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"Hey Lil' Homie. What you doing?" Isaiah barged into the living room and plonked himself on the opposite end of the couch.

"Not much, if you're looking for Conan, he's just run down to the shops quickly," I was sat on the couch, blanket over my lap and hot coffee in hand. I was watching Skins. A show I hadn't watched in years, but decided to start re-watching last night.

"That's alright. I actually was hoping I could talk to you about something."

"Yeah, what's up?" I finished off the rest of my coffee, placing the empty mug on the table.

"I was planning on taking Pip on a date tonight, but I don't know what to do and I know you're her best friend. So I thought I should ask you," oh? Oh!

"You and Pip aye?" I pretended to act surprised. Although, I don't think he quite fell for it.

"Don't play dumb. I know that you know, you're a very bad liar," okay, I felt that.

"Alright, alright. She told me you had been talking. I can give you a few suggestions. She likes playing games so maybe the arcade? Or if you have Mario Kart, cook her a nice dinner and have a mini Mario Kart tournament. She'll appreciate that," he nodded his head, taking in all the information.

"What does she like?"

"She likes the colour green. White Roses. Crushed up cookies on top of ice cream. Chicken burgers with avocado. Oversized hoodies. Sloths. Fluffy blankets. Anything rainbow. Dream catchers. Soft toys. Taylor Swift. Doing peoples makeu-"

"Alright, alright. I think I got the jist. I should remember all that. I might buy her something nice and do the Mario Kart tournament. I'll get stuff for home made chicken burgers. Does that sound good?" he seemed nervous. He was trying to write all the information on his phone.

"Yeah. She'll like that a lot."

"Holy shit, you're a life saver. Thank you!" He bent over, giving me one of his signature 'bro hugs', which I happily returned.

We both heard Conan pull into the driveway. He stood up quickly to go help Conan with the groceries he got, but I still have to tell him one more thing.

"Hey Isaiah, one last thing."

"Yeah bro?"

"I swear to God. If you hurt my best friend. I will end you, literally," his face paled at the comment. He could tell I was being serious.

Isaiah agreed quickly. "Got it. I won't hurt her. She's too precious to be hurt. Thanks Lil' Homie!"

I heard the door shut as he walked out the door. I really hope he means what he says. Or I will literally end him.


Isaiah had left 10 minutes ago so he could prepare for his date he had with Pip.

Now it was just Conan and I sitting on the couch. We hadn't spoken or done anything in that 10 minutes. The silence was deadly. I'd had enough of it.

"Alright, what's your problem?" I asked Conan, breaking the silence.

"What problem?" he acted oblivious to his recent behavior.

"The problem that has made you so angry with me!" I was losing my temper.

"Can I ask you a quest-"

"No! You have no right asking me anything. I just asked you something and you're yet to answer me!" I was going red faced. I could feel it.

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