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I saw the two through the window.

When I went back to the classroom to retrieve my forgotten textbook. I didn't expect to see those two making out.

Asher and Zander.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. Taking a snap of the lip locked pair before quickly darting back out of the room and straight to the cafeteria, this time with the textbook.

I have no doubt in mind that my next conversation with the two will be quite eventful.


"Will you be at practice?" he asked, still sitting firmly next to me on the grass.

"Sitting and watching, yes. Joining in, absolutely not!" we both laughed at the statement.

"Well no shit sherlock, I don't expect you to join in. I know you won't be able to handle it," excuse me?

"I can so handle it! I just choose not too."

"Sure, sure. Keep on dreamin' boy," the sound of the obnoxious school bell rang throughout the courtyard.

We stood up in unison, picking up our stuff before walking inside. We said our goodbyes before walking our separate ways.


pipster ;)
Alright so I have a theory
Zander is secretly an alien that has come to planet Earth so seduce the human race so he can reign supreme

what the fuck?

pipster ;)
I was watching a show with aliens and the main character kinda looked like him
Don't at me

why were you watching a show about aliens?

pipster ;)
Cause daytime tv sucks balls
Everything else sucked
Plus, hot aliens

im concerned for you
are you sure that burn has done you no harm?

pipster ;)
I'm 100% perfect
I have a fat bowl of popcorn
I have a guy that may actually be interested in me
And I have you to keep me company!

you are 100% insane
popcorn is bleh
do you think isaiah likes you?
and im t r y i n g to do homework

pipster ;)
Ok ok
Isaiah and I have been messaging each other back and forth all week now and has hinted on taking me out

with a gun or on a date?

pipster ;)
With a gun stupid

damn it

pipster ;)
Dumb fuck
He said he wanted to take me to a ice hockey match because I have never been to one before
Apparently that makes me "uncultured"

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