thirty nine

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"What the fuck happened here?" Zander's voice rang throughout the quiet neighbourhood. I looked up away from the box I was currently looking through. He ran up towards me quickly, sitting down cross-legged, and embraced me in a warm hug.

"Mum came back. Temporarily," my voice was shaky. I had been crying non-stop since I hung up the phone. Zandy noticed it too as he wiped my eyes with his fingers, wiping the stray tears away.

"What's with all the boxes? It's like a bomb hit or something," I picked up the small onesie, holding it up for him to see. "Is it your old baby stuff?"

"No. It's new baby stuff. Mum didn't come back with just herself. She managed to have more kids, Leo and Ava. They're almost one. Funnily enough, twins as well," the box I was rifling through now was all their important stuff. Birth certificates, hospital visits, immunisations, health records.

"Have a look at this," I showed him Leo's birth certificate, and read the damned thing aloud.

"Leonardo Conan Tyson. Born on the thirtieth of November. Mother, Theresa Michelle Tyson. There isn't even a father listed on here," I laughed and put it back down, picking up the other one, "Avaley-Rose Asher Tyson. At least she had some sense on tying them to us, even if she hates my guts."

"How can she do that to you guys. Just show up again, leave again, and leave more kids. The decency," he snuggled into my side, putting one hand in my hair and filtering his fingers through it. The gesture was not only romantic, but comforting. "Also, haven't you said before that technically, she and Brad are still married?"

"Yeah, they are. That's what these ones are for," I picked up the crisp white envelope and opened it up. "They're divorce papers. All her info is already filled out and signed. She just needs Dad to fill it out and send it to whoever this address belongs to."

"Can I meet them? I mean, they're still your siblings, whether you like it or not. And unless you put them up for adoption, they'll be staying put here for a while."

We both stood up. I picked up this box with me, taking inside since this was actually important information.

Just when everything was settling down again. Someone has to come through and fuck it up.


"Aren't you just the most cutest things. Yes you are, oh yes you are," I said, tickling their stomachs. Their laughs were infectious. You couldn't help but to feel happy yourself.

"I'm going to head to the shops. There is no baby food or formula in any of these boxes. Several of them are packed with diapers so we don't need to worry about that. I'm going to go to the baby store. See if there are any cheap cots and high chairs. I looked in the shed to see if there was anything out there, but we threw all of your old stuff out. Except for clothes and soft toys and stuff," I replied to Dad with an 'Alright'.

Even though I didn't completely hate my mother last time she left, and it was good to see her again, I hated her completely this time around. These kids are now going to grow up without a mother. I'm not going to lie though, they would probably be living a better life with us anyway. I love kids, I'll make sure they are in safe hands with us.

I looked up towards the entry as I heard the creek of the floorboards. Asher entered the room, followed closely by Zander behind him, "Hey," I said.

"Morning," Zander walked over and sat down beside me, and Asher plopped down in his lap.

"Didn't expect this to happen?" he said with a laugh.

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