omg wtf

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okay so apologies for being dead.

it's been a while since I've updated and I don't really have a reasonable explanation for it? I just lost a little motivation to keep on writing, hopefully that motivation comes back soon because the amount of support I receive from all of you is so amazing and i love it more than anything!

don't worry, I haven't completely disappeared, I still see all the comments and the votes, and I think I have cried at a few of them (oops)

anyway this is besides the point. what I really want to say to you all though is....


this may not sound like much to some, but to me, it means so much! I started writing sweet boy for fun, and had no expectations that it would even make a few hundred reads, but a few hundred thousand??? omg!!!!! i seriously can't thank you all enough. thank you for your support. thank you for your comments. thank you for your votes. thank you! thank you! THANK YOU!

I love you all,

evspns ♡♡

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