouble finding a spot, because she could fly and was obvious to most eyes. Meanwhile, Quark below her shrunk down to a small size and got into a place that most people wouldn't see. She then grew back to normal size inside the cupboard she went into. She opened the door slightly so it would be easier for Post-it to see her, and to not give her too much of an advantage. USB Port hid in a place where it would be dark and hard to see her. However, Post-it still found her anyway. Shadow Bomb, because of his acrobatics, was able to get up to a very high point, just on top of a fan in the room. From there, he was sure nobody would find him. Bucket's hiding spot was on the doorknob for one of the cupboards, and he hoped nobody would find him either. Backpack hid behind the leg of a table, and Post-it found him too. "Dang, I really thought I was gonna survive this time." Backpack sighed. Post-it went up to a nearby chandelier to get a vantage point and he ended up seeing Quark, and he immediately found her. "Yikes!" Quark shrieked. The four of them searched out for more contestants. Dimple switched spots from the top of a cupboard to the top of a fridge. Post-it saw her during her jump and found her. Three safe spots left. Watermelon ran over to a new spot after seeing Post-it get close to him. "Go go go go go go go go go!" Watermelon muttered. Muffin got found after just not hiding for 5 straight minutes. Walmart Logo jumped in a sink and went in a pocket of air to hopefully not be found. Post-it heard the splash and started looking around the sink. He found her, and she looked down. There was one spot left. Everyone stood as still as stone. However, Sparkly's arm was sticking out and her sparkleness was also very obvious. Post-it saw her and yelled for her to come down. Post-it clapped his hands and the room disappeared. "Whew! That was fun! Anyways, that's the end, you can go do whatever you want now." Post-it told everyone.

Vote for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] Page

[B] Sparkly

[C] USB Port

[D] Dimple

[E] Muffin

[F] Walmart Logo

[G] Backpack

[H] Quark

Voting ends April 17th.

The next episode will come out hopefully before the end of the month.

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now