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"You have to man up Ash! You'll never get him to talk to you if you don't put any effort in!" Pip yelled as soon as the customer walked out of the shop.

"I can't see you out getting a boyfriend. Get off my back Pip," I said softly, giving her my sad frowny face, turning to clean out the smoothie machine. Ugh.

"I'm not out getting a boyfriend because I don't need one yet. Plus, I'll wait until I get to your school. Aren't you always boasting about all the "hot guys" on that lacrosse team? I'll just lure one of them in!"

"Lure? Damn Pip they're not fish," we both laugh as we hear the small bell chime on the top of the door.

"Hey boys, what are you all doing here?" I yell out to the group of lacrosse boys walking into the shop.

"Wassup lil homie," Isaiah came up to the counter, giving me a fist bump, before the rest of the boys chimed in with their hello's.

"Good, good. Well, as good as it can be while I'm working, I guess. What brings you guys in here? I don't think you've ever come in before?" I say, before looking over at Conan, directing my question to him.

"Change of scenery, I guess? We are kind of showing Zander around the town, getting him used to all the hotspots," I look around the group and eventually spot Zander, hiding in the back and looking down at his phone. How didn't I notice him when he walked in?

"You consider this a hotspot now?" I snapped out of my Zander trance, focusing back on Conan who was nodding his head. "What happened to Nana Fi's Diner? I thought that's where all you boys went?"

"Oh, it still is, I thought we should stop in and say hello to you both on the way past. Speaking of which, hey Pip," Pip looks over giving a quick 'hey' before going back to her cleaning.

"Alright, did you boys want anything or are you heading off already?"

"Nah, we're heading off, I'll see you later tonight," I say a quick goodbye to the rest of the team before they all walk out again.

"Two questions," Pip voiced, "One, which one was Zander? Two, who was the 'lil homie' guy?" she asked quite sprightly.

"One, the one that was standing in the back, don't know whether or not you saw him. Two, that's Conan's best friend Isaiah. Why? Already have the hots for him or something?" I say, giving her a slight nudge with my elbow.

"Fuck off! No! He was just, I don't know," she looks away, going back to the coffee machine.

"Sure, sure Pip,"

The shop was pretty quiet for a Thursday night. Luckily, my shift finishes in 10 minutes. Pip left an hour ago. Lucky bitch. Since I left an hour early last week. My boss, Marc, is letting me make up the hour tonight. He knows my money situation is tight, so he already lets me get as many shifts as possible. He also knows that Pip and I are close, so he tries to put us on together as well. I can't really imagine many other bosses doing that for their staff.


"None of you are listening to me! I said to find the techniques the author uses to portray the different themes and writing styles of the story! Most of you have given me what looks to be a recount of what happened, and that is not what I asked for!" Ms. Usso yelled as she lectured the class on the recent essay. It wasn't that hard, I had already finished mine and handed it up. It wasn't that hard,  just boring.

I had already filled one of my sketchbook pages up with little drawings. Nothing in particular, just little random things.

"ASHER, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO WHAT I AM SAYING?" I quickly jumped, dropping my pencil on to the table. I looked up at the teacher who was looking directly at me as well as the rest of the class.

"Uh, yes Miss," I replied shakily.

"Tell me what I said then," fuck. I didn't say anything because I didn't know. I looked around the room to see if anybody else would help, but all I got was blank stares. Stupid people. "That's what I thought. Next time I see you not paying attention to me in class, I will find a suitable punishment. When I am talking, I expect you all to be listening to me!"

Soon enough, the bell to next class rang. I quickly packed up my things, shuffling out of the class with everybody else.

I hated English. Hated it. That's taking it kindly. It's not like I don't understand it. It's just that there is nobody in that class that I like.

Let me say that again. There aren't many people in the school that I talk to anyway. At least in my other classes, I have a few of the lacrosse boys to keep me company.

Such as P.E. I was in the advanced P.E class, so many of the lacrosse boys were in it, as well as some others from our other sports teams.

I know, how on Earth did I make the advanced P.E class? Well, at the start of the year, they got me confused with Conan. I have no idea how, but it happened. We both got signed up. The reason they never took me out of the class is because I'm not actually half bad at sports, I just don't like doing them.

What if Zander is in this class? Holy shit.

I unknowingly went faster as I raced towards the locker rooms. Since I didn't really have any close friends, I make my way to the locker rooms a lot faster than everyone else. Not complaining though. It means I get to change in peace without having all the other boys in here.

Before anybody even walked in, I was dressed and ready, heading out to the field. Although, who I didn't expect to see already out here, was Zander.

He was sitting down on the grass next to the edge of the players bench on his phone. He didn't even notice me as I walked past and placed my drink bottle on the bench. If he did, he didn't acknowledge it.

I sat down on the bench. Even though neither of us were talking. The air was still very awkward. I was so nervous that he would say something that when he did, I didn't even notice it.

"Huh?" I said looking up and over at him. He had put his phone down and was looking at me. I hadn't really studied his face that much yet, but now that we were close, I could really see him. Holy moly.

"I said, what is your name?" I stared at him a bit longer. I swear, I was bordering on creepy now.

"Um, Asher,"

"Well, Um Asher, I'm Zander. It's nice to meet you." holy fuck shit balls, he is actually talking to me. "I saw you at the trainings throughout the week as well as while you were working last night but I never had the chance to say hello." His voice was so calming. I could listen to it all day.

"That's alright, I could say the same thing," I mumbled quietly. I'm sure he could hear. I was that nervous though, I couldn't find the guts to speak any louder.

"Let me guess. You are Conan's twin brother, am I right?" the question came out of nowhere.

"How could you guess?" I say sarcastically as he laughed under his breath. There were slight differences between the two of us, but at first glance, you wouldn't notice them. That's usually what it's like being an identical twin.

He was slightly taller by an inch or two. He had more freckles on his face and a darker shade of brown eyes. His looked like a regular brown, although people said in the light that mine looked like honey. Plus, he was straight.

Soon enough, the rest of the class followed out behind the teacher. The two of us quickly stood up before joining the rest of the boys.


question: who is your favorite character so far?

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thanks lovelies <3

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