bonus chapter #1

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*three years later*

(please listen to the song x)


"I know pronounce you Husband and Wife," the two kissed each as white and pink rose petals and fake snow flew through the air.

Pip looked so gorgeous in her dress. Her hair was done up beautifully. The white wedding dress was to die for. I'd never seen her look more happy and beautiful in her life.

Isaiah looked just as dashing. His suit was crisp and his hair was perfectly styled. He didn't look baggy for once.

The cheers coming from his parents and siblings could probably be heard for miles. They sure were making a scene, but that was alright though, they were extremely happy.

"Asher, get your fat ass over here. You too Zan!" Pip called for us once the hype from Isaiah's folks calmed down.

"I can't believe you guys finally did it. I'm so proud of you Pip," I hugged her as tightly as I could and I didn't want to let her go. She was my best friend, my sister, and I was so, so excited for her.

"It's amazing. This is the best day of my life and it hasn't even finished yet," she said as Isaiah came over to her, hugging around her shoulders from behind.

"How's my beautiful wife doing? Oh God. You're my wife. That's so weird to say. Holy fucking shit," from the way it looks, I don't think he'll ever get tired of calling Pip his wife. The two loved each other more than anything.

"Pip!" a pregnant Tahlia walked over, trying her best to hug her sister with her swollen belly. "You look, gosh, stunning! Same with you Isaiah, as handsome as ever!"

"Please do not hit on my," Pip took a pause and coughed just for the emphasis, "Husband."

"Oh please. You know my lesbian ass don't find him attractive. No offence Isaiah."

"None taken," he replied.

"I can't believe this has all happened so fast," Zander finally chipped into the conversation. I almost forgot he was standing there.

"I know right! I mean, look at these bad boys," Pip said as she grabbed a hold of her chest, "Equal second best day on my life. Well, maybe not so much the recovery. But I have boobs now so that's great," I remember the day as clear as day. She had called me up in the morning as soon as she finally saw her newly formed chest after she got out of the hospital. Isaiah was there with her the entire time. I wish I was there to help her recover, but I was still over in Pennsylvania with Zander. I knew Isaiah was taking care of her though. She didn't need me too.

"They look fantastic by the way," Tahlia chimed in again. Tahlia openly admitted she was jealous of Pip, quote, "Why can't my tits be as good as yours?"

"Anyways. How's Bub doing?" Pip said as she pointed to Tahlia's stomach.

"Your son is a pain in my ass. Why did I say yes to doing this?" Oh yeah, another thing happened too whilst I was away. The new addition to the Miles' family. Zaid Miles. The son of Pip and Isaiah. He wasn't born yet. He isn't due for another month, but Pip and Isaiah were already ready to be new parents.

Obviously, he isn't Pip's biological son, but he is Isaiah's. Better yet, Tahlia offered her eggs so the baby can also be related to Pip. That was Pip's other equal second best day of her life, finding out and knowing that their child will be related and somewhat look like her too. Tahlia always said she'll do whatever she can to make Pip happy, and being able to bring a child into their lives was at the very top of Tahlia's priority list.

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