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The forest was my place. It was the place that dad, Pip and even Conan didn't know existed. 

It was my safe haven. 

It wasn't the type of forest that you would imagine mythical creatures to live in. It didn't have a secret, natural pool with a luscious waterfall pouring into it. It wasn't mountainous or littered with snow during the winter. However, it did have lots, and lots, and lots of trees. It also had a dainty little creek. I knew my way towards the creek off by heart. That was if we started in the north. Any other entranced and I'd be fucked. 

I don't know what it was about him, but I felt as if I could bring Zander here. He made me feel safe. I hardly even know him. I met him last week. Seven days. Although, it feels like seven days was just enough. 

"Out of all places, why here?" Zander asked, stepping out of the car at the edge of the forest. The clouds were looming in the sky, darker than usual. You could smell the rain approaching in the wind, but it hadn't quite hit us yet. The ground was still dry. The leaves were still crisp when we stepped on them. 

"I feel safe here," I admitted. After my semi breakdown earlier, this place is all I wanted to be. More specifically, I wanted to be sitting on my rock, next to the tall trunk of a tree, right beside the creek. "Just don't talk, and follow me,"

I wanted silence. Not that I didn't want to hear his voice, it was a beautiful sound. But when I was walking through my forest, to my rock, next to my tree. I was always alone. I didn't know what someone else's voice was supposed to sound like walking through here, and I didn't want to find out. The sound of the leaves and twigs crunching beneath our footsteps. The sound of birds chirping among the branches. The sound of the wind breezing through the trees. It was all that was necessary. 

The walk from the forest's edge to my spot only took us twenty minutes. Zander listened. He remained silent throughout the whole walk up until I was perched up on my rock, putting my hand in the freezing cold water, feeling it run through my fingers. 

"I'm sorry for dragging you out of school, you shouldn't have followed me," he sat down on the smaller rock beside me. 

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad I followed you out. I had history after lunch anyway with Ms. Usso. Gosh I hate her," he laughed, picking at the dirt under his nails. 

"Oh gosh, you have Ms. Usso as well? She is the worst! I have her for English. She called me out in front of the class the other day. I really hate her," I will admit, I did feel bad for saying that, but it was so much more than the truth. 

"Not to be a dick right now, but I do too," he started laughing at himself. 

"You only speak the truth. She is a horrible teacher. Her only aim is to embarrass students into failing. She couldn't care less if we passed or not, as long as she gets her money," I let it all out. The pure hate I had for the woman I wouldn't hold back. 

We were silent for a while, just listening to the sound of the wind in the trees. The sound of the water in the creek rushing along. I could tell Zander was getting irritated with the silence, he didn't seem like the boy to stay quiet for very long. I was the opposite. I could stay quiet forever and it wouldn't bother me. 

The thought floated around in my mind. I knew he was curious as to why I would come out here and I wanted to tell him everything. Something about it felt right and somehow, I knew he would listen to me. He had so far, and I don't doubt he would again. 

"One afternoon, I was feeling very alone. I stumbled across the forest's edge. I was only 15, something had happened with me and my parents and I stormed out of the house. I was really scared but at that moment, I didn't care what happened to me. For all I cared, I could have been dying and I wouldn't have minded. I'm glad I entered though because if I didn't, I wouldn't have ended up here," my hand was still in the water. My fingers had started to shrivel at the tips. I could tell he was thankful for me making conversation again. 

"I'm sorry for asking, but what happened that made you storm out?" I didn't feel angry at his question. If I happened to be in his situation right now, I probably would have asked it myself. I was nervous about answering it though. 

The what-if's started replaying in my head. What if he was homophobic? What if he punched the shit out of me? What if he left me for dead in the middle of a forest? What if nobody was able to find me? What if he accepted me?

"I um, uh," I was choking on my words, the more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to say anything. I couldn't shake off the feeling though, it was like I needed to tell him. Something was pulling me towards him. I was putting all my trust, right in to his hands without even knowing him. 

"It's alright. You don't need to tell me if it's too hard for yo-"

"No! I should tell you before someone else does," I took a deep breath in. 

I looked up at him, his eyes still locked on to mine. The intensity in his gaze was astounding but calming, I quickly looked back down to the ground, too scared to look up again. 

"I told them that I was gay," I said fast. The silence scared me. I didn't want to look up at him. I didn't want to see the look of disgust on his face. It scared me. I'd never been bullied in my life, but I had also never told any other person besides my family and Pip, and I knew they wouldn't snitch to anybody at school.

I shouldn't have told him, what if he spreads it to the whole school? What if he starts bullying me, and then other people do? Soon enough the lacrosse team will turn on me, people I don't even know will try to ruin my life.

"Asher, calm down, it's alright," I felt him come over to me, he put his hands on my cheeks, lifting my head up to face his own. I could tell my eyes were red, tears threatening to fall. 

I continued to look at him, as he looked down at me. His gaze was intense, I was waiting for the rude words to come my way, the start of another dark time in my life. What I wasn't expecting though, was the feel of his lips, pressing softly against my own. 


I pressed my lips against his. I couldn't continue to contain the pull I was feeling towards him. Everything in me was saying not to do it. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't want to risk everything else. 

I pulled away, I kept it quick and short. What if he didn't like it and I had just ruined every single chance I may have had, even if it was just a slim chance. 

What I wasn't waiting for was the feel of his lips again. That's when I caved. I grabbed a hold of his face tighter as he kissed me harder. It was beautiful to the most wonderful extent. I hadn't expected my first kiss with a guy to be this magical, but now that it's happened, I couldn't have imagined anything else. 


it may seem a little quick, but i don't imagine this to be a very long story. sweet and dainty!

question: what's your most listened to song right now?

a: mine is probably wish you were sober by conan gray (go listen to kid krow!!!) and jesus christ 2005 god bless america by the 1975 (very strange name, but it is so peaceful and beautiful to listen to)
most of the songs i put in the chapters are also my most listened to!

vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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