AOB 16: Planning a Rescue Down Under

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Post-it was busy manning the portal kiosk, watching people from different universes go through the portals and back again. He was being crushed with responsibilities and he realy didn't know what to do. The stress was starting to get to him as he ran up to the surface and had to run back to the portals again to do some work with the kiosk. Cheeto noticed all this and crawled down the staircase, creeping up behind Post-it. Cheeto tapped Post-it on the back. "Ah! Oh, it's just you. Sorry for screaming, you startled me." Post-it said, clearly tired. "Post-it, I gotta ask you a question. When was the last time you slept?" Cheeto asked. "I haven't slept for two days, I just have so much work." Post-it replied. Cheeto grabbed Post-it's arm and yanked him up the stairs, to the surface, and to his cabin. Cheeto threw him into bed. "Take a break. You've built up all this stress, and it isn't healthy for you. Me and Tokeny will take the lead for a week or two. Get some rest." Cheeto told Post-it. Post-it got up from his bed, and tried to walk out. Cheeto just put him back into bed again. "I'm telling you right now. Take a break, I care about you and I don't want you to be this stressed." Cheeto explained. Post-it sighed. "I guess so." he said, curling up under his covers and laying his head on his pillow. Cheeto closed the cabin doors behind him and told Tokeny that he would take the lead. "Alright, well, we have to start the elimination in order to get things going, so you can go do that." Tokeny said. Cheeto waddled towards the elimination area and called the contestants on team Origin to the area. "Alright, so we got a total of 160 votes, which is the most ever!" Cheeto yelled. The contestants on team Origin clapped. Tokeny was amazed. "Anyways, the first person safe is Cheeta, with only 7 votes against her. The next person safe is Star Coin, with 9 votes against her." Cheeto said. "Candy Cane is the next person safe, with 10 votes, and then the next few people safe are Bucket, Arrow, Page, Bad, and Sparkle Effect, all with 11 votes." Tokeny continued. "Now there are only six people left, and this time it will be a double elimination, since two people got the most amount of votes, at 19. Anyways, Exclamation Mark and BQM are the next two people safe with 12 votes each. Now, Button, Sprinkle, Watermelon, and Glass Shard are the last four people left." Cheeto said. "Watermelon is safe with 14 votes." Tokeny said. "Why do the viewers hate me so much? I was in the bottom last people last elimination too!" Glass Shard thought to himself. "Alright, one of you got 15 votes, and the other two are eliminated with 19 votes." Cheeto said. Tokeny interrupted Cheeto's moment by saying who was safe. "Glass Shard is safe with 15 votes while Sprinkle and Button are eliminated with 19 votes each." Tokeny interrupted. "Grrr! That was my big moment! Why did you steal it from me?" Cheeto raged. Post-it continued to sleep and he clutched his pillow. 

The scene changes to inside Post-it's mind, as we continue to see his decaying thoughts.

Post-it was running around on a blank blue squared floor. As he ran, trying to look for the exit, he saw all of his fears, enemies, and traumatic experiences play out in the ceiling. He was forced to watch as he tore up the island as Turbo Post-it. He watched as Music Note caused terror to everyone on the island. He watched as he was incessantly bullied as a child, and even now by his own contestants, who he swore to protect. He curled up into a ball as all the memories came closer to him, as they all said really loud things. He woke up, screaming and breathing heavily. He shook it off and tried to go back to sleep, and he kept having these premonitions. He tried listening to music, and he made his own world out of the music. "Alright contestants, the challenge this episode will be to dig underground and fill a canister to the brim with dirt, and the first team to get to the top wins." Cheeto explained. Backpack grabbed a shovel out of himself and started to dig. He had the good idea of storing dirt in himself while he dug in order to help his team out a lot. "Alright, well, hopefully we don't dig down so far that we run into something bad." Backpack thought to himself. Putting the dirt inside himself really made him feel weird and queasy, in a way. "Ugh, ufff, blegh." Backpack mumbled. He climbed up the hole he made and dumped out the dirt, filling up very little of the canister. "If I have to go through that every time just to get some dirt into the container to only have it go up a tiny bit, then I'm gonna have to figure out a new method." Backpack complained. Star Coin was digging down when she came across some rock and had to go somewhere else, but when she moved, the rock began to shake. "What?" She asked. Star Coin bent down and touched the rock, and it fell through, taking her with it. Star Coin hit the ground and scraped up her arm. She got up, holding the spot just above her elbow and hobbled forward. She heard dripping noises, and slight tapping on the floor. It was basically pitch black, so she had to use sound to try to 'see' where she was going. She continued to walk forward as she put her working hand out in front of her. She winced as she hit a wall and then turned left. After a few minutes, her vision started to sync with the pitch blackness and she could see a bit better. She was in a gray-ish and blue-ish cave with stalactites at the top with water dripping down. She saw the outline of a creature in the distance and it looked back at her with yellow eyes that stared deep into her soul. She tried running and digging her way out, but it seemed that the entire cave was made of rock. The creature was running towards her, and she kept trying to break the rock. It was fragile, so she was able to break a hole in it, but it would take a bit longer to get out. She broke the rock in a staircase-like structure, and she finally got back to dirt, but that was when the creature stuck its arm into the cave and tried to grab her. Star Coin hit the arm and tried to dig faster, digging more vertical this time. She broke out to the surface and was safe from the creature, but it grabbed her leg. "Help!" Star Coin called. Arrow heard the call and ran towards Star Coin, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. The creature won over Arrow's grasp and he had to let go of her. "Oh no. I gotta go tell Cheeto about this." Arrow said, panicking. He ran to Cheeto. "Cheeto, Star Coin got taken by a creature and now she's in a cave and we need to go save her." Arrow explained. "Hmm, well if that's what we need to do, that can be the challenge instead. Whoever comes back up to me with Star Coin will win for their team." Cheeto answered. Arrow dove down into the hole that Star Coin made and started to try and look for something. Everyone else came down after Arrow did, and they trampled him while they ran to try and find her. Smiwey decided to make use of her hammerspace power and pull out a potion of night vision. She drank it, and it tasted absolutely disgusting, but she was able to see a lot better in the cave, and she led the way to Star Coin and saw the creature entirely. It was a black scaled creature with wings, legs, and arms. Star Coin was being held there and was trying to escape and wriggle out. Laguna studied the entirety of the creature, trying to figure out the best course of action to try and get Star Coin out of the creature's grasp, and it was quite a difficult feat. Glass Shard used himself to stab the creature, and it didn't seem phased, and it whacked Glass Shard off and part of himself fell off. He got up and wiped his mouth. Arrow tried to shoot himself at the creature's arm and grabbed Star Coin. She kept on wriggling. "C'mon, I'm gonna get you free." Arrow said to Star Coin. Star Coin fought against the creature's grip, but it only held on tighter, giving her almost no room to breathe. The creature looked at her with angry eyes and opened its mouth. Compass got in the creature's mouth and tried to force it open to buy Star Coin a bit more time.  Compass jumped out of the creature's mouth and punched it, knocking it back a fair amount, and trying to pull Star Coin out. Because of his high strength, he was able to get Star Coin out, but she hit the ground hard, breaking her right arm, where the scrape was already. Tears flowed down her eyes as she got up and tried to run away. Smiwey, again, used her hammerspace to pull out a blaster to shoot the creature. Shadow Bomb grabbed Star Coin and used his acrobatic skills to wall jump his way out of the original hole that Star Coin made. He emerged with a backflip and darted towards Cheeto. "Here, Cheeto. I found her. She's pretty badly injured, but we made it out. All of the others are either coming back up or they are down there fighting whatever it was that grabbed Star Coin." Shadow Bomb explained. "Thanks for bringing her back to us." Cheeto replied. Shadow Bomb jumped back down into the hole to try and help the others slay or pacify the creature. Dimple was thinking of a way while the others tried to hold it back. "I got it! Smiwey, use your hammerspace to grab a sleeping potion, to where when you throw it on the ground, the creature goes to sleep and boom! It's not gonna hurt anyone after that!" Dimple exclaimed. "Got it. I just have to find it." Smiwey answered. Smiwey reached around in the hole for a sleep potion and found one. She threw it at the creature and then Cheeta and Bad escorted everyone out in an orderly fashion. They all came up the dug-out staircase and reached the surface again. "Roll call! Everyone here?" Tokeny asked. "YEAH!" Everyone yelled. "Good! Now that the contest is over and Shadow Bomb was the one who returned with Star Coin, team Origin is up for elimination for the third time in a row!" Tokeny explained. 

Vote for who you want to be eliminated!

[A] Bucket

[B] Candy Cane

[C] Arrow

[D] Watermelon

[E] Page

[F] Exclamation Mark

[G] Star Coin (DO NOT VOTE)

[H] Bad

[I] Cheeta


[K] Glass Shard

[L] Sparkle Effect

Voting ends on November 15th!

Episode 17 will come out by the beginning of December or earlier.


Post-it woke up from his terrible nightmares feeling well-rested, but he kept having premonitions. He felt like something terrible was going to happen, yet he couldn't see what it was or who it would happen to. He had figured out the second question already, it was most likely himself. What, now that was a harder question. He walked to the elimination area and sat down on one of the pillars as he looked up at the stars. Tokeny came over and sat down next to him. "You feeling better?" Tokeny asked. "Yeah, but something is going to happen to me, and I'm scared because I don't know what it is. I'm fairly sure it will just blow over though." Post-it replied. "Hey! Want to go back to Origin?" Tokeny asked again. "Sure. It should be nice to see a bit of home." Post-it replied. They went to Origin to discover that it looked the same. It was a blast from the past, seeing everything that they had seen when they were kids, and the madness of moving the Doggus Orb away. They looked at buildings, walked everywhere, and admired where they had grown up. They hugged, and cried. They missed their friends. "That gives me an idea." Post-it said in-between tears. "What's that?" Tokeny asked. Post-it picked up his phone. "Maybe I should, give Ellmus a call." Post-it suggested. 

AOB: (Another Object Battle) The Big Object Battle Season 3Where stories live. Discover now