bonus chapter #2

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*three months later*


"How is my favourite nephew doing? Hello," I bounced Zaid up and down on my leg. He was still only two months old, but one of the most gorgeous babies I'd ever met. He was almost a spitting image of Isaiah, but he had Pip's green eyes and freckles.

"I don't know, but he seems pretty fed up with your shit right about now," Zander chimed in from behind.

"Then why is he smiling then? Huh?" my sassiness was through the roof today. I was being a smart ass all over. I guess it's just one of those days again.

"He is hiding the pain well," I just rolled my eyes whilst everyone was laughing at Zan. What an attention whore.

"Fine then, you be the better Uncle," I literally handed Zaid over to Zandy as if he were a doll. "I'll go hang out with someone better than you." I quickly stormed off and went to the back yard that was thriving with life.

It was summer break, and to celebrate Zaid's birth, we all managed to come back to town and meet at Pip and Isaiah's house. Dad was here with the twins, Leo and Ava. Gosh, they seemed to grow up so fast. Conan came back from Boston. Zander, our dog Archie, and I came back from Philidelphia. Even Zandy's grandparents made it so they could see him. His grandfather wasn't doing too great, but at least he was still with us.

I went and sat on one of the deck chairs facing the pool. Conan was playing with Leo and Ava in the pool. They were only four, so they were perched up in their inflatable donuts with their orange floaties hanging from their arms. Conan still stood infront of them the whole time though, always making sure they were safe.

I looked up to the sky. Not a cloud up there. The sun was shining down on my face. I felt so at peace here. Not just because I was back home, but also because everyone was here. I missed them all, insanely. Especially Dad and Conan. It's difficult having to try an adjust to living on your own in a new state. Well, not completely on my own. I had my beautiful Zandy and Archie. But I had lived with Dad always there for me and Conan was almost stuck to my side my entire life. It was hard. But I did it.

I made it through school alive. Through all the ups and downs. I even managed to get myself a dangerously hot boyfriend along the way. That was for sure a positive.

But now look at me. Here I am, twenty years old, an amazing boyfriend, a dog, a home, a full time job, and,  fingers crossed, am amazing future. I was finally as happy as could be.

"Hey you," Zander dragged me away from my peaceful thoughts, "What are you thinking about this time?" he asked, as he sat down on the ground next to me. He placed his hand on top of my own and held it tightly.

"Just everything again."

"Everything? That's quite a lot to think about isn't it? I mean, your brain isn't that big now is it?" here he is again, cheeky Zander. All I could do was laugh at him.

"Shut up, it's plenty big enough," I didn't realise my blunder until his snickering. Seriously, my boyfriend can be such a child.

"Asher, are you sure your dic-"

"Don't be an asshole, I was talking about my brain," I decided to cut him off before he could go any further.

"I'm not being an asshole. I'm only trying to state the facts Sweet," he said with an ever-growing smile to his face.

"Well. I'm saying that you are being an asshole. And because I said so, it means it's true," I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. I know I'm not wrong.

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