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"What pizza do you want?" Zander asked me. We had just finished up on our first batch of cookies.

Peanut butter choc chip.

We made a mess. Flour was all over the floors. I was covered in leftover peanut butter. The batch I was supposed to watch was burnt. You could say it went well.

"If you don't mind, barbecue chicken Hawaiian please," we were sat on the couch. Netflix was on the TV, but nothing was playing. It was nearly 7 pm. We were getting hungry for our pizza.

"I don't mind at all," Zander went away to order it and came back shortly after. "What do you want to watch?" he asked. I didn't want to pick the movie. All the movies I watched were sappy love stories. Zander strikes me as the type that likes horror and hardcore action.

"Do I really have to pick?" I argued the point. I had multiple movies in mind, but I have a feeling Zander wouldn't like any of them.

"Yes, you do. And before you start making assumptions about the movies I like, I'm not afraid of a good old sappy romance. Whatever floats your boat," he sat back down on the couch with the burnt-ish cookies and a pitcher of iced coffee. Perfect.

"Alright, put something gay on. I'm in a gay mood right now," I answered truthfully. I could really go for a sappy gay romance right now.

"Aren't you always in a gay mood Ash?" ouch.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing," he put his hands up in surrender. Zander started scrolling through the LGBT+ range. There wasn't much there I hadn't already seen, but who says re watching films is wrong?

"Can I ask you a question?" the quick thought popped into my head. It's something I'd never even thought of asking, but the mood made me think of it.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What do you identify as? Sexuality wise?" I thought about the question before asking it. I didn't want him to be offended by it, but I was really intrigued.

"100%, full on, rainbow gay," that surprised me. I expected him to be bi. I know that's highly judgmental of me, but come on, hot jock?

"Seriously? You're not bi or something?" I finished the question off with a laugh. I didn't want him thinking I meant any wrong by it.

"Not at all. Girls are gross, no offence," now that shocked me. "I have never been attracted to girls, like ever."

"Oh wow! Even I was attracted to a girl at one stage, but that was very short lived when I found out what her brother looked like," it's a true story. Middle school. Grade 6. Kadey Asman, I thought she was very pretty. But her brother? Hot damn. At age 11, I didn't really have my feelings straight. All I knew, was that her brother, George Asman, was far more good looking than she was.

"I'm telling the truth! I've never had a crush that was a girl. I remember thinking girls were pretty but I never, ever looked at them the way I did with boys. I was basically a living rainbow that no one else could see," the tone in his voice dialed down towards the end of his statement. It was another thing about his past that still saddened him. Like the good human I was, I let it slide.

"Have you ever kissed another guy?" I felt daring. All these questions were just popping up. I wanted to know what he was like.

"Embarrassingly, no. Although, you weren't my first kiss. My first kiss was in 8th grade. I thought that maybe if I kissed a girl, I would like her, but no. It had the opposite effect. I just wanted guys more after that," I loved his honesty. "You were my first kiss I had with a boy though. I was always too scared to act on my feelings, so I didn't."

"I don't want to lie, you weren't my first kiss either. I kissed a boy last year at a party, Conan dragged me to it. I don't think you can really count it though."

"No probably not. I don't count mine either."

We continued talking for hours. Since then, we'd moved to his bedroom. I texted Conan, letting him know I was staying the night, to which his reply was:

cobo 👎👎😐
I know you can't get pregnant but...
you know
be safe? 😏😏

fuck off

I left him at that. I didn't plan on doing anything with Zander yet. I mean, if you can call this a date, it's only our 2nd.

I'm so shy around the sex subject. I mean, someone once gave me a blow job. The same person that took my actual first kiss. He asked me to have sex with him too, but at that, I bolted and left the party. Luckily, it was only a few blocks away from my house, so I was safely able to go home.

"Hey, do you want more pizza?"

"How? We finished the pizza hours ago? Where are you going to get a pizza from at 3 am?" I do question his sanity sometimes.

"Don't you know? McCall's is open all nights on Friday and Saturdays," no, I didn't know that.

"Hmm, okay. Pepperoni please!" Pepperoni pizza was awesome. Especially when it's night.


"Holy fuck! This is so good!"

"I love it."

"I want more."

We finished the pizza within almost 5 minutes. Fucking inhaled.

"I feel so fat right now," I breathed out, lying back on the comfy bed after finishing half of the greasy pizza. 

"Same honestly, we've eaten too much tonight. I'm going to need to run laps tomorrow night at training."

"You can run laps, I'm not," there was no way I was doing any exercise to burn this pizza off. 

"That's unhealthy you know," this little bitch.

"That's unhealthy you know," I replied back mockingly. Imagine the mocking Spongebob meme. Yep, that's me right now. 

"It is! I need to remain healthy for lacrosse you know!" 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

We continued talking for hours. By the time we knew it, the sun was starting to rise over the horizon. 

"I think it might be time to go to sleep," I stated the obvious, whilst yawning. I checked my phone, I usually wake up for school now, luckily it's Sunday. 

"No shit," he replied sarcastically. 

"I think I might head home," I started taking the covers off my body tiredly. I was only in one of Zander's tank tops and my own boxers, he was dressed in the same thing. We had all intentions of falling asleep hours ago, but we just never got around to it. 

I sat up in the bed, trying to get out, but my eyes just kept shutting on themselves every time I tried to open them. I might not even make it home before passing out. 

"Hey, hey. Lie back down," Zander said softly, pushing me back down on the bed. "Just go to sleep here, you won't even make it out the front door before falling asleep."

He was right. I was beyond tired. I could feel him lie back with me. Placing his arm over my waist and pulling my body to his own. He was so warm and comforting. I could honestly lie like this here forever. 


i have to go back to school tomorrow :(

q: what to you want to see happen in this story? (like events, problems? i want to see what you think!)

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thanks lovelies <3

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