forty four

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"You are just the cutest aren't you?" Conan blew raspberries on Leo's belly whilst Ava was playing with a Barbie doll.

I just sat in the corner, watching on. I felt better, but I was still in a sour mood with everyone.

"Yes you are. Oh, yes you are," Leo was laughing. The type of electric laugh that fills everyone with joy.

I barely heard a knock on the door over the sound of Leo and Conan's laughter.

I opened the door wide, not expecting him to be here. He's supposed to be gone? Why isn't he gone? I thought I'd never see him again.

"What are you-"

He smashed his lips on to mine, I reacted instantly, kissing him back with just as much force. Call me crazy, but I missed him. I missed him being away from me, even if it only were a few days. I missed him being around me. I didn't care what he said, what he did, what he thought. I needed him. I needed him back and I needed him with me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Ash. I'm so sorry for hurting you, and I'm sorry for saying everything that I did. Please forgive me, I want to be with you. I need to be here with you," I kissed him again and again until I was struggling for breath and needed the air.

"What happened, why aren't you gone?" I couldn't contain my sobs. Why was he back? He's supposed to be gone.

"I couldn't leave. Not again. I love everyone here, and I love you. I couldn't do that to everyone, and I couldn't do that to you. I love you too much to leave you like that," I hugged him tightly. We both kind of fell to the ground in a heap. I missed him. I missed him so, so much and I didn't even realise it.

"Why the fuck did you have to leave me that way!" I came to my senses quickly and suddenly realised why I was angry with him.

"I couldn't bare to do it nicely. I thought if I were mean, it wouldn't hurt as much," I continued to just hug him. We were still sitting on the cold ground in silence. The sun was setting and the temperature dropped. We still didn't move. We must have been sitting on the ground for at least half an hour in silence, just snuggling in to each other as if it had been years since we last interacted, yet it had only been mere days.

"You're freezing. Let's go inside," Zander helped me up off the ground. The warmth of the house was wonderful, yet it still didn't feel quite enough. I held on to his hand tightly, I didn't want to let it go. I pulled him up to my room, shutting the door, and locking it. I needed to be alone with him, no interruptions.

We sat down on my bed and got under the covers. We had both taken our shoes off. It was as if we were already getting ready to fall asleep.

"Tell me why you're back, properly please," I said softly. My voice cracked a little.

"I just couldn't leave you. Nan gave me the option to stay since I'm eighteen. I didn't have to leave with her, even though she wanted me to, she was happy when I said I wanted to stay here with you."

"Where will you stay though? Where will you get money from to live?" I asked. He didn't have a job, where would he get money?

"Well, nobody else knows this, but when my parents died. They left nearly everything for me. Money, our old house, the car. My uncle, who I used to live with, thought my grandparents had it all. Yet my grandparents thought my uncle had it. And since they don't talk to each other, they never cared to ask about it. In actual fact, I had it all," I gasped. He had it all?

"They had millions saved that I never knew about until my eighteenth birthday, I couldn't bare to tell anyone though. The old house is in my name. The car. Everything in storage belongs to me. I can live off of it here, with you," I held his face in my hands. He had a slight stubble on his face, you could tell he hadn't shaved in a few days. I looked deeply into his green eyes. He meant it, he meant every word he just said.

"I want to stay here and live a life with you. Wherever my life may take me, I want you there by my side. I don't want to leave you alone again. I know I may be young, I mean shit, I'm only eighteen! But I know what I have with you is pure and I never want to let go of it," I used my thumb to wipe the single tear that had fallen from his eye.

"I want that too. I don't want you to leave me again," I said honestly. I sniffled, all these emotions were playing with my head.

"I won't. I'll never leave you again."



I had him back. He's mine again. He's wrapped up, all snuggly in his sheets with me behind him, protecting him and keeping him warm.

I don't know what time we fell asleep, but it was now morning. The sun was slowly rising above the horizon as a new day was beginning. A new day where Asher was mine again.

I couldn't believe it. I had him back. He didn't hate me for everything I said to him the other day at school. I would have hated me.

"Stop thinking so hard," his croaky voice came out of nowhere. I didn't even notice that he had woken up from his peaceful nights sleep.

"I can't help it. You make me think about the future," I knew it sounded cheesy but I couldn't help it.

"Do I now? What about the future?" he rubbed at his eyes, most likely trying to clear his vision to see me better.

"You, me. Where we might live. Whether or not we'll have pets, kids, a family. You make me think about all the possibilities. It's all a bit scary, but I'm over the moon that I'm seeing them with you," I picked up a bit of his hair that had fallen in front of his face and tucked it back behind his ear so I could see his beautiful features in all their glory.

"That's cute," he giggled softly. Cute? I just spilt my hearty plans out to him, just for him to call them cute? Hmm, that's my Asher alright.

"You really are a work of art, aren't you?" I kissed him on the nose softly.

"I really hope so."


okay. some sad news coming up. this story is coming to an end very soon. the next couple of chapters will be like an epilogue, but i'll split them up in to sections.

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thanks lovelies <3

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