forty six

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*one month later*


"Why are we packed so early? Our flight doesn't leave for another eleven hours?" we are all ready and packed to leave. We found an apartment in Philadelphia, only a fifteen minute walk from Zan's college campus. We are going there today.

Conan left for Boston last week, not before we had a massive farewell party though.

"There is something I want to do first, before we leave," I left the majority of my bags at the front door, before we left the house and got in to Zan's yellow car.

We drove around for a while, it's been at least an hour. The sun was shining in the morning sky, letting off its summer heat. I didn't know where we were heading off too, it wasn't the usual path of anywhere we go.

"Here we are," we'd finally made it. I looked out the window. A church?

"Why are we at a church?" I asked. Of all places why are we at a church?

"We're not at a church," I don't know what shit he's on, but this looks like a fucking church to me.

He held my hand, we walked down the side of the so-called 'not church', until we were behind it.

"Oh," now I realised why we were here. It's a cemetery. There's only one reason why we would be at a cemetery.

He held my hand in silence as we walked through the gravestones of all the people that had passed before.

We stopped in front of three separate gravestones, all lined up in a row close together. They all looked the same, except for the names and birthdates printed on them.

"Asher, I want you to meet my family," there was something about his sentence that made me want to break down almost instantly.

"Oh my God," I couldn't even form actual words.

"This is my father, Matthew. My mother, Charlotte, and my little sister, Taylor. Family, this is my boyfriend Asher," he said it as he were talking to real life people. It was breaking me, I can't imagine what it was doing to him.

We sat down on the grass, beautifully green due to the summer, "I wanted to let you know that I made it to college. I got a scholarship from Penn. I'm actually going to college, I hope you're proud of me. I'm also sorry I never got to come out to you, I think you might have been able to guess I was gay anyway. It's not like I kept everything a secret from you guys," I snuggled further in to Zander's side, comforting him whilst he was talking to his family.

"I don't know if you're watching over me or not, I really hope you are though. I want to make you proud, well, I already hope you are proud of me," he wiped at his face.

He nudged my side, I think he wanted me to say something as well, "Hi. I'm Asher. I really, really happy I met your son. He's amazing. I really, really love him too. We are even moving in together, tonight. We have a cute little apartment. I want to adopt a cat to live there with us. Even though you're here, I hope you will be able to see us when we move. Please look out for Zander, he always needs you watching over him, to make sure everything is alright. I'll be with him too, but, I think he needs you guys as well. I'm sorry I never got to meet you, I think you would have been wonderful. I think, well, I hope you would have liked me too," I didn't know what else to say. I squeezed Zander's hand, he was smiling so brightly at me.

"I think we need to go, there is still a two hour drive back home. We can't miss our flight. I love you Mum, Dad, Tay. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you guys. I know I'm not religious, but I know you guys are safe up there in heaven, I know that's where you are, with somebody watching over you too. I'll try and come back and visit you guys as much as possible. I miss you so much," he choked on a sob, "I love you. I hope I get to see you guys soon. Well not too soon, I don't want to leave Asher here on his own. Maybe in eighty years or something when I'm fat and old," he let off a laugh, "I love you."

He stood up from the ground with me in tow. He placed one last kiss on each of their gravestones, "Ready?" he asked, picking up my hand.

"Ready," I waved goodbye to them, before walking with Zander away from the cemetery.


that was one a little bit of a tear jerker.
only a few more chapters to go :(

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thanks lovelies <3

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