twenty one

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(warning: this chapter will contain features that may involve drug abuse, alcohol abuse, bullying, use of derogatory lgbtq+ terms, fighting and blood. please read with care)

"I have two bottles of lemonade, a carton of beer and some weed. Which should we start with? "

"Weed and beer. Do we even need the lemonade?"

"No. Probably not. I have some JD & cola and vodka in the back fridge as well. It's dad's, but he wouldn't notice."

I sat with Mitchell on his back porch. We had just gotten out of his pool. It was also a Friday night and we just wanted to have a bit of fun.

I was already three beers in. It didn't do much to me, but I was getting a little tipsy. "I'm hoping back in the pool for a bit," I yell out, unnecessarily loud.

The pool was beautiful. It had its own heat up function and colour changing lights. I loved it. It was my favourite part about coming over to Mitchell's in the summer.

"Please don't drown while you're in there! You know what you're like drunk and high," Mitchell was right. I seemed to become a bit careless and clumsy when I was a little under the influence. I wasn't too far gone yet though. We hadn't even brought out the JD & cola and vodka yet.

"I'll be fine. I'm just taking another quick dip before we head back in."

I slid into the shallow end of the pool. I just walked around. I was stuck in my own world. A world where my family was still around and I wasn't a drunk and high mess every weekend.

Mitchell came back in the pool after me. Slowly walking further into the deep end until he was next to me. I was perched up on the side of the pool, neck deep in water and my arms sitting on the ledge.

I was still deep in thought. I wanted to ask him something. Something I had known for a while but never had the guts to say to him.

I hope he takes it well. I mean, he is my best friend after all.

"Can I ask you something?" I break the silence.

"Yeah. What's up Zay?" he turned his head to face me. I looked him over. I did think he was cute and he had a really nice face, but as I said, he was my best friend and I was not going to ruin my relationship with my best friend just because I liked the look of his cute face.

"What's your opinion on, like, gay people?" he looked confused at the question, but didn't cringe at it like expected.

"What would make you ask that?" I knew he would be suspicious. He has tried to get me with multiple girls before, but I always turned them down without explanation.

"I don't know? I think one of my cousin's is gay but won't tell me. I just wanted to know what you thought?" I tried to make up a lie for the question. I wanted the strength to be able to come out to him and wanted to know his opinion before I went all out.

"I mean, I don't not like gay people. I don't know anyone that is gay so I can't really say I have a problem with them if I don't know any. Like, if I saw a gay couple kissing in public, I wouldn't think it's gross or anything. But if another dude were to kiss me, I would. But I mean, that's because I don't like dudes. I like chicks and pussy. It doesn't mean I hate gays though."

I wasn't expecting such a deep and honest reply from him. He'd drunk more than me though, so he was a bit more talkative than usual. Mitchell always becomes more talkative when he's drunk.

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