AOB 1: New year, new season!

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Post-it knew that season 2 was over and that it was time to do the next season. He waited a bit, because he wanted to live his life before he hosted another season. He opened a portal to his home, the infinite void. He built a house for himself out of nothingness and warped his family there. Dimple, their daughter Blue the Blueberry, and their son Samuel the Sushi were in the house. They lived a good life. However, Post-it got a phone call. "Go to Object Island at 0400 hours tomorrow," a mystery voice said. "I have something to give you," the mystery guy said. Post-it was sleeping with Dimple. He snuck out of bed and opened a portal to Object Island. Dimple heard the noise and woke up. She was in shock. "Wait," Dimple shouted. Post-it turned around quickly. "Blue and I are coming too," Dimple said. Post-it sighed. "Why not Samuel," Post-it confusedly asked. "He's sick, and can't come," Dimple answered. "Ugh! Fine, you can come too," Post-it surrendered. They stepped out into Object Island. "Mom, what's happening," Blue asked sleepily. "Just be quiet, sweetheart," Dimple whispered back. Post-it found the person they thought they were looking for. "I want you to host the third season of TBOB. If you do it, then you will earn enough money to buy you a million mansions. There is a catch. If you do it, then your wife and child will have to compete," the mystery voice said. Post-it grabbed a flashlight and shined it on the mystery person. It was someone Post-it didn't know, but they looked similar to Bad, so he took a picture of the mystery person and sent it to Bad. Post-it asked Bad who it was and Bad said it was someone named Dorito. "Alright, fine. I'll do it," Post-it agreed. So he got everyone on Object Island together so they could do season 3. Some newbies also came. Post-it announced all the newbies as the boat they were in came to the island. "Hello everyone! Today will be the start of the third season of The Big Object Battle," Post-it shouted. Everyone cheered. "Now, let's welcome the new people! In no particular order, the contestants that are new are coming off of the boat. Let's see who they are! Chopstick! Fast Forward! Speedometer! USB port! Compass! Kentucky License Plate! Key! Shadow Bomb! Billboard! Speed Limit Sign! Lamppost! Red Candy From Candy Crush! Maple Syrup! Quark! Exit Sign! Blood! Ceiling Fan! Water Bottle Cap! Walmart Logo! Settings Button! WiFi! Shrubby! Muffin! Backpack! Bricky! Also some people you've met before, but they have never been in a season! Dimple the Dumpling! Laguna! Smiwey the Face, and Blue the Blueberry! 84 contestants battle for one mystery prize, everyone! WELCOME TO ANOTHER OBJECT BATTLE," Post-it yelled. Everyone cheered and high-fived. "Now, before we start the first contest, make 7 teams of 12," Post-it said. Calculator got an idea. "Guys! Let's form a team that consists of entirely TBOB people," Calculator declared. So Calculator, Colon, Semicolon, Toe, Game Disc, Lucky Block, Hanger, Arrow, Dorito, Eyeball, T-shirt, and Shorts got together and created a team. "I want to join too," Candy Cane said as she skipped towards the group. "Wait just a second, Candy Cane," Calculator said. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven," Calculator whispered to himself. He was counting the members. Then he turned back to Candy Cane. "Sorry, but this team already has twelve members," Calculator said. Candy Cane walked away, looking down. Candy Cane had to look for a new team. Then she thought something. "Hey, I didn't make it into TBOBA, so why don't I start a team with other TBOBA rejects," Candy Cane thought. She got Sprinkle and Ruler, and then they searched for more. Then the three of them found Under Armour, Glass Shard, and Firework. "Alright, well we have 6 members, 50% complete," Under Armour said. Second Hand and Sparkle Effect came and joined. Then came Hyphen and Piano Key. "Hey, not bad! Ten members, two to go," Sparkle Effect said. There were only two more rejects that the 10 of them knew of. Button was found next and joined. "If this is a team of rejects, then we have to find Bucket, and fast," Button said as she ran all over the place trying to look for Bucket. They found him and pestered him to join. When he finally did, the team was complete. Two teams were made. "Hey Candy Cane, should we name our team? The other complete team named themselves 'TBOB veterans'," Hyphen asked. "Hmm... Well, they have a good team name, so our team name has to be Something Better," Candy Cane declared, not knowing that her team name was what she just said. Blue grabbed onto Dimple's leg. "Mommy, I'm scared," Blue whimpered. "It's okay, honey. We just need to find more people," Dimple said, trying to comfort her scared daughter. Smiwey came and asked if she could join the team. Dimple accepted. Laguna was still walking around Object Island and taking in the sights, so Dimple asked if Laguna wanted to join. To Dimple's surprise, Laguna denied. Shrubby came and asked if he could be part of the team. Dimple accepted because Shrubby was Smiwey's friend and was Blue's babysitter sometimes. Settings Button and Power Button also joined because Blue looked really scared. "Don't worry, me and this doofus over here will protect you," Settings Button said as he gave Power Button a noogie. Shadow Bomb appeared out of nowhere and asked if he could join. Dimple looked at him, trying to process what happened. "Yeah! You could join. We could use you for any stealth challenges," Dimple said. "Awesome," Shadow Bomb celebrated. Pile Of Dirt and Stick also came, with Parentheses and Go Sign following short behind. Dimple nervously stuck her thumbs up. Quark also came, but nobody could see her because she was really small. She got a growing ray and made herself really big, to her. She was normal size. Dimple saw the growing ray on the floor and accepted. "Well, now we have 12 people. What should our name be," Dimple asked. Barely a second later, a scream was heard right next to them. "MOMMY," Blue shrieked. Dimple looked down. "What happened," Dimple asked. "I peed myself," Blue said. Dimple sighed and walked away. Post-it saw what was happening and wrote down MOMMY as their team name.  Red Candy From Candy Crush was walking around and trying to find teammates. She decided that she would start a new team. She would try to find as many people as possible and try to get them to her team. She mainly wanted food objects though. So she instantly ran to Watermelon. Watermelon said he would go to her team. She got Muffin next, and then Laguna. She thought about getting Maple Syrup, then she eventually went and got her too. RCFCC was all out of food objects, so she had to find normal objects. Chopstick was related to food, so RCFCC got Chopstick on her team too. RCFCC thought for a moment and then tried to get Blood Drop on her team. Blood Drop joined the team. The reason for this was because RCFCC thought that blood could technically be drank by people. RCFCC got License Plate, Marble, Exit Sign, Neck Yourself, and Clinger on her team too, just to fill it up. Key was desperate to find a team, so he looked around nervously. He found a team consisting of Old Jacknjellify Logo, Earring, Pistol, and Stretch. They also got Label to join, raising their total to 6 members. Broken Pencil Tip, GG, and Page joined as well. Dot and 21 Pilots Logo joined, making them one member short. Star Coin and Hula Hoop both wanted to join that team as well, but Hula Hoop was the one who got in the team and Star Coin was left behind. Jigsaw Piece, BQM, Bad, Cheeta, and Exclamation Mark formed a small team. Sniper Bullet also asked if he could join. He was in the team as well. Portable Eraser needed a team. He found the six person group and joined it as well, but little did he know that Finger was following him and joined the team as well. USB Port and Compass also joined. Power Outlet also came because he knew some people there. Speedometer filled up he team because he felt like being useful. 6 out of 7 teams were made, so the final 12 people who weren't in teams were forced into a team. "Oh great! Everyone's formed into teams! Now, we can finally start the first challenge," Post-it shouted, raising his fist up in the air. "As you see, there is a button above you, but it is really high up. You have to reach it. The last team to push the button  will be up for elimination. Go," Post-it explained. 

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