AOB 32: The Finale

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Post-it: *angry noises* Music Note, you just couldn't stay out of my way, could you?

Music Note: Oh, no no. You see, I won't just stop.

Music Note: I won't stop until I kill you. You will die at my hands.

Post-it: Well, I've survived for this long. I think I'm an expert.

Music Note: Think what you must. I will not leave until you've been erased.

Music Note whistles and the ground starts to shake.

A black creature leaps out of the ground, landing right behind Music Note. It was ten times bigger than Music Note, completely towering over him. 

Post-it: Oh no...

Cheeto: Post-it!! What happened? Did I miss anything?

Tokeny: You kinda did, look over there...

Cheeto: They're back again?! This guy never goes away...

Tokeny: Come on! We gotta go help Post-it!

Quark: Post-it? What the hell is going on?!

Post-it: It's Music Note! They're here again!

Music Note: This time I mean business.

Quark: Don't you say that every time?

Music Note: Shut up!

The creature starts tearing up the island, destruction is everywhere. Eventually it starts producing fire. Trees have been set ablaze all over the island.

Post-it: Tokeny and Cheeto, you guys deal with the creature! Quark, defend the island! I'll handle Music Note...

It was a battle for the ages, for real this time...


Post-it flew towards Music Note. He was clearly furious.

Post-it: All you had to do was leave us alone!! All you had to do was mind your own business, but you never stayed out of our hair!


Post-it: Face it Music Note, you're a terrible person.

Quark, with her newfound powers, was putting out the flames across the island. Tokeny was saucing up the monster and Cheeto was distracting it.

Post-it was fighting Music Note.

Shadow Bomb: PEOPLE!! Listen up! Those people are gonna destroy the island, we need to get out of here, everyone to the portals!

Music Note glanced at Shadow Bomb leading the eliminated contestants to the portals.

Music Note laughed.

Music Note: Oh no you don't.

Music Note blasted the portals with some sort of purple-black energy beam, permanently dismantling them. 

Envelope: Shoot! What do we do now?

Shadow Bomb: I don't know, uh, I'll think of something, I promise!

Post-it noticed the portals dismantled.

Post-it: NO!!!

The fight between Post-it and Music Note escalated, and the balance was starting to tip. Post-it was starting to win.

The meteor grew ever closer.

Music Note: It's over for you. I've won, just admit it!

Post-it: I won't.

Music Note: Why do you still try? What could you possibly have to get back? I've taken everything from you, I've dominated completely.

Post-it: You haven't taken everything from me.

Suddenly, he started to become more powerful than ever before, showcasing how powerful he truly was beneath that façade of a stupid, funny guy.

Music Note: How is this possible?

Post-it: You cannot comprehend the power I hide.

Tokeny realized something as they were going through their fight. 

Tokeny: Wait a minute, if Music Note is as smart as I think, then he might KNOW that he can't win. He might just be stalling. If that's the case, then..... oh no.

Tokeny called out to Post-it, warning him about the meteor.

He got distracted and Music Note was able to get some hits on him.

Music Note laughed. Their plan was nearing completion. They just needed one more minute.

Post-it: I lose either way, but I can save lives.

Music Note: No, you can't. This is your end, this is the moment I've been waiting eons for. Goodbye.

The meteor came crashing down.

It hit the island.

Everything flashed white as the land crumbled around everyone and as the island became more hot.

Now that the meteor had hit the ground, it wasn't moving, but it had terrorized the island.

Post-it: There's radiation everywhere, I have to stop this!

Post-it cast open a portal and sent Music Note away, somewhere they wouldn't be found for a while.

Post-it reached his full capacity for power and summoned a big bubble around the island, sealing them off from the outside radiation.

Post-it: Agh, I can't hold this for long!

Tokeny, Cheeto, and Quark all joined in.

With their powers combined, they were able to make the bubble permanent.

Cheeto: Well, I'm glad that's over.

Post-it: Oh, it's far from over. I have to fix this!

Tokeny: Post-it, look at me. You can't fix this, you can't fix everything. You've done enough, just let it be.

Quark: The only question that's left is, what now?

The camera pans out, with the spirits looking up as we get a zoomed out image of the island, now scorched and destroyed beyond recognition. The portals are eviscerated, the land is crumbling, and they are stuck forever.

Post-it breaks down and cries.

Post-it: Why did they have to do this? What did I do to them?

Tokeny: I'm sure we'll find out in due time. It won't be the last we see of them.

She was right. It wouldn't be.


Season 4 will come out when I feel like it. For now, I am leaving this site alone.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. This season alone took almost two years to finish, but it was worth every step of the way. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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