twenty seven

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"Fuck off Conan!"

"How about you stop being a little bitch!"

"No! They're mine. Get your stanky hands off!"

"Give me the fucking chi-"

The bag of potato chips exploded in the air. Spraying them around before landing on the floor. Many of them shatter upon impact.

"Conan! You dickhead!"

"Me? That was all your fault. You can pick them up!"

"They were my snacks. You can buy me another bag you greedy piece of shit."

"Boys! You can both clean up this mess. Then you can go to the shops and buy me another bag of chips," Dad, walked out of the kitchen. Stepping on the chips littering the floor on his way out.

"I'm going to my room," Conan went to walk out the room, but I knew all too well that he would not return to clean the mess.

"No you don't," I yanked on the back of his hood, pulling him back. "This is more your mess than mine."

He rolled his eyes, walking to the cupboard under the sink, going to pick out the dustpan and broom. If he thinks that I'm helping, he is severely wrong.

As soon as he looked away, I sprinted as fast as I could out of there. It was his fault. He can clean it.

"Asher! You motherfucker! I'm going to kill you!" I slammed the door shut, locking it. I was not going to deal with his bad energy.

"What did you do this time?" I jumped at his voice. I forgot Zander was still in here.

"Nothing. I went down to get the chips, but he had the same idea. We kind of fought over them until the bag ripped open and flew everywhere," I guess it was kind of my fault as well, but I would never admit it. "If the scene were in slo-mo, it would look really majestic."

"You two are crazy," he shook his head. He placed the history book on his lap back into his bag.

"Guilty," I sighed and placed my hand up. I moved the book I was reading to my desk, before flopping backwards on to my bed.

It didn't take long for Zander to lean over me, one hand to my left, the other to the right side of my head. His eyes were gorgeous. His dirty blonde hair was perfect for me to run my hands through.

"What are you doing?" his voice was low, it was sexy.

"Just admiring you," I wasn't going to lie. I had grown so much closer with him, he could tell when I was lying. Apparently I screw up my nose.

"Admiring? That's a strong word," he was in a very provocative position and my body was reacting to it. How does he always make me react like this?

I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared deep into his gorgeous blue eyes. I was so close to him that I could see the golden speckles. They were beautiful.

"You two done eyefucking each other?"

"Conan? What the fuck?" I quickly pushed Zander off. I could see Conan out of the window. He was lying on the roof with his head coming over the edge, clearly seeing inside my room. "I swear I'm going to kill you soon," I slammed the window shut and shut the curtains. Instantly darkening the room.

"You're brother is a buzz kill," Zander said, laughing it off.

"Tell me about it."


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