bonus chapter #3

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*one year later*


"This is beautiful Zandy. You didn't have to do this," I told him as we sat on the picnic blanket.

It was our five year anniversary. We had been together for five years! To celebrate, Zander had planned this massive picnic for the two of us. It was filled with our favourite foods and drinks. And there was countless amounts of iced coffee!

He had found a place upon a hill, we could see over the city from here, plus, it was sunset. It was such a beautiful, beautiful day.

"Well, I had to make it beautiful for you. I spent days trying to plan this. It's a little colder than I would have liked, but at least it's sunny," luckily, he had also bought along blankets. We were snuggled under one right up next to each other, just watching the sunset.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I asked him as I stared into his death defying eyes that managed to capture me from day dot.

"Or course I do. The important question is: do you know how much I love you?"

"I'm hoping you love me more that anything," I told him. I seriously could not describe my love for him. It was impossible. All I know though, is that I can't live without him in my life. That's how much I love him.

"Well, luckily for you, that is true. That's why I have this," he got out of our warm embrace. I'm already colder without his warmth.

He walked over to the bag he packed, pulling out something rather small, but I couldn't see what it was.

"Up you hop," he motioned for me to join him. I didn't want to leave my warm blanket bubble, but I also wanted to be close to him. I would have sacrificed it all for him.

"Asher. Baby. Sweet. You have been in my life for five years now and those five years, have been the best of my life. I mean, you weren't in college, but you moved with me, to support me, to love me, and that just proves how real our relationship and our love is for each other. I don't think I would be as successful as I am today, if it weren't for you joining in on my life's journey. I don't know if I'd still even be on this Earth, if it wasn't for you. Asher, I seriously love you more than anything. That is why I have to ask you this," he said. His words brining tears to my eyes.

Finally, he dropped down on to one knee, and that's when the penny dropped on what was happening right now.

"Asher Tyson, would you make me the happiest man on Earth, and marry me?" he opened up the little red velvet box, and in there was an engraved gold wedding ring. He really wants me to marry him? I could feel my tears rolling down my face, but they were happy tears. Very, very, very happy tears.

"Oh baby, please don't cry," he jumped off the ground faster than anything just to be at my side and make sure I was alright, "I'm sorry if it wasn't the right ti-"

"Yes. Yes of course I'll fucking marry you," I jumped up on to him, clinging like a monkey to its mother. I held him in my arms, with my legs wrapped around his waist, "Are you serious? You want me to marry you?"

"Yes I'm serious. I've been waiting to pop the question to you since college. I just never found the perfect time. I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Which reminds me," he quickly placed me back down on the ground as he headed toward the same bag. Except this time, it was just two singular pieces of paper.

"I got you these," he handed me the papers.

"Zandy, what the fuck?" I almost dropped them out of excitement. Did he really? Was he serious?

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