forty five

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*five months later*


"Holy fucking shit balls, I did it! I got in!" Zander waved the acceptance letter around in the air.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I got in to Uni of Penn! Oh my God, I'm going to be playing college lacrosse? Holy fuck, I'm going to be playing fucking college lacrosse!" he hugged me as tightly as he could. It has been his dream to play college lacrosse, and he finally is.

"I'm so proud of you!" the smile on my face was wider than it ever had been before. I'm so happy for him.

"Hey guys, what about me?" Conan stood in the corner, also holding an envelope with his college application results in it.

"Well? What's the tea?" I asked as he opened and analysed his.

"Boston University bitches!" I'm so proud of everyone. I didn't get anything. I didn't want to go to college. There was nothing I wanted to do. Except be with Zandy.

"Luckily you guys aren't on opposite sides of the country, it'll make visiting easier," I didn't want to think of the negatives of them going away to college. I always knew that Conan and I wouldn't stay close together forever, we both needed to live our own lives.

"What are you going to do?" Zander asked. I wasn't going to a higher education. I might, eventually, but at this stage there isn't anything that just speaks to me. I think I do know what I want to do though in the next few years until I make my decision.

"Honestly, I want to stay with you."

"What do you mean?" God, he can be a dumb bitch sometimes.

"I want to come with you. We can live together. You can go to college, play lacrosse. I'll get a job somewhere. At the end of the day, we go back home together. I think that's cheesy enough for me," I did want to stay with him, and if that meant moving to a different state with him, then fuck, get me on the next plane there.

"Really? You would want that?" he said it so sweetly, as if he didn't believe my words.

"Of course I mean it," I hug him tightly, peacefully. He needs to know I mean it.

"Okay guys, I'll just celebrate on my own again, that's alright, don't mind me," I quickly walked over to Conan, giving him a big hug too, the type of hug we used to do when we were still only little kids.

"You'll be right. We'll celebrate tomorrow and all weekend. Remember?"

"Holy shit. Graduation. I still can't believe we're graduating tomorrow. That's insane," graduation preparation has been happening all week. It's the official 'fuck you school' ceremony.

"It's just the end to one journey and the beginning to the next."


"Zander Hayes," the principal said through the microphone, echoing throughout the school hall.

"Theo Drent," he walks up, "Levi Hart," there he goes, "Isaiah Miles," more names, "Pippa Oliver," and some more, "Jasper Partridge," one more, "Mitchell Stanley."

"Asher Tyson," then my name was finally called. I walked up to the stage, shaking the hands of the principal and some other lady. I got passed my graduation certificate. Finally. Only twelve years of school for this piece of paper.

The last name was called out once I got off the stage, "Conan Tyson," as I did, he shook the hands of those up at the podium, he got handed his certificate, and followed the same path everybody else followed.

"Holy shit, we did it," I said to him as soon as he got off the stage. The whole graduating class sat back down at their seats, listening to the speeches of those on the stage, before a loud round of applause went off. I didn't think this would feel so amazing. But it did.

Soon enough, everyone left the hall. Us first, then the friends and family. Co and I quickly found our family. Dad was here with Leo and Ava. They had grown up so quickly. I picked Ava up and sat her on my hip, Conan did the same, but with Leo.

Zandy's Nan and Pa flew down for the week. He missed them like crazy.

All of Isaiah's siblings were here with his parents. Even his eldest sister Letisha and her son Joey were able to make it down.

Even Pip's parents had the heart to come along. Well, that was after Tahlia yelled at them to come support her.

"I'm so proud of the both of you," Dad struggled to hug us both at the same time whilst we were holding the kids. But he managed to anyway, "I'm going to miss you boys so much."

I'd never seen my Dad cry before, it was strange to see his emotions come out like this, "Don't be upset Dad, I'll still come down to visit you whenever I can."

"And I'm not leaving yet! You'll still have me," we kept on talking for ages, until an uproar of cheers started.

"You two better go join everyone," we gave Dad one last comforting hug, before putting the kids back down on the ground and joining the rest of our class.

"Three! Two! One!" we all threw our hats up in the air, the blue and yellow helium balloons got let off by others, the sky above was full of colour. It was fantastic.

It was the end to my childhood as we know it, but the start to a whole new beginning. And I couldn't wait for it to begin.


omg omg omg. i don't want this book to end, but i want to publish the next one so badly.

before we go too far, i want to show some amazing love to i_like_gays_ok for this absolutely fantastic piece of fanart of our precious zander!

before we go too far, i want to show some amazing love to i_like_gays_ok for this absolutely fantastic piece of fanart of our precious zander!

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literally go show i_like_gays_ok some love!!!
it's so awesome to see how everyone pictures the characters.

there is only probably two/three chapters left. so stay close for updates!!!

q: have you graduated?

a: i will in a couple of months!

vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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