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"I'm in a getaway car," she sang.

"I left you in a motel bar," I sang.

"Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys," she sang.

"That was the last time you ever saw me!" we screamed.

Pip and I jumped around to the rest of the song in her living room. The music was blaring out through the speakers sitting on the coffee table.

I sunk down in to the couch as soon as the song finished. I was properly buggered.

"Did you want a drink or something? Or like, food?" she asked, turning down the music.

"Uhhh, do you have milk?" I asked her, although the look on her face was one of pure disgust.

"Ashy! What the fuck! Plain milk? That's fucking disgusting. You inhumane creature," she accused. Not again.

"Milk isn't that bad! Anyway, I don't want plain milk. I would like an iced coffee please," her face slowly started coming back to normal once she heard 'coffee'.

"Oh, alright. Coffee isn't too bad. But plain milk is definitely disgusting and that you can not fight me on!" plain milk is not that gross!

I felt the vibration of my phone against my leg. Picking it up, I noticed the message from Zander.

are you home?


Do you know when you'll be home?

not until tomorrow. im staying the night

Since our little... escapade on Monday, we have been talking. Not at school though, only through texts and snaps. It's Friday now.

After the kiss we shared, it was super awkward. None of us knew what to say. We had just silently made our way to his car and then he dropped me off at home, but not before handing me his number.

The only question I wanted to ask him was if he was gay as well. Or, if he just kissed me as a heat in the moment type of thing. I was hoping it wasn't the latter. Although, I can't really say I believed he was gay, or he at least liked guys in some way.

"Oi nerd, why are you zoning out so hard?" Pip asked, handing me the fresh iced coffee she had made.

"No, I, uhm, nah I was just, I don't know," I couldn't really get my words out. I wanted to tell Pip, but she can't keep a secret very well once she is told. She'll most likely tell Conan.

I felt the vibration of my phone once again.  As soon as Pip looked away and back at her own phone, I pulled it out.

Be ready.
Tomorrow night.
Cute casual

Wait what? Tomorrow night at 6.30? What's tomorrow night at 6.30?

"Huh? What did you say?" Pip said, looking up from her phone. Did I say that out loud?

"Oh, um, nothing!" I replied bashfully.

"Bullshit it was nothing! I heard your phone go off. Who's messaging you?" Pip started to lean my way to look at the phone's screen which still displayed the messages from Zander.

"Nothing bitch, stay away!" I said, pushing her away, carefully putting down the coffee on the table so as to not spill it.

"You can't lie to me Ashy! I can see right through you," her eyes narrowed on my own.

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