twenty eight

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"I'm so excited right now! Like, ahh!" Zander was jumping around happily. Tonight was his first game for the Eastfield High Eagles. He was beyond happy about it.

He had just changed into his uniform. The blue and yellow uniform suited him well.

"I even have my name on this one! I've never had my name on a uniform before! Please tell me what it says again?" he was over the moon. I was so happy that he was happy.

"Hayes. 7," I replied for him. When he found out that 7 had always been my lucky number, he thought it was a sign for something. He didn't say what for though, just that it was a sign.

"Come on, we have to go," he came over to me, pulling me up off the bed by my arm. He has been eager for this moment all day. I don't think he could completely contain his excitement.

He placed both of his hands on the side of my face, before smashing a kiss on to my lips. I kissed him back with just as much force until we had to pull away, I was running out of breath.

"Are you ready?" he asked, picking up his bag full of gear.

"Of course. Important question though, are you ready?"

"I'm so damn ready. Come on," he held my hand again and pulled me out the door behind him. I'd never seen him like this before, and I loved it. I wanted to see him happy like this always.


"Fantastic work boys! First game, first win. It's what I like to see. There is still a lot we can improve on, but for the first game, that was awesome! And a special mention, Tyson and Hayes. Four goals each game from the both of you is something I would like to see every week. Now, all of you hurry up and get out. I have places to be and people to see."

We all quickly left the room after Coach had finished his speech. We were all still buzzing after the win. We won 8-0 to Tyndle, who won the grand final last season. They're not the team they used to be according to Theo. It was that, or we just got better.

"Zander!" I heard Levi call out from his locker.


"You coming to the party tonight?" I was tossing up about it. I wanted to hang out with Ash, but he said he wanted to go. He wanted me to celebrate with the team which is, according to him, more important. It's most definitely not, but Ash doesn't often lose an argument.

"Yeah. I'm heading home to change first but I'll get there eventually," I stuffed my uniform in to my bag and threw on my red hoodie.

"Awesome. See you there bro," I waved goodbye before picking my own bag up and leaving the locker room.

Once I walked out the door, I was met with the unofficial cheer squad. Consisting on my Nan, Pa,  Asher, Pip. Conan was standing behind them with their Dad next to him. I wasn't expecting their Dad to keep up his promise, but he did.

"There's our boy," Pa came up to me, ruffling my hair, whilst Nan gave me a hug.

"I wish they were here. They would be so proud of you," I noticed Nan start to cry. She always got upset at any mention of them. All we could do was comfort her.

There is not a day that goes past where I don't think of what life might be like if my parents and little sister were still here. I just want to see them again. I know they're watching though. "I do too Nan. It's alright though, please stop crying."

Pa came over to her, giving her a comforting hug and leading her out of the group.

"Hey, are you alright?" Asher came up to me, giving me a hug to the side and resting his head upon my shoulder.

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