AOB 30: Item Placement

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"Wow, I can't believe we made it to the final 8, it feels like we're done already." Candy Cane said. 

"Yeah, and of course you know I'm making it to the final 7!!" Sparkly rejoiced.

Candy Cane laughed. "While that is true, I might not make it." Candy Cane remembered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Don't worry, I think you're gonna be safe. The viewers definitely like you." Sparkly reassured.

"You might be right, but you never know." Candy Cane replied.

Silver Coin was walking by as they were talking. Sparkly and Candy Cane went off somewhere else.

"I'm gonna get eliminated, I've been in the bottom two too many times to count. This is the one where I go, I'm sure of it." Silver Coin thought.

"It's time for the elimination, come here contestants!" Post-it joyfully called out. "This time we got 100467 votes! The first person safe is Quark with only 5306 votes." Post-it announced.

"Heh, that's pretty neat. First safe, that's awesome." Quark said to herself. 

"The next one safe is Chopstick with 7651 votes." Post-it continued.

"Wow, didn't expect people would like me so much." Chopstick said.

"After Chopstick is Candy Cane with 8940 votes." Post-it continued.

"See, I told you you were gonna be safe!" Sparkly shouted.

Candy Cane chuckled. "Cool." Candy Cane said to herself.

"Everyone after her got at least 10000 votes, and the next person safe is Shadow Bomb with 14177 votes." Post-it announced. 

"I thought I was gone for sure." Shadow Bomb said with relief.

"Now there are only three of you left. The next person safe is Star Coin with 15966 votes." Post-it continued. 

"Oh my god, thank you!!" Star Coin shouted.

"Now it's only down to Silver Coin and Bad. In a 2255 vote difference...

Both of you are out!" Post-it said.

"WHAT?!" Bad and Silver Coin screamed in unison.

"You heard me right, you're both out! By the way, the person with the most votes was Bad at 25341. Silver Coin, you had 23086, but that doesn't matter, because you're both out." Post-it finished.

Post-it sent Silver Coin and Bad to the Cheeto Hotel as he approached the final 6. "Welcome to the final 6. How does it feel?" Post-it asked.

"Exhilarating!!!" Shadow Bomb shouted. 

"I've been worse, I've been better, I don't really have an opinion on this. It's cool, I guess?" Quark said.

"I don't feel like I deserve the final 6." Chopstick said to himself. 

"I know, I know, you're all excited. No time to dwell on that, it's time for the next challenge! Now, some of you may notice this giant bucket next to me." Post-it started.

"What the- how did that get there?!" Shadow Bomb asked.

"Let me finish! Anyway, as I was saying before Shadow Bomb interrupted me, this giant bucket contains a bunch of different items. Each of you will receive a different set of five items, you must put them in set locations around the island. First two people to finish their set win, and the rest are up for elimination. GO!" Post-it explained. 

The six contestants grabbed their items from the bucket and quickly inspected them before starting to roam around the island. 

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, there will be indicators color coded to you in the place you will need to put your items." Post-it added. 

They ran off in separate directions, each looking for a spot to put their items.

"There has to be a thing here somewhere." Quark whispered. She found a place where she could put her first item, and then almost immediately found where to put the second one. 

"Wow, I'm getting pretty lucky." Quark said. She was shoved down to the ground by Shadow Bomb, who came speeding by after placing one of his items.

"Ugh, I've been looking for a while and I haven't found a single item placement area." Chopstick complained.

Afterwards, he found objects one, two, and three all next to each other.

"Alright! I've turned this around, two more left." Chopstick said.

Star Coin was looking around too, she had placed two of hers, she needed three more.

"There's number three, and number four over there! I might win this!" Star Coin rejoiced.

She placed the two items and began sprinting around to find the last one.

Candy Cane had placed no items and was panicking.

"Oh god, oh no, I can't find a single one, this is irritating." Candy Cane exhaled.

She found items one and two.

"Amazing, but I think the others are ahead. Better get a move on." Candy Cane said.

Quark was also running around too, she was close as well. She had one left, and she wouldn't get to place it.

"Yes! I found it!" Star Coin said, placing down their final item.

"Well, you heard her. The challenge is now over, and everyone except Star Coin is up for elimination!" Post-it announced.

Vote in the comments with the letter and square brackets for who you want to be eliminated in the next episode!

[A] Candy Cane

[B] Sparkly

[C] Shadow Bomb

[D] Quark

[E] Chopstick

Voting ends August 18th!

Episode 31 should come out in August, if not then in September.

Also, this is the final voting period, as episode 32 will be the final episode of AOB. Vote wisely!!

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now