thirty five

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highly recommend listening to the song! it is fire!!!! (the lyrics aren't correct on the screen lol) who cares because it is an amazing remix and yeah go listen to it please and thanks x


"You're such a cliche," I told Zander once he received his prize from winning the basketball game and handing it over to me.

"Well. Sometimes being a cliche is a good thing, is it not?" I shook my head, giving the massive stuffed teddy bear a hug.

"Thank you," I told him, giving him a side hug and a kiss on his cheek. I noticed people staring, but I didn't care. They can look for all I care.

"Do you mind if we go pop this back in to your car? I don't really want to carry around a teddy bear that's almost bigger than me. And that weighs a tonne," he nodded his head as we both walked back towards the car.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, it must be Pip summoning us back.

"Hey Zandy, can you get my phone out my back pocket please?" I asked kindly. The bear took both of my hands.

"Yeah," I stopped walking for a second, so he was able to pull it out.

"I said for you to get my phone out, not squeeze my ass in public!" God, he is impossible.

"Sorry, my hands slipped," he eventually pulled my phone out my pocket, and came back to stand in front of me. He looked so gorgeous right now, "It's Pip, she wants us to meet her in front of, 'Moe's fast-food and take-away', she says it's just behind the massive swing thing," I nodded my head. We kind of split from Pip and Isaiah at the start, and this was supposed to be a double date.

I placed the teddy in his back seat, put a seat belt on him and shut the door behind.

I stood on my toes, and gave him a kiss, a proper kiss. I missed kissing him. He does it so well and he's so warm. He grabbed at the side of my face with his hands, putting them through my hair. I loved it when he played with my hair. We eventually pulled away.

"What was that for babe?" he asked, fixing up my hair.

"I don't know. I just felt like it," we didn't need to say anymore. I was feeling bold though, I don't know why. Something was just coming over me and it's like I had to publicly show my affection for him. Everyone needs to know he is mine. I can't let him go again.

I grabbed a hold of his hand as we walked through the gates of the carnival again, showing our tickets to the gatekeeper.

Our arms were entwined, people were staring at the two of us. I hadn't seen another gay couple out here yet, no one has had the chance to stare yet. I noticed all of them though. I shouldn't have, but I did. The stares from people that ended with a smile, those are the good ones. But the stares when people screw up their noses and cover their kids eyes, those I hate.

I saw the middle-aged woman coming towards us from a distance. As soon as she looked away from her kids and up towards us again, her face showed one of pure disgust. She grabbed the arms of her kids and walked back in the other direction. I thought the world was becoming more accepting, yet this still happens.

I dropped my head, I didn't want to see it anymore. I felt an uncontrollable tear fall from my eye. Zander noticed it.

He turned around quickly and stood in front of me, blocking my view. He still had a tight hold of my hand in his when he picked up the other one.

"Don't even worry about that bitch, alright? I can see you're upset about it, I noticed too. Just be you, alright? I want you to be your happy self when you're with me. Forget about everyone else, and just be you," I lean in to hug him tightly. Who cares if people were still around and we were standing in the middle of the walkway, I needed to feel him and know he was there.

"Come on, they're waiting on us," he pulled away, but still held a hold on my hand as we walked towards the table Pip and Isaiah were sitting at and sat down on the other side.

"Hey boo, what's wrong?" she could always tell when something was the matter. That's the amazing thing about Pip, she could read people so well and could always make you feel better.

Zander knew that I wouldn't want to say anything, so he spoke for me, "Just came across some people that didn't like us, if you know what I mean. Nothing bad happened, but it was still quite upsetting," I nodded my head, agreeing with him.

"Oh babe, did you tell them to fuck off and go die in a hole?" I laughed at her. She quickly stood up, walked around the table, and sat in my lap. Not in the seat next to me, but in my lap. "You know I love you right, so don't let them dirty ass hoe bags affect you, alright?"

"It was a mother and her kids."

"As I said, dirty ass hoe bags," we all laughed at her. She lightened everyone's mood immediately. What would I do without her?

"Anyway, on a different note. Ash, stop stealing my girlfriend," Pip laughed at him, as she quickly got up and off me, and sat in Isaiah's lap instead. He hooked his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug as well as kissing her cheek.

"Okay, so let's stop with the adorables and get some food, cause I'm hungry and Ash needs cheering up, so food! Please," Zander gave a sweet smile at the end.

We all stood up from the table and walked to the little food truck. Pip ordered a loaded hotdog, because, as she said, "felt like it". Isaiah ordered a pepperoni pizza and a caramel milkshake to share with Pip.

"I'll have a chicken burger please, no tomato. What do you want?" Zander turned around to ask me.

"Chicken nuggets!"

"You're such a child," I gave a cheeky grin. You can never be too old for chicken nuggets.

"Oh, and fries!" I walked back to the table and sat down, Zander offered to pay for this one since I paid for our last couple of rides. Soon enough, all our food came over and we indulged ourselves in it.

"Damn, I didn't get me any napkins," Isaiah stood up, walking back to the food truck. Whilst he wasn't looking, I stole a piece of his pizza. Don't get me wrong, I loved my nuggets and fries, but I had been staring that pizza down since he got it. 

Pip noticed but didn't say anything, she knew I couldn't resist pizza. Why didn't I get the goddamn pizza!

Isaiah sat back down, at the table and stared at his food. He knew. "Pip, give me my pizza back!" he hasn't even looked my way yet. The fool.

"Don't look at me, look at him!" she pointed at me. The traitor.

"Ash," he dragged it along. "That was mine," he pulled on a fake sad face. Unfortunately for him though, I shoved the rest of the pizza in my mouth. He ain't getting it back now. He let off a gasp, "You. Are. A horrible human being. I'm telling Conan,"

"What's he going to do?"

"I'll make him, hmm, I don't know. Let me sit on that one for a bit and I'll get back to it," we all laughed as we finished off our food.

The night was still young, we had plenty more to do after. I still hadn't gone on the ferris wheel yet, and that's a must.


okay okay okay. how was that? was that good? i hoped  you liked it.

q: toast or cereal?

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thanks lovelies <3

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