thirty four

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alright, so there are a fair few of you that have been there *almost* from the start. they're the ones that are always the first to comment or vote, and this book wouldn't be anywhere without that support I get from not only you, but everyone that votes and comments. you know who you are!!!
i have now hit 27k!!! THATS FUCKING AMAZING EVERYONE!! i love you all with my heart ♡♡♡


zandy 💞🥰
I'll be at yours in 20 x

i'm ready
just waiting on you x

Pip had thought that it was a good idea to go on a double date together. I was excited for it.

I thought my outfit looked real cute. Conan said I looked like a low-key e-boy though. I don't really know how to feel about that one.

I had a white long sleeved tee underneath a plain black tee and my black pants were cuffed. I really liked it. I sat on my bed, pulling up some white socks and chucked on my worn out high tops. For the extra little something, I threw on my silver chain and black beanie. Both were gifts I had gotten from Pip for my birthday last year.

I walked out of my room, picking up the small black backpack on the way out. We were going to the carnival that had just arrived in the city. It was a Saturday night, and might be busy, but we decided that would be the best place to go after the mini fight Zandy and I had last week.

"You guys are mean," Conan said as he walked past me from the kitchen to the lounge room, with a bottle of coke and a packet of choc chip cookies.

"Why?" I asked questionably. I have a feeling it was because he was not coming tonight. He said he was fine staying home though.

"Because. You didn't invite me," he pulled on a fake sad face. I knew it.

"Liar. I did invite you. Don't make me pity you," he would most likely feel uncomfortable with us anyway. Third-wheeling two couples. I know I would. It's now my fault he isn't dating anyone though.

"Whatever. Have fun. Bring me back a bag of fairy floss or a massive bag of skittles."

"Yeah, I'll try," I placed my wallet, keys, headphones, and one of Zander's hoodies I stole into my bag. I walked outside and sat on the footpath, waiting for Zander to come pick me up. The sun was still up, but will set soon. Luckily I have his jumper.

Soon enough, his yellow car pulled up in front of my house, "Get in loser, we're going shopping."

"You seriously did not just say that!"

"I sure did. Sue me."

"You're such a basic bitch sometimes," I laughed at him as I threw my bag into his back seat and sat down in the passenger seat next to him.

"Ready to have some fun?"

"Depends. What kind of fun are we talking about," he wiggled his eyebrows.

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