forty seven

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"I don't think you realise how much I fucking love you," I told Ash as I held his face in the palm of my hands. 

"Well, I don't think you realise how much I fucking love you too," I placed a gentle kiss on his nose. 

We were sitting on the bed in our new apartment. It was small. A studio on the sixth floor. Our bed was in the centre of the room. A large flat screen TV on the wall opposite. The kitchen was to the right. The balcony on the left, overlooking the city. It was beautiful. I made sure to use some of the money I had hidden away to make it perfect, for the both of us. I knew Asher loved the apartment. He even decorated the whole thing himself. His little shelf of plants was his prized possession. 

"You're so fucking cute," I couldn't help but playfully push him backwards until he was lying flat on our bed, with me over the top of him. 

"I'm going a bit off topic here," he took a pause, "Do you want to christen the bed?" 

"What?" I knew exactly what he was asking, but it seemed so strange for him to ask. It's usually always me that does. 

"You know, like hardcore fuc-"

"Yeah, I know what you meant. I just couldn't believe you said it," his hands made their way up my shirt. He slowly felt up my body, his hands ran everywhere they could. 

"Well, you in this position gets me in the mood," he raised his eyebrows,  sporting a cheeky grin upon his face. The little minx. 

"Alright then, get ready for it," I quickly jumped off the bed, shutting the curtains across the windows. No one else needed to see what I was going to do to him. 


"Don't," I said softly.

"Don't what?" Asher asked, confused. 

"Don't put your pants back on," he dropped the pair back to the floor almost immediately. He didn't need to be told twice. 


"I just want to look at you. All of you," he got up from the bed. His ass looked beautiful, a gorgeous shade of red after I hit it a fair few times. Every single time we have sex, it's like something unlocks within his mind. Or, he's just been watching a lot of kinky porn. Most likely a mix of both. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen, opening the pantry. 

"No. I've just eaten," it's true.

"I don't mean me. I meant actual food," I loved how his cheeks seemed to blush more and more after everything I said.

"You're actual food, are you not?" he looked fed up with me. I'd happily have him again if he keeps looking at me like that. 

"Stop being a whore Zandy," I rolled my eyes at him. He never lets me have anymore fun. 

"Fine, fine," I stood up from the bed, walking into the kitchen to stand behind him. I rested my chin on his shoulder, the both of us were still butt naked. 

"You still haven't told me what you wanted," he said, turning around to face me. 

"Yes I did. You. Apparently that's not acceptable, so I'll cook us French Toast for breakfast. Go sit down," he walked out of my hold, but not before placing a deep kiss to my lips. I wasn't complaining though. 

"Can I get dressed now?" he sat down at the breakfast bar, "The chair is cold."

I thought for a second, "Hmm. No," he pretended to be annoyed, but I knew he secretly liked walking around nude. 

"Just sit tightly Sweet," I told him as I prepared breakfast prepared. 

"Sweet? That's a new one, " he was right. I'd never called him sweet before as a nickname. It sounded like one an old couple would use, "Why sweet?"

"Well you are my Sweet Boy, so I guess it fits."

"Oh God. I can deal with Sweet as a pet name. But Sweet Boy? Hell no," I laughed at the face he pulled. It's like he could smell shit or something. 

"No I think I like Sweet Boy," I teased him further.

"Not the boy! I sound like a dog!" he protested. 

"Fine, not the boy," I groaned.

I won't say it to his face, but he was definitely still my Sweet Boy. That wasn't going to change. Not one bit.


omg its finished. my first ever book is finished and its all thanks to you guys.

i am so grateful to every single one of you that read, commented, voted. you are the ones that have literally made my life better and made me want to keep writing.

i think it is now time to say goodbye to all of you lovely people and all the characters in this book. BUT NOT BEFORE I RELEASE A MINI CHARACTER Q&A SO ANY LAST QUESTIONS FOR ANY CHARACTER, PLEASE DROP THEM HERE.

ok. now I will sign off the last major chapter. i love all of you.

i'll see yall on the other side


vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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